16 episodes

We attempt to make ads for things that don't need them!

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We attempt to make ads for things that don't need them!

    ADvice 02 - Identities in Advertising with Jess McEwan

    ADvice 02 - Identities in Advertising with Jess McEwan

    Sam, John and Chris attempt to do what they’ve never done before: shut up. Special guest Jess McEwan shares her journey into the ad world, and why “inclusive agency culture” isn’t always what it seems.
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    • 35 min
    ADtempt 012 - Umbrella Corporation (Resident Evil)

    ADtempt 012 - Umbrella Corporation (Resident Evil)

    Listen to find out how the Adtempted crew creates a recruitment campaign for one of the world’s most awful corporations. Will they turn into corporate zombies, or come up with a killer campaign that recruits the maddest of scientists to join the Umbrella corp team?

    Chris Hanna 0:00Welcome to Adtempted where we attempt to create ads things that don’t need them. I’m Chris, the resident copywriter.

    John Fish 0:05I’m John and I write things.

    Sam McKinney 0:07And I’m Sam and I fight zombies.

    Chris Hanna 0:16As always, our plan for today is to share some initial ideas, choose a direction we like and then build out a campaign that answers our brief. And speaking of, Sam, what are we working on today?

    Sam McKinney 0:25Alright guys, today we’re working for the Umbrella Corporation from the Resident Rvil universe. Umbrella is a global conglomerate responsible for developing drugs and viruses, which SPOILER ALERT may turn humans into zombies. But in order to do that, they need to enlist the best and brightest scientists to develop these products in their pharmaceutical labs. And that’s where we come in.

    John Fish 0:45We are tasking ourselves to create a recruitment campaign for Umbrella’s pharma division, our idea needs to highlight the cutting edge work that’s supposed to make the world a better place — without giving away what exactly they’ll be working on.

    Unknown Speaker 1:00Another breakthrough from the Umbrella Corporation,

    John Fish 1:03I nominate Chris to go first with his insights today.

    Chris Hanna 1:06Alrighty, I’m coming in with two today. And here is the first one. The greatest work in human history is done by Hidden Figures, people who sacrificed their lives to better society, all in secret. Umbrella recognizes these heroes, we see their unseen potential, and hire them to do the life changing work for us.

    And the second one, you know, to solve the toughest challenges facing our world, we need the brightest minds. And it’s nothing personal to you like middle mediocre talent. We just don’t want anything or anyone that’s not the absolute best. And we will do whatever it takes to find them.

    Sam McKinney 1:45Nice. They’re both very best and brightest. So it makes sense, even though they’re all evil.

    John Fish 1:51Evil geniuses!

    Alright, guys, so I got a few today that I’ll share with you. The first one is one giant step. Take a leap, a leap into the future of humankind. Discover the potential of humans by protecting them from themselves, prevent them from spreading illness from killing each other leap into the unknown potential under the Umbrella Corp.

    And then I have cure the world. With the world falling apart from pandemics, war, starvation, depressions and climate change, what the world really needs right now is a cure — a cure that will protect humankind from themselves and create a utopia free of disease. Cure the world with Umbrella.

    And then I got we like brains, which I don’t know if if if the zombies in Resident Evil like brains, but we’re talking about zombies. Okay, so I had to go with a brain one. Good brains, Bad Brains, small brains, moods, brains, and especially the wrinkly ones. We like them all. We use these brains to find the cures that will rid the world of disease, both mental and physical. So do you have a wrinkled brain? Then join Umbrella.

    Chris Hanna 2:58I like this one a lot.

    Sam McKinney 2:59Yeah.

    Chris Hanna 2:59That one resonated with me.

    Sam McKinney 3:01Fun. It’s a lot of fun.

    John Fish 3:03All righty.

    Sam McKinney 3:03So my first one: some of the greatest mysteries of our time are solved by simply finding the missing puzzle piece and obscure acid that can manage pain, mold that fights bacteria, and so much more. At the Umbrella Corporation, we work on some of the biggest mysteries plaguing humanity, an

    • 24 min
    ADtempt 012 - Indominus Rex (Jurassic World)

    ADtempt 012 - Indominus Rex (Jurassic World)

    Millions of years of evolution have led to this: John, Chris and Sam are joined by special guest Patrick Que to concept a world peacekeeping campaign for the Indominous Rex.

    John Fish 0:00Welcome to add tempted where we attempt to create ads for things that don’t need them. I’m John and I write things.

    Chris Hanna 0:05I’m Chris and I’m just here for the archaeologists fashion.

    Sam McKinney 0:08And I’m Sam and I named my dog after our Raptor.

    Chris Hanna 0:16As always, our plan for today is to share some initial ideas, choose a direction we like, and then build out a campaign that answers our brief.

    Sam McKinney 0:24Today we’re joined by a special guest, the incomparable Patrick Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

    Q 0:30I’m Q, and I’m a freelance copywriter aka Scripto cephalops, but my spirit dyno is a lactose intolerance.

