
Tazria תזריע 202 How to Judge if you must Inspirational Thoughts on the Parsha

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The laws of a Metzora are split into two. First we need a wise man who is proficient with all the laws, to decide if this person is impure. Second, we must have a Cohen to actually proclaim him impure. Although he might not know the laws, but because the Cohen is recognized as someone who blesses the Jewish people with love, and is known as a person of kindness, we are assured that he will be certain before he makes his proclamation. He will certainly question and requisition the wise man to make sure that the person is impure, because he truly feels and understands the consequences. He understands that if the person actually becomes a Metzora that he will be sent out of the community.
לקו״ש כז

The laws of a Metzora are split into two. First we need a wise man who is proficient with all the laws, to decide if this person is impure. Second, we must have a Cohen to actually proclaim him impure. Although he might not know the laws, but because the Cohen is recognized as someone who blesses the Jewish people with love, and is known as a person of kindness, we are assured that he will be certain before he makes his proclamation. He will certainly question and requisition the wise man to make sure that the person is impure, because he truly feels and understands the consequences. He understands that if the person actually becomes a Metzora that he will be sent out of the community.
לקו״ש כז
