
Take a listen. Grow-Listen-Eat

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Take a listen. Grow-Listen-Eat

    Adam Thinking

    Adam Thinking

    Ever heard of the Adam Mindset? Well let me explain.....

    • 2分
    No More Full Stops

    No More Full Stops

    We need to get rid of the full stops in our lives concerning God. What do I mean by that?

    Well I basically mean stop dividing your life into sections that consist of holy sections, secular sections, fun sections, sad sections, work sections, travel sections and relationship sections. Life should be not be divided into parts or sections, it should be one continuous sentence that has comers but no full stops.

    We often pray in church or over a task that will be done to bless people but not when we are at work, buying groceries, hanging out with friends, cooking the dinner and doing our hair.

    Everything you do is holy and unto the Lord. God wants to be in everything and he does not want to be stopped because you have placed a full stop instead of a comer.

    He wants to get involved and be invited when you get onto the train, when you catch the bus, when you give a presentation at work and when you are driving in traffic. Everything you do is holy unto the Lord. Do not confine God to your Sunday events, private worship and church ministrations. That is good but what is even better is when you wake up, get showered, get dressed, leave the house, travel, meet friends, speak with your family, the good and the bad ones. Watch a movie, watch TV, have conversations and include him in it all.

    Everything you do and say is unto God especially the mundane things and everything in-between from paying bills, taking care of your children and attending functions you could care nothing for. God is in you and He is Holy, this makes you holy and whatever you do is holy. Have God in mind in all that you do and invite him in. He is interested in the small stuff, the boring stuff and the everyday routine stuff, He doesn’t like full stops but comers are always best.

    Stop living with the full stops.

    • 1分
    The Golden Years

    The Golden Years

    We are living in the golden years.

    The reason I say this is because currently in the western world Christians are able to get up and go to their place of worship on any given day and time. Hold conferences, advertise freely and speak about their faith.

    We are not persecuted in the street. We are not spat upon and our ways are honoured in our land, well to a certain extent. People still hold true to Christian norms and values and we can all agree in unity when something or someone is outright absurd or negligent in their speech and actions.

    We can talk freely amongst our work colleagues about things we believe and hold a form of rectitude and benevolence towards our fellow man. We are free to come and go as we please.
    Take our children out to church run activities, have them attend Christian schools and be taught things that is honouring to our faith.
    Let me just quickly state that life is by no means perfect and as long as there is sin in the world there will always be issues of injustice, race, corruption, illicit behaviour and a lack of self control and the like but I must say that these are indeed the golden ages and we may not have even known it.

    In the years ahead you will see more and more changes in attitudes towards what Christians believe and we can see little shadows of this in the common laws, e.g. redefining marriage. Transgender options becoming more prevalent and attitudes towards raising children, sex and more.

    Our ways will be looked upon as old fashioned and outdated. Sex reserved for marriage as a swear word and an impossible feat for many to comprehend. Being kind to your fellow neighbour without them first doing something in exchange makes no sense and giving to those less fortunate will be looked upon as a waste of hard earned money. No one openly confessing Christ as Lord in fear of prosecution or death.

    Lawlessness will be a normal way of life for many people, yes even the good ones. Houses will be checked for Christian literature and parents asked to enforce the current world system into their homes. Being a Christian will become a lot harder and more of a struggle. Everyone will become suspicious of each other. Spying on behaviours contrary to that of the worlds and instead of welcoming you into their homes they will despise the fact that you serve Jesus.

    Loneliness and alienation will become all too real to many and Christians meeting in homes like the days of the first church in Acts will become very familiar.

    Many will give up on their faith and recall the memories of the 'good ol' days or the golden years to be more specific. The years when you were able to come and go as you please and raise your children the best way you saw fit and not hide who you were or what you believed.

    These are the golden years. You are living and experiencing it right now!

    • 2分
    When there's a fly in the ointment

    When there's a fly in the ointment

    2 Timothy 2v5
    They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!

    ...I found them!

    • 3分
    It's His Fault

    It's His Fault

    A very angry and upset man walked into the courts with hard evidence against the devil.

    “I’ve got it all right here.” The man shouted waving papers in his hands. The devil who was also in the courtroom, was shaking his head professing his innocence.

    “Your Honour this just isn’t true. I shouldn’t be here.” The devil exclaimed.

    The judge called them both forward to hear their side of the story. James had brought a case against the devil, boldly declaring that he was the one who had led him to sin and messed up his day. The devil shook his head denying the claims that he had ever been involved.
    “I did no such thing your honour.” The devil said.
    “Liarrrr!” James shouted.
    The Judge brings the court to order and looks over at James.
    “Please can you tell me your side of the story and include all the evidence you have.”

    • 6分
    Do not Abort!

    Do not Abort!

    Did you know that everyday people are making the decision to have abortions? It is happening right as I speak especially in Christian–dom. But its not the kind that you might think.

    People have aborted dreams, ideas and promises that God has given them. They were handed an idea, a promise for something that they truly desire and wanted, but the process was either to long, someone talked them out of it. They had an unpleasant experience or they heard that it would be more trouble than its worth, and decided to confess that this could never happen for them.
    And so they aborted their dream. They flushed the promise down the drain and decided that God did not come through.

    Every single day abortions are happening and the enemy is having a field day. Lost hope. Lost expectation.
    Promises set to come to pass at a given time have been left by the roadside. Promises of marriage, promises of a new house, promises of a new career, a car, a child, an invention – but with all these promises there are many who decided to agree with how they felt instead of what they were told and started to believe what the devil whispered into their ears.

    “You’ve waited far to long, no one will ever marry you.”
    “You don’t even have enough money how are you going to buy a house?”
    “God still hasn’t come through for you, you will never get that job.”
    “Your eggs don’t work, you can never have a baby.”

    Some have thought that the promises are too big, or too small. Some have thought of it as an inconvenience and have said that its just not the right time and others just believed that it really wasn’t for them, and that they didn’t deserve it.
    Dreams have died. Breakthroughs lost and ideas washed away because you decided to have an abortion, sometimes by choice and others by force.
    You sometimes think what if I had had that baby, if I had stayed with that dream, if I had held onto that promise. If I had waited to be married, how would my life now be? What if I didn’t walk away from God and abort the very thing he wanted to give to me.

    Don’t abort your dream and Gods promises for your life. Jesus wants to freely give it to you. Too many abortions are happening and we are loosing innovative, heavenly, and wonderful, supernatural ideas.

    Make the choice to have the baby. To nurture it and push pass the barriers and give birth to that divine idea and that promise.

    Do not abort.

    • 2分


TBSラジオ『ジェーン・スーと堀井美香の「OVER THE SUN」』
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