110 episodes

A podcast that addresses issues ranging from life lessons, personal development and effectiveness, motivation, spirituality and secularism, mental musings, critical thinking and problem solving, education and learning, entrepreneurship and business, leadership and so on.

Cerebral Thrust Podcast Cerebral Thrust

    • Education

A podcast that addresses issues ranging from life lessons, personal development and effectiveness, motivation, spirituality and secularism, mental musings, critical thinking and problem solving, education and learning, entrepreneurship and business, leadership and so on.



    Any idea can be a great idea if you think differently, dream big and commit to seeing it realised – Richard Branson

    How you view your goals will determine the attitude you will adopt towards attaining them. If you see them as ends, you want to make sure that the end justifies the means, right? Do you perceive them as the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and, after the plan is achieved, then the behaviour is terminated, leading you to revert to normalcy mode?

    Or do you put yourself in an all-time high gear mode, whereby you are ready to activate at any point in time? If you agree with the Holton Buggs mindset of “The way you do anything is the way you do everything,” then you want to truly and practically make sure that success is an everyday thing.

    Do you have goals that are so massive that they scare you till you even doubt if they could materialise? If you do, the behaviour to adopt is not to be so overwhelmed as to be whipped into the corner of subjection or discouragement. Rather, you should switch to the “activate mode,” where you always launch “attacks,” other than being in the defence mode. That’s the strategy.

    In the domain of goals, there are different schools of thought, with each advancing its model – so much so that you could get confused as to which model to adopt when you have to go that route. First of all, I categorised them as traditional, where I place the SMART. Next is the contemporary, where the DUMB and BHAGs are obtainable. Lastly, there is ATAP, a scripturally inspired adoption I personally labelled.

    Your view of, or about the goal you set shows how passionate you will be about it. If you think it belongs to the traditional school, or the contemporary, or you perceive same from a personal viewpoint, that’s what it is or will turn out to be to you. The crux of the matter, however, is that you truly need to be accountable for your goals; nobody will do that for you.

    Moving forward, let’s x-ray the different goal models...

    • 17 min


    Every man is the architect of his own life. He builds it just the way he wants it. However, after he has built what he wants, he sometimes decides that he doesn’t like what he has built, and looks for someone or something to blame, instead of changing himself – Sydney Madwed

    Quite a number of goal setters are only annual or timely ritualists; not go-getters. They merely set goals but are hardly ever able to get near the margin of attainment. Funnily enough, they blame this inability on others. Amazingly, many of them are either gainfully employed, run their own businesses, or both. And they vacillate between “average” and “just okay,” in terms of performance. Some inch towards good, but get to a point that instead of plainly soaring higher, they stagnate.

    While looking at them from the outside, with their well-maintained relics of success, many view and label them “high achievers” and “industry leaders” in their field. Shockingly, however, an opportunity to get close to them, especially on official turf, reveals a stark contrast to previously held opinions of excellent or great achievers.

    Why is this so? Some form of assessment should do justice to this:

    ▪ Poor time management
    Many a time, I have worked with different persons on different projects, and these persons happened to be simultaneously engaged in other projects. The condition of being engaged in more than one project at a time must have been an earnest desire that they had; many or quite a number of us are like that. But when these desires come to fruition, the problem of proper planning and application of oneself based on the personality types, relationships and priorities rears its head, such that many things become unattended, and they just assume that things would fall in place.

    The word delegation is strength in leadership and the earlier leaders exploit this concept, the better for them. Also, it is most instructive to note that you cannot delegate your core assignment and, whatever tasks you delegate to your subordinates, you must also oversee. This suggests that there’s no excuse for your inability to read a report you are supposed to read, when you are supposed to read it. There’s no reason you shouldn’t respond to mails of high priority. In a similar vein, there’s no reason to justify your lateness to meetings by heaping the blame on traffic, because you are no stranger to the space or terrain. The solution is simple: apply effective activity management concepts in order to use your time judiciously: know and own your activities, reflect on them, evaluate their impact on others when deployed, be sold to continuous improvement.

    ▪ Poor personal organisation
    An unorganised person is an ineffective person. You may be rich or think yourself a success, but wait till you discover that crisis of any magnitude can almost run your business aground. True success includes the ability to weather storms and emerge stronger. It is the power of resilience. I often admonish people: “That your business is making money doesn’t mean it’s well run.” You may need to look at your clime and locality. Meritocracy, a system where people acquire wealth, power and influence based on their abilities, may not be a culture, and that will be counterproductive. A lot of factors come into play. The same applies to individuals. How well organised you are will determine how long you will last in the premium position in your industry. This includes the management of time, money, people and other resources...

