
Shavuos - Kavod HaTorah Nitzotzos: Thoughts to keep your spark alive

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In this shiur, delivered in Darchei Binah, Rav Burg explains how the nature of Torah is that it changes us. Only through Torah can we move from animal to Godly and therefore Torah must play a central role in our lives. The challenge of Torah is visualizing ourselves at Kabbalas HaTorah. It is difficult to believe that we are truly capable of change.

Link for sources: www.sefaria.org/sheets/565776

In this shiur, delivered in Darchei Binah, Rav Burg explains how the nature of Torah is that it changes us. Only through Torah can we move from animal to Godly and therefore Torah must play a central role in our lives. The challenge of Torah is visualizing ourselves at Kabbalas HaTorah. It is difficult to believe that we are truly capable of change.

Link for sources: www.sefaria.org/sheets/565776
