
Primary Education Summit 2023 - NAPE 083 National Association for Primary Education

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National Association for Primary Education is proud to present a Primary Education Summit 'Visions for the Future' over two weeks starting on 15th March 2023. This is intended to promote discussion about the type of rich and engaging primary education which will enable all our children to meet the challenges they face now and in the future. This will include the annual Christian Schiller Lecture 'Values-based Education - the beating heart of Primary Education' presented by Dr. Neil Hawkes, eleven pre-recorded guest presentations and four live panel discussions led by prominent figures in primary education. Full details of these are given below. We very much hope that you will wish to join us for some or all of these sessions - and let other people in your school or organization know.

National Association for Primary Education is proud to present a Primary Education Summit 'Visions for the Future' over two weeks starting on 15th March 2023. This is intended to promote discussion about the type of rich and engaging primary education which will enable all our children to meet the challenges they face now and in the future. This will include the annual Christian Schiller Lecture 'Values-based Education - the beating heart of Primary Education' presented by Dr. Neil Hawkes, eleven pre-recorded guest presentations and four live panel discussions led by prominent figures in primary education. Full details of these are given below. We very much hope that you will wish to join us for some or all of these sessions - and let other people in your school or organization know.
