
Room #3 - Transformative Social Change Through Ecotourism with Carmen Boudargham EcoHouse

    • 非営利

Decisions about Nature-based Solutions will not be made without us, add your voice to our Youth Position!

Questions of this episode:

Introduction about Carmen and her passions (why she joined Cezar/ why she’s interested in ecotourism)

A brief history about the launching of Cezar projects/ where did the idea come from


Target (age) and why they are focusing on this target

Success story to share with us

Challenges faced and interventions taken

Future projects


How they are planning to teach/reach self-sufficiency and sustainability through agritourism and ecotourism

EcoHouse is a youth-led project powered by the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) and the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) that aims for spreading awareness about the Youth Manifesto and educating youth about how important their voice and action is in advocating for the environment and conservation efforts mainly in the Middle East and North Africa region.

We aspire to do this through this podcast by creating an inclusive community for not only nature enthusiasts but also individuals who seek positive change and aim to be part of it.

Decisions about Nature-based Solutions will not be made without us, add your voice to our Youth Position!

Questions of this episode:

Introduction about Carmen and her passions (why she joined Cezar/ why she’s interested in ecotourism)

A brief history about the launching of Cezar projects/ where did the idea come from


Target (age) and why they are focusing on this target

Success story to share with us

Challenges faced and interventions taken

Future projects


How they are planning to teach/reach self-sufficiency and sustainability through agritourism and ecotourism

EcoHouse is a youth-led project powered by the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) and the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) that aims for spreading awareness about the Youth Manifesto and educating youth about how important their voice and action is in advocating for the environment and conservation efforts mainly in the Middle East and North Africa region.

We aspire to do this through this podcast by creating an inclusive community for not only nature enthusiasts but also individuals who seek positive change and aim to be part of it.
