
ReCast 07: The Lord of the Rings: Part II PodCast ReCast

    • テレビ番組/映画

On this Episode we look to recast the The Lord of the Rings.. ...who will we pick to play pretty much the whole cast we didn't cover in part 1? Will we cover the hobbits? Only one way to find out... 

The PodCast where we ReCast your favourite movies as if they were being made today. Each episode we're each given a time machine card which lets us age or make younger an actor of our choice to make them fit the role. We talk about who we've picked and why they would be great for the role. We make a final choice for each role and summarise in the end. But of course there's only one correct answer in every case... Andy Serkis in a motion capture suit.

On this Episode we look to recast the The Lord of the Rings.. ...who will we pick to play pretty much the whole cast we didn't cover in part 1? Will we cover the hobbits? Only one way to find out... 

The PodCast where we ReCast your favourite movies as if they were being made today. Each episode we're each given a time machine card which lets us age or make younger an actor of our choice to make them fit the role. We talk about who we've picked and why they would be great for the role. We make a final choice for each role and summarise in the end. But of course there's only one correct answer in every case... Andy Serkis in a motion capture suit.



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もっと、光る君へ NHKラジオ「ラジオ深夜便」
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
アフタートーク NHKラジオ「アニメ・ステラー」
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)