
Working Moms: Career or Motherhood | الأم العاملة: حياة مهنية أو أموم‪ة‬ Ahlieh Be Mahalieh | أهلية بمحلية

    • 子育て

Working mothers are subject to "the maternal bias," which is the conscious or unconscious perception that a working mother cannot be effective in both career and motherhood.When a mother excels at work, people wonder how she manages to do so while simultaneously being effective at home. When a mother excels as a parent, others may assume she does not thrive at work. This bias has the potential to be undermining and demoralizing.Moms can respond to these challenges effectively by practicing se...

Working mothers are subject to "the maternal bias," which is the conscious or unconscious perception that a working mother cannot be effective in both career and motherhood.When a mother excels at work, people wonder how she manages to do so while simultaneously being effective at home. When a mother excels as a parent, others may assume she does not thrive at work. This bias has the potential to be undermining and demoralizing.Moms can respond to these challenges effectively by practicing se...
