37 episodes

Have you ever thought, “What am I doing?” Turns out, you’re not alone. And even the best of the best (in Entertainment, in Online Business, in Thought Leadership) have been right where you are.

Multipassionate Creative, Speaker, Energy Leadership and Business Mentor Coach — Karen Christensen hosts The Dreamcatchers District Podcast with its companion Los Angeles workshops, events, masterminds and virtual coaching experiences; to help fellow Creative Entrepreneurs Face Fear, Get Noticed, and Feel Free.

Time to remember who you are, what you want, and why you started.

Hear behind-the-scenes lessons learned and strategies to: build genuine relationships, get more done, focus and follow through, pivot your brand, find mentors, pitch influencers, implement authentic marketing, digitally detox, have more energy, practice meditation, navigate transition, handle rejection, make tough decisions, attract ideal clients, improve your EQ, flex your grit, feel more flow, set boundaries, find forgiveness, achieve goals, trust your intuition, beat overwhelm and overcome self-doubt.

For confessions, conversations, and creative direction — Mondays never felt so good. Grab the Shownotes, Get Invited, and Work with Karen at www.DreamcatchersDistrict.com . Share your insights, questions, and big aha's on Instagram at @DreamcatchersDistrict . Rate, Review, Subscribe.

Dreamcatchers District Podcast - Mindset, Authentic Marketing, Coaching, Goals, Creative Entrepreneur, Online Business, Fear Karen Christensen

    • Business

Have you ever thought, “What am I doing?” Turns out, you’re not alone. And even the best of the best (in Entertainment, in Online Business, in Thought Leadership) have been right where you are.

Multipassionate Creative, Speaker, Energy Leadership and Business Mentor Coach — Karen Christensen hosts The Dreamcatchers District Podcast with its companion Los Angeles workshops, events, masterminds and virtual coaching experiences; to help fellow Creative Entrepreneurs Face Fear, Get Noticed, and Feel Free.

Time to remember who you are, what you want, and why you started.

Hear behind-the-scenes lessons learned and strategies to: build genuine relationships, get more done, focus and follow through, pivot your brand, find mentors, pitch influencers, implement authentic marketing, digitally detox, have more energy, practice meditation, navigate transition, handle rejection, make tough decisions, attract ideal clients, improve your EQ, flex your grit, feel more flow, set boundaries, find forgiveness, achieve goals, trust your intuition, beat overwhelm and overcome self-doubt.

For confessions, conversations, and creative direction — Mondays never felt so good. Grab the Shownotes, Get Invited, and Work with Karen at www.DreamcatchersDistrict.com . Share your insights, questions, and big aha's on Instagram at @DreamcatchersDistrict . Rate, Review, Subscribe.

    4 Ways to 'Spring Clean' Your Business and Relationships with Karen Christensen

    4 Ways to 'Spring Clean' Your Business and Relationships with Karen Christensen

    Today on the Podcast, Time to Clean House.
    With Summer just around the bend, and before all those mid-year reflections start rolling in, this week is an ideal time to talk about how to 'Spring Clean' your business and your relationships. Declutter any victim mindset, rethink your approach, and engage with your projects (and your people) more intentionally.
    So that you can look at what's working, what's not, and give yourself the space you need to go about doing things differently. Doing things, better, Dreamcatcher.
    Whether that's stopping procrastination, 10x-ing your productivity, getting back to the goals you'd set at the beginning of the year, giving up emotional eating, or learning to become a better boss — the invitation is to work "on" your business rather than "in" and to be "with" folks rather than "at" folks.
    And to trust that there's more than enough time to get it all done, EVEN IF you take a break. And that, sometimes, the best thing we can do is getaway for an in-person, immersive, planning retreat or VIP coaching day. And allow someone else's eyes and ears and hands to laser focus on what we need most: perspective, direction, and bandwidth.
    In this Episode We Talk About:
    The guilt-free vacation I cannot WAIT to take, Why it's time to get honest with yourself (radically honest), When it's a good idea to walk away and change your environment, How to give and receive constructive, collaborative feedback, The reason it's so, so important to stay Agile with your projects & tasks, Where you might want to rethink your workflow and refine your systems, What's a BIG bottleneck in my own podcasting creative process, How to command more respect, attention, as a leader or a team member, Why CYA corporate culture is old paradigm and how to lean in, The times I completely embarrassed myself in my 20's, Why rushing (even if you pull things off) always loses in the end, Where you can connect with me (online & offline) during our Spring Cleaning hiatus, Get Ready to Hear All The Behind-The-Scenes Stories & Insights.
    Mentioned in this Podcast:
    Follow & Message Me: Instagram Events Mentioned: Dreamcatchers District Summer Solstice Soiree, June 2018, in LA (Get on the List to be the first to grab Early Bird seats. This will sell out!) Past Episodes: Ep 036: The 5 Things I'd Tell My 19-year-old Self  , Ep 026: How to Dance with Doubt (3 Types) Look For Upcoming Episode Topics: Should You Start a Podcast?, My Biggest Mistakes in Business, Should You Join a Mastermind or Hire a Coach? The Dreamcatchers District: Creative Direction for Your Beliefs, Body, Biz & Brand GET INVITED TO SUMMER SOLSTICE SOIREE 2018 in LA   
    This is Not a Monologue, Chime In!
    Rate, Review and Subscribe. Share this with your friends. Listen with your team. Send it to yo mama! Got a question you want answered on the podcast? A guest you want interviewed? Email your biggest challenges, aha’s, and guest nominations to info @ DreamcatchersDistrict.com .