    • 13 min


    The path to success and winning is not the same for everyone. Opeyemi’s model may be quite different from Emeka’s. You may have to unlearn, relearn and learn your own way to succeed in your chosen path or industry, and that is exactly what it means to redefine your thoughts and mindset about winning.

    Consequent upon this preamble, I would like to share six ways by which you can actually chart a winning course for yourself, without necessarily feeling guilty that you are not playing the script of another person.

    ▪Does it matter when you sleep or awake?
    Much has been said about effective time management, getting enough sleep, work-life balance and the like. But in all of these, what matters most is what you are able to achieve while you are active, be it in the day or at night when others are asleep. You do not need anyone to dictate to you when to awake or when to sleep. That’s your sole business to determine. Again, your system will tell you. Besides, what role does sacrifice have to play if you get too conscious or careful about when you sleep or awake? Although this is not a call to compromise your health, you must learn to make sacrifices because there is time for everything.

    ▪In what state are you when your ideas creep in?
    You need to understand your body and person. You must be able to discern your mood or state of your mind at given points in time. Additionally, you must ascertain the condition type you are in when your ideas spark, creep in or play around your brain or mind. If you do, you can then work on getting yourself in that state. Your ideas don’t creep in or spark always. When they do, though, can you discern such moments? You should know that they may not surface during rigorous moments. In point of fact, they may develop in your sleep or between sleep and waking up. They may even manifest while you have a bath. In spite of these, it is important that you put yourself in the position of calmness, introspection and, more importantly, prayer, so that you can make connection with inspiration.

    ▪What are your strengths as a business or a person?
    It is absolutely vital that you know for sure what your strengths are, whether as a personal brand or otherwise. What is it that you do with relative ease? What do you do better than others? What talent/skills do you have that are unique to you? This is a key requirement. Take your time out to ensure that you have definiteness about these, and you are very well on your way to winning. With this, you do know that everything is not for you; every food is not meant for consumption; you don’t play in every arena; you do only that which resonates with you, and for which you are both endowed and built.

    ▪What value do you add to those within your space?
    First, you need to seek clarification on what value you add to others: potential or actual. Next, you must define how your strength transforms to value for your clients/customers. This is the only way you can measure the impact of your solution in the market where you are an active stakeholder. There can be no definite solution proffered to a problem you have not identified. Solutions are values based on problems that trend in your space. You must be deliberate on value and have your mind or thoughts wired accordingly. It will liberate you and elevate you to uncommon levels...

    • 8 min


    Be yourself, because an original is worth more than a copy – Anonymous

    To thine own self be true... Thou canst not be false to any man – William Shakespeare

    From times past, one statement I have heard people make is “Self-confidence makes a man.” Another one is that, “A man needs self-confidence to excel in life.” While it is almost difficult to cast aside these two statements, it is important to x-ray the make-up of self-confidence, or to discover what it is that people refer to when they claim to possess self-confidence. Are we sure that what people have is not false confidence?

    What is self-confidence?
    Self-confidence is a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities and judgement. It is synonymous with self-assurance, belief in oneself, assertiveness and self-reliance.

    Given this premise, it might be needful to ask: Is it possible for you to overrate your belief in yourself, while underrating the challenges before you? In other words, is it possible to be overly confident in yourself, while being oblivious of the issues that confront you? Of course, it is, provided that nothing is impossible; and that one can truly be arrogant. Another question is: Where do you draw the line between self-confidence [being self-aware of your strength], as opposed to over assessing or overestimating yourself?

    It is absolutely critical to see self-confidence through the lens of what it is not, so as not to cast off our true confidence in our abilities which we have developed over time; or underestimate our skills which we have deployed as solutions; or fail to properly assess our competencies which, over time, have become inestimable value to a thumping majority of men and entities.

    Let me share a few thoughts for now:

    ▪Is your self-confidence like the emptiness characterised by the nonsense some politicians talk?
    When some politicians speak, they are oftentimes more insincere than sincere, and they take the people they represent for a ride. In fact, they actually are full of deceit. Yes, they talk nonsense but with so much seriousness, and you can almost swear or give your life for them. Chief among the reasons the gullible people are taken in by their empty politicking is that they actually present some physical inducements to the common people that they canvass. This is prevalent in Africa and other parts of the world.

    There is no denying that it takes only a discerning mind that has the knowledge of the antecedents of the speaker/politician in question, to differentiate the few genuine ones from the unscrupulous lot. Unfortunately, such informed minds are often in the minority. Though few, these minority possess strong and underlying foundation of sincerity in their make-up. Their words are weighty and dependable. You can hold on to them because it’s their bond. They will say “yes” only when that is what they mean. They are, therefore, inseparable from integrity...

