
Reaching the Lost in the Farthest Corners White Fields Ministry

    • キリスト教

It’s wonderful to hear about Pastor Able and his wife, Brighton, serving their ministry in Garuka with such dedication. They go far out into the remote regions to visit families living in areas outside the village. It’s heartwarming to see such compassion and care for those in need.

Pastor Able shares in his report:

“We have reached out to the community through home visits, and this month, we visited thirty homes and shared the Word of God with forty-five males and fifty-seven females. Some of them are already church members, while others are people with whom we are sharing the gospel. Many have promised to visit us at the church. We count it a blessing to be used by God for His cause.”

The compassion and support shown by White Fields partners have significantly impacted the ministry of Pastor Able. Thanks to their kindness, White Fields purchased a motorbike, so he no longer has to walk for hours to visit the first house on his list. With his motorbike, he can now reach many more people and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them. The generosity of these donors is truly inspiring and has made a tangible difference in the lives of many.

Pastor Arnel in the Philippines Shares:

The number of young people attending our weekly Bible study is increasing. We prioritize prayer for our youth and concentrate on equipping and mentoring them for missionary work. The young generation holds significant influence in their communities and can impact the beliefs and actions of their peers as well as their families.

God remains faithful and continues to provide for our needs. The children’s ministry team is reaching out to families in the community with dedication.

Our goal is to spread God’s love by collaborating with our families and providing assistance to those in need beyond our community. We strive to set an example as families and followers of Christ. Our Children’s Ministry Team is dedicated to offering necessary resources and prayers to the families under our care. The church is making great strides in spreading the gospel and touching the lives of more families every day. I earnestly encourage your prayers as we support this church on its journey. You can view of the beautiful photos shared on the Whitefields.org website, where you will find captivating pictures of the youth gatherings and children coloring Bible Story pages with the art supplies generously donated by our partners at White Fields.

Sharing among the Buddhist majority religion people is often a difficult task. The people have been consumed with idolatry and they have lost hope that their religion is to serve non-existent, dead gods. When I hear a testimony like the one pastor Aye shares, I understand how the mind of this woman in his town was thinking. She has heard that she is a sinner and needs to believe in Jesus for her forgiveness, but she wonders if he is a living God or if he is just another idol like the gods she has been serving.

Pastor Aye Min Htun serving in Myanmar

Pastor Aye Htun reported that they have reached several people in Yukyi with the gospel message. Among them is a woman named Ma Ih Ih, who has received Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. When Pastor Aye met her,

It’s wonderful to hear about Pastor Able and his wife, Brighton, serving their ministry in Garuka with such dedication. They go far out into the remote regions to visit families living in areas outside the village. It’s heartwarming to see such compassion and care for those in need.

Pastor Able shares in his report:

“We have reached out to the community through home visits, and this month, we visited thirty homes and shared the Word of God with forty-five males and fifty-seven females. Some of them are already church members, while others are people with whom we are sharing the gospel. Many have promised to visit us at the church. We count it a blessing to be used by God for His cause.”

The compassion and support shown by White Fields partners have significantly impacted the ministry of Pastor Able. Thanks to their kindness, White Fields purchased a motorbike, so he no longer has to walk for hours to visit the first house on his list. With his motorbike, he can now reach many more people and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them. The generosity of these donors is truly inspiring and has made a tangible difference in the lives of many.

Pastor Arnel in the Philippines Shares:

The number of young people attending our weekly Bible study is increasing. We prioritize prayer for our youth and concentrate on equipping and mentoring them for missionary work. The young generation holds significant influence in their communities and can impact the beliefs and actions of their peers as well as their families.

God remains faithful and continues to provide for our needs. The children’s ministry team is reaching out to families in the community with dedication.

Our goal is to spread God’s love by collaborating with our families and providing assistance to those in need beyond our community. We strive to set an example as families and followers of Christ. Our Children’s Ministry Team is dedicated to offering necessary resources and prayers to the families under our care. The church is making great strides in spreading the gospel and touching the lives of more families every day. I earnestly encourage your prayers as we support this church on its journey. You can view of the beautiful photos shared on the Whitefields.org website, where you will find captivating pictures of the youth gatherings and children coloring Bible Story pages with the art supplies generously donated by our partners at White Fields.

Sharing among the Buddhist majority religion people is often a difficult task. The people have been consumed with idolatry and they have lost hope that their religion is to serve non-existent, dead gods. When I hear a testimony like the one pastor Aye shares, I understand how the mind of this woman in his town was thinking. She has heard that she is a sinner and needs to believe in Jesus for her forgiveness, but she wonders if he is a living God or if he is just another idol like the gods she has been serving.

Pastor Aye Min Htun serving in Myanmar

Pastor Aye Htun reported that they have reached several people in Yukyi with the gospel message. Among them is a woman named Ma Ih Ih, who has received Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. When Pastor Aye met her,