    • 32 min
    The 5 Things I'd Tell My 19 Year Old Self with Karen Christensen

    The 5 Things I'd Tell My 19 Year Old Self with Karen Christensen

    Today on the Podcast, Lessons Learned + Our Future Selves.
    Hard to believe but it was exactly 19 years ago (this month) that I moved from small town NH (grew up in a tiny town of just 10,000 people) to big city La La Land. Wilder still? Those 19 years ago? I was exactly 19 years old. And, I gotta tell you, there’s something kind of full circle about that.
    Given so many of our recent episodes have been about how to get mentors, how to pitch influencers, how to find your tribe, and how to know when the whole transformation / personal growth process will happen (cuz DANG is change hard!) — I thought this week a perfect time to walk down memory lane.
    In thinking about what I'd tell my 19-year-old self (having since worked as an actress, a photographer, a filmmaker, speaker and coach; weathering my fare share of failures and embarrassments, heartbreaks and betrayals; trauma and injustices) I can't help but think what my future self might ALSO want to tell me, now, sharing with you.
    So if anything feels full circle, in your own life, use this conversation less as peek into my world and more as an opportunity to gaze into your own. What doors need to be closed? What windows want to be opened? Time to get curious and compassionate about it all.
    In this Episode We Talk About:
    Why podcasting actually feels so, so weird (+ How you can help), Our upcoming Summer Solstice 2018 Live Event in LA, The 5 Things I'd Tell My 19-year-old self, When "quick studies" & innately talented folks are the most challenged, Why doubt can be as addictive as any drug, When talent, looks, smarts, humor, money, contacts have nothing to do with it, The #1 lesson I had to learn over and over and over again, Who you need to forgive right now, no matter what, The question(s) to ask yourself this week and every week. Get Ready to Hear All The Behind-The-Scenes Stories & Insights.
    Mentioned in this Podcast:
    Follow Me: Instagram Events Mentioned: Dreamcatchers District Summer Solstice Soiree, June 2018, in LA (Get on the List to be the first to grab Early Bird seats. This will sell out!) Past Episodes: Ep 035 "Pitch Influencers, Find Your Tribe, Surrender with Nitika Chopra" , Ep 033 "Why is Change so Hard? (4 Phases of Transformation)" , Ep 032 "Tips to Find Mentors, Market Authentically, Meditate Easier with Ben Decker" Look For Upcoming Episode Topics: How to Secure Brand Partners, My Biggest Mistakes in Business, Should You Join a Mastermind or Hire a Coach? The Dreamcatchers District: Creative Direction for Your Beliefs, Body, Biz & Brand GET INVITED TO SUMMER SOLSTICE SOIREE 2018 in LA   
    This is Not a Monologue, Chime In!
    Rate, Review and Subscribe. Share this with your friends. Listen with your team. Send it to yo mama! Got a question you want answered on the podcast? A guest you want interviewed? Email your biggest challenges, aha’s, and guest nominations to info @ DreamcatchersDistrict.com .