    • 12 min


    Courage is doing what you are afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you are scared – Eddie Rickenbacker

    Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear – Ambrose Redmoon

    Let me start by relaying the source of the inspiration to write this. Actually, I was brooding on what courses to either add or remove from the list of my first quarter 2016 Impact/Leadership Development Training, when it occurred to me to consider courage.

    I was fascinated at the thought, but the first contention was whether courage was a skill like other skills [critical thinking, problem-solving, entrepreneurship, agility, adaptation, communication, et cetera]. I jumped out of bed and began to research.

    Naturally, the lexicon was my first port of call. The Oxford Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary had this to say about courage: The ability to do something dangerous, or to face pain or opposition, without showing fear.

    That startled me a bit and put two thoughts in me instantly: For one, courage is an ability; not a skill. Two, Nelson Mandela’s idea of courage not necessarily being the absence of fear. Of course, your skills enable you to get stuff done and make impact.

    I probed further to confirm what skill is, and the same lexicon says that skill is the ability to do something well. They both are, therefore, categorised as abilities. So, if courage is an ability and skill is ability, it, thus, means that we can develop courage in the selfsame way that we can develop whatever skills.

    Yes, we can muster and pluck courage from wherever we have it stored up: in our psyche; from within; as a developmental, experimental and experiential bank; or from wherever. But essentially, we can reach for it and use it to confront our fears.

    It’s not unusual to hear someone say, “I lacked the courage to face my fears,” or as the same lexicon says, “Lack the courage of my convictions,”which is interpreted as not being brave enough to do what you feel or what you are persuaded or convinced is right. That’s really serious, you know.

    The fact is, you know something is right and, so right that it keeps you awake at night, surfaces in your dreams when you sleep, and almost gives you nightmares. When you read anything, albeit something seemingly unrelated, it pops up and, even when someone says something that is not necessarily related to it, it comes back to you, always pushing you to act.

    If you fail to act on that tugging and pulling force, you might lose an opportunity you would regret in a lifetime. Think about it. Though an opportunity may come back to you, it may not be in the same package and similitude.

    Now, that’s not exactly my drift here.

    • 21 min


    Spend time and learn to develop your personal resources – Alexander Reid Martins

    In the game of impact and trying to position oneself for value, different persons have different yardsticks for measuring success, and how they wish to exhibit same. Such varying parameters include the number of acquired properties, including cars, wives and even children; stocks owned; certificates acquired; positions occupied and more. And these, incidentally, determine where and how they invest their resources and channel their energies.

    Today, with changing values come new demands – specific skills are required for impact to be made in the value chain. In effect, the course of study and area of specialisation that people pursue is becoming increasingly a cause for concern. In an unfortunate twist, however, not many are really paying attention to the question of “What value do I hope to add?” in the ever-changing needs of the environment, because not every course of study has specific, relevant and readily sought-after values to add to the market space.

    Pointedly, my encounter with many young and able-bodied persons seeking employment made me realise that although they had earned degrees, quite regrettably, some of them are unemployable. Worse still, only few are aware of this. The solution, for some, is to quickly acquire another degree and some certification, and the pursuit continues for years on end.

    To be frank, these cannot solve their problems because quite a number of those acquisitions do not teach real and practical problem-solving and work-ready skills that are required in today’s largely competitive market. This is where the real problem lies. No employer of labour wants to hire what they term a liability: young people they will train, teach, mentor and pay salaries to; and in less than six to twelve months of engagement, they want to move on to pastures new.

    The brand called “YOU”
    Have you ever heard anything as such? If you are trying to market a product or service, people are most likely interested in your person, first, before they listen to what you have to say. In the interstices [seeing you, your product presentation and decision] is a rigorous whole, mental and otherwise.

    ▪ How is your personal grooming like?
    How you look, what you say, or more importantly, how you say it, your mannerisms and the like, have everything to do with the acceptance of your pitch. The foregoing, therefore, begs the question: What work have you done on yourself, in regard to what you are seeking or prospecting for? Your overall preparation, emotional and physical, constitutes your grooming. I advise that you don’t handle this area with levity. It can make or break your chances. It’s a key aspect of your package.

    ▪ What are your personal resources?
    This is another variation of your grooming. My understanding of this is simple: one’s personal resources should consist of self-development, intellectual and overall mind building; and that means quite a lot. Value is not for anyone who is not ready to sacrifice everything for the purpose of continuous improvement and development. Any man who cannot invest limitlessly in the building and development of his mind is ignorant of the immeasurable capacity of the mind, and the impact the mind can make...

    • 12 min

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