
The 18th Mile: It’s Not the Finish Line Leaders Should Focus On RapidStart Leadership Podcast

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Most people know that a marathon is 26.2 miles long. Successful runners also know that it’s a mistake to focus solely on that distance. Smart leaders can benefit from similar thinking. Whatever marathon we are running with our teams, to get to that distant goal, it’s not the finish line we should focus on, it’s the 18th mile. Here’s why. Notes and Resources: Prefer to read? Here’s the full post:The 18th Mile: It’s Not the Finish Line Leaders Shoul...

Most people know that a marathon is 26.2 miles long. Successful runners also know that it’s a mistake to focus solely on that distance. Smart leaders can benefit from similar thinking. Whatever marathon we are running with our teams, to get to that distant goal, it’s not the finish line we should focus on, it’s the 18th mile. Here’s why. Notes and Resources: Prefer to read? Here’s the full post:The 18th Mile: It’s Not the Finish Line Leaders Shoul...