    John Fish 0:39Our product for this episode is the Indominus Rex, the Indominus Rex, which means untameable King is a genetically modified dinosaur taking the best traits of other various dinosaurs as well as non extinct creatures to create the ultimate apex predator. Not only is it super intelligent, strong, and agile, it has the ability to camouflage itself and mask its heat signature, rendering it practically untrackable

    Chris Hanna 1:09and our target audience for Today is World military leaders.

    Movie Sound EFX 1:13The base genome is a T Rex the rest is classified. You made a new dinosaur, but you don’t even know what it is.

    Chris Hanna 1:21With that cue. Why don’t you pick who’s gonna go first?

    Q 1:27Any meenie miney mo? No, I’m gonna I’m gonna go first.

    Chris Hanna 1:31Yeah, go for it.

    John Fish 1:32Okay, all right.

    Q 1:33So idea one. The future is midway. That’s not a but it doesn’t have a oh yeah, that’s a female, the future is definitely female. In Jurassic Park. All the dinosaurs were purposely engineered to be female, which of course includes Indominus Rex, she tore to the island making sure everyone there knew who she was that she had something to say and that she wasn’t going to back down. So this is a declaration to world leaders out there a call to action. Now a roar to actually Hell yeah, to stomp out the patriarchy and make way to a world evolved to say goodbye to the Dinos of the system and introduce a younger and fresher take on world rule 2024 We’re taking on the world and its authoritarian leaders with a fiercely strong presidential campaign led by women, beginning with the Indominus Rex mix in some support from Alexandria Ocasio Cortes, Stacey Abrams, Kamala Harris, maybe some international backing from Greta Thunberg, or prime minister Jacinda Ardern, from New Zealand, and you’ve got a future this world has been needing. Indominously aggressively progressive 2024

    Sam McKinney 2:35That is hilarious

    Chris Hanna 2:39right out of the gate with super strong wind. Oh my gosh, that’s awesome. Yeah.

    Q 2:46idea two fixus climate changus. Fossil fuels consists mainly of dead plants, coal from trees and natural gas and oil from algae. And it’s the emissions from fossil fuels that are the dominant cause of global warming and climate change one of the top issues challenging the world’s leaders today. Okay, so fossil fuels aren’t made from dead dinosaurs, but who better to represent the dead and fallen than our very own Indominus Rex, acting as a sort of spokesperson, our IREX will help to share out and humorous yet intimidating global campaign educating and advocating for the world’s leaders and society in general to leave the dead bee and move on to something more life sustaining, or be dead too some lines be like bury climate change or else Or make climate change extinct before we are.

    Chris Hanna 3:25I like this one a lot. It feels like it’s leaning into a lot of the conservat

    • 34 min
    ADtempt 011 - The Upside Down (Stranger Things)

    ADtempt 011 - The Upside Down (Stranger Things)

    Join the Adtempted crew as they concept through the Upside Down, and ultimately find the upside.


    Sam McKinney 0:00Welcome to AdTempted where we attempt to create ads for things that don’t need them. I’m Sam and I like Dart.

    Chris Hanna 0:06I’m Chris and I can’t wait for Barb’s return.

    John Fish 0:09And I’m John and I write things.

    Chris Hanna 0:17As always, our plan for today is to share some initial ideas choose a direction we like them build out a campaign that hits our objective. Sam, take it away with our brief.

    Sam McKinney 0:27Today’s product is the Upside Down, from the show Stranger Things: an alternate dimension that’s an exact replica of our world except completely abandoned, save for a few evil creatures like the Demogorgon, Mind Flayer, and carnivorous plants, seeking to feed on humans that find themselves trapped there. Accessed through portals, you are transported to the exact same location the upside down dimension.

    John Fish 0:48Our goal today is to create a pro tourism campaign that would appeal to the demo of the show’s cast: middle aged parents and adventurous teenagers.

    ??? 0:56This is where Will is, the Upside Down. Like the veil of shadows.

    Chris Hanna 1:01Okay, so here is my first idea. The best souvenir is the one that you take home with you and the Upside Down offers a one of a kind way to make lasting memories, and that is by exacting cold, hard revenge. This shadow realm shares a unique connection to our own, empowering you to manipulate electronics and haunt ex lovers, Horrible Bosses and your high school bullies. This is the ultimate experiential holiday, where you rendezvous with revenge.

    Sam McKinney 1:31Nice. That’s fun.

    Chris Hanna 1:32Continuing with negative emotions. If you’ve got sticky feelings about where you were born and raised, you definitely are not alone. You know, seeing the people who made life tough brings up a lot of what I like to call negative nostalgia. But there’s a place where you can revisit the happy geological spots while avoiding those who made you feel less than, because none of them will be there. The dark ether of the Upside Down offers a whole new kind of tourism, where guests can visit familiar destinations without worrying about awkward runs. Take your nostalgia back by visiting your upside hometown.

    Sam McKinney 2:08Introvert’s vacations.

    Chris Hanna 2:10Ooh, I like that angle too. And third, certainly not least, I mean, we’ve all experienced this: tourist traps just suck. They overcharge you and your family to see the sights of a destination that you’ve already spent tons of money getting to. But what if you could tour Disneyland, see Mount Rushmore and even explore the Vatican without paying an extra dime? In the Upside Down there’s no scalping for entry fees to any place on Earth and there’s no red tape. Here, You can explore the world freely as it was meant to be. This is travel unrestricted.

