
"Preparation breeds confidence, and confidence breeds success.": - Ep:270 Inspiration Nation

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In this engaging episode of the podcast, Ryan Boniface and Jose Noya discuss the importance of preparation and confidence in various professional settings, especially during interviews. With Lee Kemp absent due to a corporate event in London, Ryan and Jose delve into a quote from Tony Robbins: "Preparation breeds confidence, and confidence breeds success." They share personal anecdotes and insights on how thorough preparation can significantly impact performance in interviews and other high-s...

In this engaging episode of the podcast, Ryan Boniface and Jose Noya discuss the importance of preparation and confidence in various professional settings, especially during interviews. With Lee Kemp absent due to a corporate event in London, Ryan and Jose delve into a quote from Tony Robbins: "Preparation breeds confidence, and confidence breeds success." They share personal anecdotes and insights on how thorough preparation can significantly impact performance in interviews and other high-s...
