
The Sacred Self Introduction The Sacred Self with Anthony Rios

    • スピリチュアル

My name is Anthony Rios, traditional curandero, shamanic teacher & practitioner, as well as a certified hypnotist. I'm excited to introduce you to the Sacred Self Project.

Two years ago, I felt like there was something missing in the way people were experiencing spiritual growth and awareness. As a result I began to investigate what was holding people back from getting the results they were seeking from doing deep inner work. What I found was a moment of truth.

What I found when doing some exercises on self love - was that many students were having difficulty simply saying “I Love Myself.”

That was such an eye opener and it led me to see the problem and to create a simple solution.

The problem is this → many people who are on a spiritual journey of awakening have a habit of falling back into old habits that keep them stuck in the past. Then they beat themselves up for “not getting it” or “not being the kind of person” they think they should be who is on this journey.

Then old stories of being unlovable or unworthy of love creep back into their consciousness and it creates a viscous cycle.

The solution I found is simple.

I created a new way for people to fall in love with themselves. I created a way for people to experience self love.


By teaching people how to reaffirm their love for themselves.

By teaching people how to renew their connection with their divine selves that can only express itself as love.

As I practiced this on myself first, because I also needed renewal, I saw that once this connection to your divinity is renewed, and the light of Spirit is felt as a spiritual connection without judgment, there is no turning back.

This reconnection breaks through any disappointment, any illusion that you are not worthy of love. The reconnection leads directly to renewal and that cannot be undone.

This realization and reconnection that followed changed how I loved myself by acknowledging my divinity. Doing this without self judgment, without concern about how it might sound to others, without any concern except for my connection to my divine self - this opened new worlds of opportunity to live and love in a new way.

Through this inner work and experience I created the Sacred Self Project.

It’s everything I learned through trial and error with myself and with my

students who were so willing to dive into a new way of loving self.

My brand new workshop is called The Sacred Self, and it’s for you if:

You've been stuck or stagnant with your spiritual practice for 3 months or more

You're practicing but feel dissatisfied with your results

You're practicing but feel constrained by limitations of the practice, by rules or protocol.

I want you to know that there’s hope. I’ve helped many students create powerful relationship with themselves using the 3 Rs of REclaim, REconnect, and REnew

Reclaim your sovereignty as a Divine being

Reconnect with the unlimited power and love of Spirit

Renew yourself freed from guilt and self judgment

Let me be totally honest with you, [first name]. Creating new pathways for transformation takes work. My students who are engaged and committed have seen remarkable breakthroughs in their personal lives that create ripple effects out in the world.

The process is simple, grounded and informed by real world actions to create new ways of living and loving from a position of immense self love.

I look forward to sharing with you this beautiful and elegant process for transformation!!

With Love -

Anthony Rios

The Sacred Self Project

My name is Anthony Rios, traditional curandero, shamanic teacher & practitioner, as well as a certified hypnotist. I'm excited to introduce you to the Sacred Self Project.

Two years ago, I felt like there was something missing in the way people were experiencing spiritual growth and awareness. As a result I began to investigate what was holding people back from getting the results they were seeking from doing deep inner work. What I found was a moment of truth.

What I found when doing some exercises on self love - was that many students were having difficulty simply saying “I Love Myself.”

That was such an eye opener and it led me to see the problem and to create a simple solution.

The problem is this → many people who are on a spiritual journey of awakening have a habit of falling back into old habits that keep them stuck in the past. Then they beat themselves up for “not getting it” or “not being the kind of person” they think they should be who is on this journey.

Then old stories of being unlovable or unworthy of love creep back into their consciousness and it creates a viscous cycle.

The solution I found is simple.

I created a new way for people to fall in love with themselves. I created a way for people to experience self love.


By teaching people how to reaffirm their love for themselves.

By teaching people how to renew their connection with their divine selves that can only express itself as love.

As I practiced this on myself first, because I also needed renewal, I saw that once this connection to your divinity is renewed, and the light of Spirit is felt as a spiritual connection without judgment, there is no turning back.

This reconnection breaks through any disappointment, any illusion that you are not worthy of love. The reconnection leads directly to renewal and that cannot be undone.

This realization and reconnection that followed changed how I loved myself by acknowledging my divinity. Doing this without self judgment, without concern about how it might sound to others, without any concern except for my connection to my divine self - this opened new worlds of opportunity to live and love in a new way.

Through this inner work and experience I created the Sacred Self Project.

It’s everything I learned through trial and error with myself and with my

students who were so willing to dive into a new way of loving self.

My brand new workshop is called The Sacred Self, and it’s for you if:

You've been stuck or stagnant with your spiritual practice for 3 months or more

You're practicing but feel dissatisfied with your results

You're practicing but feel constrained by limitations of the practice, by rules or protocol.

I want you to know that there’s hope. I’ve helped many students create powerful relationship with themselves using the 3 Rs of REclaim, REconnect, and REnew

Reclaim your sovereignty as a Divine being

Reconnect with the unlimited power and love of Spirit

Renew yourself freed from guilt and self judgment

Let me be totally honest with you, [first name]. Creating new pathways for transformation takes work. My students who are engaged and committed have seen remarkable breakthroughs in their personal lives that create ripple effects out in the world.

The process is simple, grounded and informed by real world actions to create new ways of living and loving from a position of immense self love.

I look forward to sharing with you this beautiful and elegant process for transformation!!

With Love -

Anthony Rios

The Sacred Self Project