    • 34 min
    Pitch Influencers, Find Your Tribe, Surrender with Nitika Chopra, Wellness Entrepreneur

    Pitch Influencers, Find Your Tribe, Surrender with Nitika Chopra, Wellness Entrepreneur

    Today on the Podcast, The Knocking on Your Heart.
    You know when you're at one of those huge conferences and you're meeting all kinds of creative entrepreneurial folks from all kinds of places?
    You're chatting quickly here and there between speakers. Passing by briefly between bathroom breaks.
    Wishing you could chat with influencers but find yourself seated with the friends you came with cuz there's barely time to eat and pee — let alone introduce yourself in a non crazy-person way.
    You feel a weird mix of excitement and dread.
    There are specific names you want to "connect" with and certain folks you want to avoid. So you're racking and stacking who to prioritize. Maybe you practice your elevator speech on the plane, in the taxi, at your hotel. No doubt you dress to impress and ya come camera ready, costs be damned!
    If this is you, know this is also about 99.9% of every conference goer on the planet. Even the ones you most look up to have that same twinge of "conference crazy" as I call it. One part nerves, one part thrill, one part pressure. You've put a lot of time, money, and energy into going. It makes sense why you might be thinking, "This HAS to WORK." But oye is that a slippery slope!
    And then suddenly the weekend's over?! You're flying home, bombarded with a billion BIG ideas, already starting to feel the high coming down and thinking ...
    "Wait, it's over? I met sooooo many people; why do I feel like I barely talked to anyone." You're looking through your phone and it's all detail shots and flatlays and boomerangs and photo booth groupies. You think, "It looks like I had a great time. Why did I feel so lonely? So spastic? So desperate?" And you're wondering, "How the heck do I make this count?"
    So, you skim through your pages of notes ...
    Sift through your stack of acquired business cards, try to put conversations to faces and all those new instagram handles but, honestly, ya kinda got nothin. You're thinking, "Wait, which brand strategist was she?" or "Dannnng, how did they get to lunch with her!?!?" or "Gawwd, I look awful in that shot. Why did they have to tag me?" Before you know it — it's Tuesday morning and you're too tired to reach out like you said you would. But it's OK. You'll do it tomorrow. Gotta update the website first anyway. Then it's 3 weeks later. Website's still wonky. Haven't reached out. But it's OK. You'll sign up for that 8 week course and reconnect in the private FB group. Now you're in the FB group but there's thousands of members and it's a whole lot of white noise, TBH. So you bounce because, after all, it's a giant time suck (and, truthfully, it made you feel pretty anxious. Pretty behind. Pretty not good enough. Pretty exhausted). Ya think, "I gotta get offline. Go somewhere! No one even knows I exist online." Only, you just went somewhere offline. So you say, "No. You can't afford it. That was thousands of dollars. And you're still paying off your Nordstrom's card." So back to DIY marketing hacks you go. Thinking, "Well, if I could just beat the Instagram algorhythm. Maybe I should spend the money on Ads." You do. But still, nothin. Like hitting your head against a brick wall. The doubt seeps in. "Maybe I just need to go get a J-O-B." Then the shame seeps in. Sound familiar? It's a vicious cycle. One every entrepreneur has been on at one time or another. Know you're not alone. You're in the exact right place.
    Build your business "small but mighty; slow and steady."
    Now more than ever, when so many women are launching offerings from their laptop (juxtaposed by registering for 1000+ person swaggy conferences with tracked themes or enrolling in monthly online memberships for hundreds of folks at all different stages of business and seasons of life), you need to remember that the BEST businesses  — the ones that thrive creatively, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically AND financially — are the ones built on real life, genuine, intimate relationship circles. Th

    • 1 hr 7 min
    Travel Tips for Speakers, Retreat Hosts & Digital Nomads with Journalist Jeannette Ceja

    Travel Tips for Speakers, Retreat Hosts & Digital Nomads with Journalist Jeannette Ceja

