
Savitri Class in Hindi with Alok Pandey

Savitri Study Classes in Hindi Dr. Alok Pandey

    • 宗教/スピリチュアル

Savitri Class in Hindi with Alok Pandey

    SH 350: सावित्री में दिव्य जननी

    SH 350: सावित्री में दिव्य जननी

    This is the last of the talks on Savitri Hindi series and summarises it as a story of the Divine Mother.

    • 1 時間12分
    SH 349: From Dawn to Greater Dawn

    SH 349: From Dawn to Greater Dawn

    pp. 720-724

    • 57分
    SH 348: The Meeting of Earth and Heaven

    SH 348: The Meeting of Earth and Heaven

    pp. 718-720

    • 51分
    SH 347: The Return to Earth

    SH 347: The Return to Earth

    pp. 712-718, Today we read the first portion of Book Twelve (Epilogue) wherein Savitri and Satyavan return to Earth after securing the boons.

    • 53分
    SH 346: The Promise and the Assurance

    SH 346: The Promise and the Assurance

    pp. 710-712, We read the penultimate part of the boon received by Savitri and its implications for earth and humanity.

    • 57分
    SH 345: Superman as the Leader of Earthly Life

    SH 345: Superman as the Leader of Earthly Life

    pp. 707-710; The passage read today takes the prophecy further and reveals to us the coming of the Superman.

    • 1 時間


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