
Shemini שמיני 2024 Truth versus Kindness Inspirational Thoughts on the Parsha

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Moshe Rabbeinu represents truth, which is constant and unwavering -no matter the circumstance. Aharon Hakohen represents kindness, which represents receiving everybody on their level. Everyone is different, and that’s why Moshe Rabbeinu wanted Aharon Hakohen to eat from all the Karbanos on the day of the inauguration of the Mishkan, even though he was in mourning. In a deeper sense, Aaron Hakohen explains to Moshe that as powerful as truth is, the essential purpose of truth is not in the abstract, but since all people cannot be equally holy, each person should connect to it on their own level.
לקו״ש י״ז

Moshe Rabbeinu represents truth, which is constant and unwavering -no matter the circumstance. Aharon Hakohen represents kindness, which represents receiving everybody on their level. Everyone is different, and that’s why Moshe Rabbeinu wanted Aharon Hakohen to eat from all the Karbanos on the day of the inauguration of the Mishkan, even though he was in mourning. In a deeper sense, Aaron Hakohen explains to Moshe that as powerful as truth is, the essential purpose of truth is not in the abstract, but since all people cannot be equally holy, each person should connect to it on their own level.
לקו״ש י״ז
