
Wise Speech in Challenging Times Undefended Dharma with Mary Stancavage

    • 仏教

The Buddha's teaching on Wise Speech serves us well in these days of great polarization. We have our sides and spew our rhetoric, often without thinking about how we communicate can make a bad situation worse. The invitation, as always, is pause and think about the truth, necessity and kindness of how we connect with others. It does not mean we shy away from difficult conversations or keep quiet in the face of injustice. Instead, it asks us to really be present in how we show up. Recorde...

The Buddha's teaching on Wise Speech serves us well in these days of great polarization. We have our sides and spew our rhetoric, often without thinking about how we communicate can make a bad situation worse. The invitation, as always, is pause and think about the truth, necessity and kindness of how we connect with others. It does not mean we shy away from difficult conversations or keep quiet in the face of injustice. Instead, it asks us to really be present in how we show up. Recorde...