    Today on the Podcast, Face off with Yourself and Fly.
    There's that saying, "wherever you go, there you are." And if you've ever thrown your hands up in the air and spontaneously moved across country, quit a job, ended a relationship or swan dived into a last minute Bali Yoga Retreat (ha! I get it!) — you may have learned just how true that statement really is.
    Turns out? Almost as soon as we get "there" we realize we're still "here." Like trying to shake your own shadow, you may soon realize you're the same person with the same thoughts, feelings, and actions ... only now you're in a new surrounding, or novel experience, which will (of course) soon become normalized again. Maybe even boring. And then what? Do you leave, again?
    Variety is a Human Need. So is Certainty.
    Don't get me wrong. Getting away is sometimes just what the doctor ordered. In fact, unique environments with opportunities to make fresh relationships is one of the absolute best catalysts for change!!!
    Think about why camp was so great as a child or why so many of us prioritize attending personal/professional development workshops and conferences. We love them because why? They're full of surprise and variety! More than that? They're just the catalyst, the spark, we need to get fired up again.
    But how many feel that hangover let down come Monday? When all the new faces have flown back home and you're back, alone, behind your desk. Day after day after day. All the clarity and conviction, all the certainty, from the weekend quickly begins to wane and you're (again) sitting in doubt; in overwhelm. Alone.
    Change your Mindset and your Skillset.
    See, it's not UNTIL we learn to change both how we think about things AND how we act on things that we FULLY shift the core thing that made us want to suddenly flee in the first place. Only then do we really feel momentum. Only then do all those seeds of ideas start to blossom into real world realities.
    And the KEY? To have intimate, deep, genuine accountability partners and frameworks to keep you motivated and focused even when the going gets tough. Even when you can't hop the next flight to Costa Rica. That's where mentorship, coaching, masterminds and membership communities make all the difference in the world. Taking you from ignition, to insight, to implementation. That type of ongoing support is what keeps stoking the fire and keeps helping you recreate those fun, memorable, connections and inspiration at home.
    Enter my conversation with Jeannette Ceja ...
    Jeannette Ceja is a bilingual travel journalist and a travel host with over five years of experience on the red carpet. She has interviewed countless of celebrities, athletes, politicians and travel experts including: Anthony Bourdain, Samantha Brown, Pauline Frommer, Rick Steves, Mira Sorvino, Chris O'Donnell, Jim Carey — to name only a few. Having adventured alone to over 20 countries, and traveled to more than 50, Jeannette is a proud Global Ambassador for Synergy of Empowered Women, Kind Traveler, the Free Wheelchair Mission and an International Public Speaker.
    In this Episode We Talk About:
    Why late bloomers have an advantage when success finally comes The truth about what it takes to "make it" in Hollywood (or any industry) What empaths need to look out for to avoid toxic relationships The single tactic that will 10x your results (forget hacking algorhithms) Why fame and fortune are the anthesis of intrinsic motivation When comfort zones and financial security almost killed her 19 yr dream Why traveling for speaking gigs isn't as glamorous as you think How to book cheaper flights, get upgrades, manage jet lag, travel safe Who is and isn't a good candidate to travel with (retreat hosts, listen up!) How to become a Global Brand Ambassador (it's easier than you think) What selling out her first workshop taught her about her own value Plus: The #1 Best Place to Travel in 2018 (I've been and it's INCREDIBLE!) Get Ready to Hear All The Behind-T

    • 56 min
    Why is Change So Hard? (+ The 4 Phases of Transformation) with Karen Christensen

