
Writers of PopulationGO.com discuss topics about anime, comics, film, manga, video games and other mediums within geek and otaku culture.

POPcast GO Population GO

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Writers of PopulationGO.com discuss topics about anime, comics, film, manga, video games and other mediums within geek and otaku culture.

    Episode 87: The Farewell

    Episode 87: The Farewell

    In this final episode, Alex, Calvin, Jason, Mike, and Paolo look back on the five years that have been Population GO, highlighting personal moments that stood out as members of the site. Also included are special messages from other staff members who could not join us for the live recording. [PopulationGO.com]

    Episode 86: Where The Time Goes

    Episode 86: Where The Time Goes

    Alex, Calvin, and Dan discuss some random topics, most of which revolve around gaming. There’s talk on fan-made Pokémon games through RPG Maker, Fifa ‘16, and Metal Gear Solid V. There’s a little convention talk and some music talk from Gorillaz to a love for Hatsune Miku. [PopulationGO.com]

    Episode 85: PAX and Teapots on the Roof

    Episode 85: PAX and Teapots on the Roof

    Alex, Dan, and Michelle go the casual route and talk on a number of topics, of which include Alex’s attendance to PAX, Dan’s teapot research for industrial design, and Michelle’s diatribe how Kindred Spirits on the Roof coming to Steam is being handled. [PopulationGO.com]

    Episode 84: Extraordinary Anime Screw-ups

    Episode 84: Extraordinary Anime Screw-ups

    Let’s face it, screw-ups occur frequently in anime, from release dates to production quality. However, it’s when they happen to such a high degree that producers, creators, and the like have to apologize publicly for it is when things get exciting. Alex and Michelle discuss a few of the more infamous examples which include such titles as School Days and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. [PopulationGO.com]

    Episode 83: Media Consumption

    Episode 83: Media Consumption

    In a car, in a train, on a boat, on a plane, it seems today’s technology is allowing us to consume our favorite media in a new way. Alex and Dan share some of their thoughts as a mass of media are becoming more widely available through digital means. [PopulationGO.com]

    Episode 82: Sports: Geek vs. Otaku

    Episode 82: Sports: Geek vs. Otaku

    Alex, Dan, and Paolo talk sports, but not in the traditional sense. The guys compare and contrast eastern and western mediums when they tackle the sports genre. [PopulationGO.com]


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