
The Truth x Grace podcast tackles tough topics in Christianity with truth and grace. Brittany uses Scripture to uncover valuable truths in leadership, inspire Biblical literacy, and dive into healthy Church culture. It’s time to shake up complacency and address misused or misunderstood thoughts in modern Christianity in this monthly podcast.

The Truth x Grace Podcast Brittany Rust

    • 宗教/スピリチュアル

The Truth x Grace podcast tackles tough topics in Christianity with truth and grace. Brittany uses Scripture to uncover valuable truths in leadership, inspire Biblical literacy, and dive into healthy Church culture. It’s time to shake up complacency and address misused or misunderstood thoughts in modern Christianity in this monthly podcast.

    Finding God in Your Miscarriage

    Finding God in Your Miscarriage

    Losing a child is the hardest thing anyone could ever go through. In this powerful episode, Brittany Rust shares her own miscarriage loss and what she learned about God, and how she found hope, in the loss. This message is for anyone who has lost a child or knows someone who has.

    • 22分
    What Does the Bible Say About Women in Leadership?

    What Does the Bible Say About Women in Leadership?

    What does the Bible say about women serving in leadership, particularly within the Church? And what about those verses about women not speaking—what do they really mean?

    • 22分
    Let's Talk About Sex

    Let's Talk About Sex

    The sex-positive Christianity movement is sweeping through the Church and it's damaging people in its wake. In this episode, Brittany dives into Scripture for what it truly says about sex, lust, and if this movement really has any basis in the Word.

    • 18分
    What You Need to Know About Enneagram 8 Women

    What You Need to Know About Enneagram 8 Women

    Women who are an eight on the Enneagram are often misunderstood. In this episode, Brittany shares what she has learned as an eight, how to operate in your eight-ness, and how people should truly see the female eights in their life.

    • 31分
    Soul Deep Rest for Your Weariness

    Soul Deep Rest for Your Weariness

    Are you at the end of your rope? Perhaps feeling like you’re drowning in busyness and exhaustion? Matthew 11 shares a key to soul deep rest and in this episode, Brittany explores those key elements that led to genuine rest.

    • 26分
    A Leader's Responsibility to Cultivate Safety

    A Leader's Responsibility to Cultivate Safety

    One of the most important things a leader can do is cultivate an environment of safety for their team. Yet all too often, the leader's attention is directed elsewhere and the team suffers. Which means then ultimately, the organization suffers. Brittany shares 6 steps to cultivating safety within your team.

    • 17分


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