
Valerie Wilcox – Contemporary Abstract Mixed Media Artist Art Dimensions: Beyond the Palette

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Valerie Wilcox is an inspiring contemporary abstract mixed media artist who takes perceived flaws and imperfections and gives them a compelling new life. She uses common and salvaged materials to intuitively explore contradictions and uneasy associations between abstract shapes, mark-making, and painting. Hear how to fuel your creativity by using a variety of materials, find your niche, and why it helps to go see other art. Check out Valerie’s artwork at ArtDimensionsOnline.com

Valerie Wilcox is an inspiring contemporary abstract mixed media artist who takes perceived flaws and imperfections and gives them a compelling new life. She uses common and salvaged materials to intuitively explore contradictions and uneasy associations between abstract shapes, mark-making, and painting. Hear how to fuel your creativity by using a variety of materials, find your niche, and why it helps to go see other art. Check out Valerie’s artwork at ArtDimensionsOnline.com
