
Rambam's Mishneh Torah: Class 74 Shiviti Rambam's Mishneh Torah

    • ユダヤ教

Class 74: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabban Gamliel; a tangent on the laws of Giyur (conversion); cut short for a private session off camera; and more! (2/8/2022)

Tonight's Shiur is dedicated in loving memory of Daniel Schwartz (Yitzchak Daniel ben Moshe Ze'ev) z"l, a founding member of the Shiviti Bet Midrash and Kehillat Shaar HaShamayim. May his Neshamah have an Aliyah in Gan Eden, Amen!

Thank you to Baruch (Barry) Savin for contributing to the description above.
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to info@shiviti.org. Tizku L’Mitzvot!

Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)

Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!

Class 74: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabban Gamliel; a tangent on the laws of Giyur (conversion); cut short for a private session off camera; and more! (2/8/2022)

Tonight's Shiur is dedicated in loving memory of Daniel Schwartz (Yitzchak Daniel ben Moshe Ze'ev) z"l, a founding member of the Shiviti Bet Midrash and Kehillat Shaar HaShamayim. May his Neshamah have an Aliyah in Gan Eden, Amen!

Thank you to Baruch (Barry) Savin for contributing to the description above.
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to info@shiviti.org. Tizku L’Mitzvot!

Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)

Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
