
The promise of megaliving!‪!‬ Get better with AB

    • 自己啓発

Infinite riches are all around you if you will open your mental eyes
and behold the treasure house of infinity within you. There is a gold
mine within you from which you can extract everything you need to
live life gloriously, joyously and abundantly.
Joseph Murphy, Ph.D.,
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
The MegaLiving! 30 Day Program for Life Mastery is not a fad or
quick-fix course that will sustain your interest for a couple of weeks
and then take its place in the closet with all the other personal
development manuals you have bought in the past. It is a detailed
piece of research containing secret gems for life mastery prepared by
studying the success strategies of both the East and the West for over
a ten year period. You have dynamite in your hands whether you
realize it or not.
MegaLiving! is a complete program for the transformation of
your mind, body and character starting today. You have a golden
opportunity to be a true master of yourself and your existence. You can
make your world the bed of roses that you have always dreamed of, the
decision is yours alone. If you want this kind of a magical existence,
the golden key is to remember that your mind is the sole author of your
success. If you master your thoughts, you master your mind. Once you
master your mind, you master your life and when you master your life
you master your destiny.
Past experiences, failures or trouble spots have nothing to do with the potential that exists within you. If anything, past failure has
made you far wiser and stronger than you would have been without the
benefit of the experience. Pain is a teacher. Today, and every day, take
complete charge and responsibility for your life and all that is in it. If
you don’t have enough money and want more, decide to make changes
and take determined action to realize your dreams. If you want better
health and more energy, make a decision from your very core to
achieve greater vitality. If you want ideal relationships, dedicate
yourself to becoming the kind of person that sustains such bonds. But
it will not just come to you by chance. If you keep doing the same things
every day, you are certain to get the same results every day. Winners are
no different from less successful people, they have just learned to do
different things that give them their fabulous results. In the chapters
which follow and in the 30 Day Program for Life Mastery at the end of
this book, you will learn precisely the things that the peak performers
do to create rich, fulfilling lives.
Let me ask you a few questions and please take the time to
answer them (doers are achievers):Questions
Do you want to be a champion in life?
Do you want more mental power?
Do you want perfect health?
Do you want more energy and vitality?
Do you want to add fun to your life?
Do you want to fulfill your dreams?
Do you want more serenity in life?
Do you want more adventure in life?
Do you want a powerful character?
Do you want to live longer?
Do you seek self-mastery?
If you answered “YES!” to any one of these questions, this
program will be invaluable to you and your quest for a perfect life.
MegaLiving! blends the latest physical mastery and healthy lifestyle
techniques with ancient strategies of the East for mental conditioning
and character-building to offer a fully balanced owner’s manual for your mind, body and spirit. It is a holistic approach to personal growth
that, if applied daily and with sincere conviction, will ensure that you
will soar to heights higher than you ever dreamed possible. Thousands
of people have already used this program to profoundly (and quickly)
improve the quality of their lives and so can you. Ignite your desire and
stoke the fire in your belly for you will soon be MegaLiving!
Once you truly commit yourself to self-mastery and lifelong
success, you will appreciate how easy and fun it is. Small victories lead
to large victories.

Infinite riches are all around you if you will open your mental eyes
and behold the treasure house of infinity within you. There is a gold
mine within you from which you can extract everything you need to
live life gloriously, joyously and abundantly.
Joseph Murphy, Ph.D.,
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
The MegaLiving! 30 Day Program for Life Mastery is not a fad or
quick-fix course that will sustain your interest for a couple of weeks
and then take its place in the closet with all the other personal
development manuals you have bought in the past. It is a detailed
piece of research containing secret gems for life mastery prepared by
studying the success strategies of both the East and the West for over
a ten year period. You have dynamite in your hands whether you
realize it or not.
MegaLiving! is a complete program for the transformation of
your mind, body and character starting today. You have a golden
opportunity to be a true master of yourself and your existence. You can
make your world the bed of roses that you have always dreamed of, the
decision is yours alone. If you want this kind of a magical existence,
the golden key is to remember that your mind is the sole author of your
success. If you master your thoughts, you master your mind. Once you
master your mind, you master your life and when you master your life
you master your destiny.
Past experiences, failures or trouble spots have nothing to do with the potential that exists within you. If anything, past failure has
made you far wiser and stronger than you would have been without the
benefit of the experience. Pain is a teacher. Today, and every day, take
complete charge and responsibility for your life and all that is in it. If
you don’t have enough money and want more, decide to make changes
and take determined action to realize your dreams. If you want better
health and more energy, make a decision from your very core to
achieve greater vitality. If you want ideal relationships, dedicate
yourself to becoming the kind of person that sustains such bonds. But
it will not just come to you by chance. If you keep doing the same things
every day, you are certain to get the same results every day. Winners are
no different from less successful people, they have just learned to do
different things that give them their fabulous results. In the chapters
which follow and in the 30 Day Program for Life Mastery at the end of
this book, you will learn precisely the things that the peak performers
do to create rich, fulfilling lives.
Let me ask you a few questions and please take the time to
answer them (doers are achievers):Questions
Do you want to be a champion in life?
Do you want more mental power?
Do you want perfect health?
Do you want more energy and vitality?
Do you want to add fun to your life?
Do you want to fulfill your dreams?
Do you want more serenity in life?
Do you want more adventure in life?
Do you want a powerful character?
Do you want to live longer?
Do you seek self-mastery?
If you answered “YES!” to any one of these questions, this
program will be invaluable to you and your quest for a perfect life.
MegaLiving! blends the latest physical mastery and healthy lifestyle
techniques with ancient strategies of the East for mental conditioning
and character-building to offer a fully balanced owner’s manual for your mind, body and spirit. It is a holistic approach to personal growth
that, if applied daily and with sincere conviction, will ensure that you
will soar to heights higher than you ever dreamed possible. Thousands
of people have already used this program to profoundly (and quickly)
improve the quality of their lives and so can you. Ignite your desire and
stoke the fire in your belly for you will soon be MegaLiving!
Once you truly commit yourself to self-mastery and lifelong
success, you will appreciate how easy and fun it is. Small victories lead
to large victories.
