
Terraform 1.8: Provider Defined Functions with Bruno Schaatsbergen vBrownBag

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Join Bruno Schaatsbergen, DevRel Manager at HashiCorp, in this detailed walkthrough of Terraform 1.8's new feature: Provider Defined Functions!

🔍 What you'll learn:

- Introduction to Provider Defined Functions: Discover what Provider Defined Functions are and why they're a game-changer for your DevOps workflows.
- Using Provider Defined Functions: Step-by-step instructions on how to implement these functions within your Terraform configurations.
- Building Your Own Functions: Tips and tricks on crafting custom functions.

0:00 - Intro
01:25 - What are they?
4:50 - How to use them!
19:56 - The Terraform Plugin Framework

Join Bruno Schaatsbergen, DevRel Manager at HashiCorp, in this detailed walkthrough of Terraform 1.8's new feature: Provider Defined Functions!

🔍 What you'll learn:

- Introduction to Provider Defined Functions: Discover what Provider Defined Functions are and why they're a game-changer for your DevOps workflows.
- Using Provider Defined Functions: Step-by-step instructions on how to implement these functions within your Terraform configurations.
- Building Your Own Functions: Tips and tricks on crafting custom functions.

0:00 - Intro
01:25 - What are they?
4:50 - How to use them!
19:56 - The Terraform Plugin Framework