    Sam McKinney 2:44Nice good job.

    Chris Hanna 2:44Thank you, do I get a gold star, Sam?

    Sam McKinney 2:46you get multiple gold stars. I would say three to be exact.

    Chris Hanna 2:51John, let’s see how many gold stars you can earn today.

    John Fish 2:53Let’s kick it off with vacation where no one wants to: vacations are nice, but you will inevitably run into annoying tourists, so why not go where no one wants to? Get away for real where no one can reach you because quite frankly, no one wants to go there. Take it from Barb who loved it so much she stayed. So go vacation where no one wants to.

    Chris Hanna 3:16I love this, I could totally see us doing something where we target really high like demand locations and really high tourist seasons. This is cool.

    John Fish 3:26All right. Yeah, I think it has a similar thread to the one you have Chris about tourist traps suck, the travel unrestr

    • 34 min
    Adtempt 010 - Fantastic Beasts

    Adtempt 010 - Fantastic Beasts

    Fantastic Beasts are endangered creatures with a dire perception issue amongst Muggles. To save the invisible from the inevitable, Sam, Chris and special guest Aurélie Diaz join forces to create a conservation campaign to magically change minds, win hearts, and free the fantastical.

    Lenticular Poster

    Chris Hanna 0:00Hello and welcome back to accepted where we make ads for things that don’t really need them.

    Sam McKinney 0:05I’m Sam and I love magical creatures.

    Chris Hanna 0:07I’m Chris most likely to be voted a muggle.

    Sam McKinney 0:09John, you couldn’t make it today. But don’t worry, we have a special guest filling in.

    Chris Hanna 0:17Our special guest is an award winning art director whom I’ve had the utmost pleasure of working with both in school and in the agency world or Lydia’s. Welcome to attented

    aurelei 0:26Hi, guys. Thanks for inviting me. Very excited to be here. Listen to all of the ideas, but mostly catching up with you guys.

    Sam McKinney 0:33Thanks for coming on. Can you tell our listeners a little about yourself?

    aurelei 0:36Yes. I’m an art director at independent agency guts in Miami. We’re working on ton of clients such as Activision Blizzard, Popeye Chicken, Philadelphia cream cheese, Michelobe Ultra. Yeah, most of my colleagues are like, very, very ad-nerd. But I’m just a nerd. So very happy to be here for this brief today.

    Chris Hanna 0:59Well, we’re so glad that you’re finally on with us. And with that, let’s dive in.

    Sam McKinney 1:03So our game plan today is to share ideas, choose one we like and then execute a campaign. As always, we’ll share our final executions on our Instagram and website. So please be sure to check those out. What is the product we’re tackling today? All right,

    aurelei 1:15so today we are working on fantastic beast from the wizarding world film series. So for those of you who do not know that there are rare creatures with magical abilities, like invisibility, infinite storage, pouch, and even lock picking. Unfortunately, many of these incredible animals are viewed as monsters because their powers don’t meld well with human society. As a result, they’re often attacked onsite, locked in crow constrained and sometimes hunted to extinction.

    Chris Hanna 1:49So for our goal today, just as the film’s main character new works to protect these creatures, our objective is to ideate a conservation campaign. Our approach needs to improve the negative muggle perception so that they’re not seen as monsters, but rather as the fantastic Beasts that they truly are.

    Movie Sound EFX 2:05You rescue these creatures, rescue, nurture and protect the jet he tried to educate my fellow wizards about them.

    Chris Hanna 2:13Sam, why dont you kick us off.

    Sam McKinney 2:14There is a sense of awestruck wonder that hits when a magical Thunderbird soars through the sky above you bringing rain, or when a bow truckle reveals itself amongst the branches of a tree, these amazing moments bring a new layer into the already magical world of nature. And if we don’t protect it, we could lose it all. So help save these fantastical creatures and don’t take the magic out of the magical.

    Chris Hanna 2:34I love the sentiment so much. I was thinking a lot around how like animals are one of the purest expressions of like Mother Nature’s magic, and I love how you’ve expressed it here.

    Aurelei 2:45Yes, very poetic. Lots of beautiful visuals that could live here.

    Sam McKinney 2:50Alright, and the next one, Ravello fantastical because it’s magical spells. Fantastic Beasts have long lived their lives in the shadow hiding from the eyes of ordinary people, so much so that their memories have become nothing more than fairy tales to us. Unfortunately, there isn’t a fairy tale conservation. So a few that do no of

    • 31 min
    ADtempt 009 - DataDogs (Cowboy Bebop)

    ADtempt 009 - DataDogs (Cowboy Bebop)

    Sam, Chris and John play fetch with a good boy who does bad things with this week’s product Data Dog from Cowboy Bebop. The Adtempted crew will find a way to get these dogos new homes where their cyber skills can be utilized by their new furever hoomans.

    The post ADtempt 009 – DataDogs (Cowboy Bebop) appeared first on ADtempted.

    • 31 min

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