    Why is Change So Hard? (+ The 4 Phases of Transformation) with Karen Christensen

    Today on the Podcast, Discover Which Phase of Transformation You're In.
    One of the things I hear so often from coaching clients, workshop attendees, even colleagues and friends is how much they "love" surprises. That, in fact, they actually crave MORE of them.
    Turns out? The day-to-day banal operations, the 24-7 hustle, and the pressure of working behind a screen has got them bored to pieces. They'll say, "it's so redundant" or "it's so lonely" and that they're absolutely desperate for ...
    New projects, New adventures, New relationships, New opportunities, New memories + new environments to shake them out of their stupor! Funny, enough? Those are the very reasons they chose to launch their own business (versus work for someone else) in the first place. To feel that sense of wonder, excitement, and variety.
    And, yet, those experiences of newness and surprise are (often) the very things that elude them. It all just seems so dang predictable. And there's nothing fun about that.
    Where they thought they'd get to be spontaneous, they now find themselves stuck in a rut.
    Especially when the fantasy of what they "thought" something (or someone) would be doesn't match the reality of what it (or she / he) actually is. And when that happens? We start to feel real restless, which makes us crave novel experiences and new people even more.
    Cuz, truth? Freedom is (typically) the #1 reason why so many of us take the risk to launch our own creative endeavors.
    The freedom to shift gears. The freedom to come and go as we please. The freedom to set our own rates and choose our clients.  
    YET, often, freedom's the furthest thing from what we've carved out for ourselves — especially if you've unknowingly built your career castle without the necessary foundational supports and systems to have the space to take a step back, regroup, and redesign as you go.
    So, if this is you, huddle up. Cuz there's this one tiny, tiny blindspot (we all have), which I want you to look out for the next time you say, "I'm over this! I want more surprise! More spontaneity! More freedom to make sudden shifts and do what I want!" And that's this ...
    We love surprises (as long as we're in CONTROL of them).
    Adorable, right? See, the truth is, you probably didn't go into business by yourself ONLY because you're a freedom seeker and a spontaneity junkie. Nope. My bet? You, like me, like so many creative entrepreneurs — mayyyyyy also be a wee bit of a creative control freak.
    You love surprises, yes. That's true. Give ya all the swag bags and snail mail, right? What's also true? You (probably) really like the surprises you kinda-already-know-about and can plan around. The ones that feel a little less surprise-y. Inconvenient, ain't it?
    Cuz surprises that don't end the way we want them to, that don't leave us feeling all warm and fuzzy? Those? Those we call  change.
    And as much as we lifelong learners and seekers and artists may love the idea of growing, of expanding, of becoming our best selves and reaching our fullest potential and healing our past hurts — I've yet to meet a-one-of-us who ENJOYS actually doing things differently or having things not go our way.
    But here's the truth about change ...
    We can't expect everything (everyone) to transform AND ALSO expect everything (everyone) to stay exactly the same. We've gotta get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
    Fact is: if you want to play a bigger game, you've got to be willing to shuffle the deck. Deal a new hand. Play another round. And even know when it's time to toss in. You know? That whole "know when to fold em" bit. (Kenny Rogers, anyone?)
    And the best way to do that? Surround yourself with A-players, learn which phase you're in, and remember: the only thing constant is change.
    In this Episode We Talk About:
    How to Identify the 4 phases of Transformation, Discover which phase of the Change Cycle you're in (today), Why some people get ahead and move through these phases more quickl

    • 27 min
    Tips to Find Mentors, Market Authentically, Meditate Easier with Ben Decker

    Tips to Find Mentors, Market Authentically, Meditate Easier with Ben Decker

    Today on the Podcast, Finding Your Path.
    If you find yourself feeling disconnected, replaying past events, dress rehearsing worst case scenarios or routinely questioning, "What is my purpose?" — this is the episode for you.
    If you have a love / hate relationship with marketing, with sales, with pitching yourself or launching your offerings — this is the episode for you.
    If you want to find a mentor but you've got absolutely no idea how it works or where to start or if it's paid — this is the episode for you.
    And why? Because we've all been there.
    At those crossroads in life (and in business) where we just don't know which way to go; what to share along our journey; or who to travel with.
    For some? That's our cue to ask for directions. For others? It's when we seek out new experiences. Getting lost, exploring and seeing where things lead. For risk takers? We might put the cart before the horse; riding off on a wing and prayer. But for many? These fork- in-the-road decisions can create paralyzing standstills in our lives; turning momentary uncertainty into chronic inaction and self-doubt. What if you could learn to trust the path you're on?
    What if instead of only seeking guidance from someone else, or only wanderlusting, or only hustling, or only waiting — you learned how to:
    Find mentors, Keep a beginner's mind, Act on faith to take a chance on yourself, And ... slow down to speed up Because if you've found yourself planted at the intersection of No Longer and Not Yet, feeling aimless and alone or racing and rushed, there's a better way.
    But here's the thing, the journey is the destination:
    And the road back home is not outside of yourself. That purpose you seek? It's not to be found but to be remembered. And that type of Creative Direction, both inner and outer, doesn't just spontaneously happen. It's revealed little by little and step by step.
    It's the reward of study, of discipline, of quietude. Of consciously doing whatever it takes to put yourself in empowering environments, surrounded by mindful and motivated people, and practicing the Art of Being along with the Science of Success so that you know when to take in the view and when to hit the gas; when to ask for assistance and when to call upon your own inner guidance.
    Enter today's conversation with ...
    Friend, Ben Decker. A man who is both our instructor and our peer; blending mindfulness with social activism and entrepreneurship into all that we do.
    A meditation teacher — who follows a cross disciplinary approach — Ben is the author of Practical Meditation for Beginners, which introduces ten meditation techniques over a ten-day program.
    As a political activist, Ben has hosted fundraisers for progressive candidates including Senator Bernie Sanders during his 2016 Presidential Campaign, Congressman Tim Ryan, and Congressional Candidate Marianne Williamson, with whom he worked closely throughout her Los Angeles Congressional campaign.
    And once praised by Forbes as a "legendary PR maven," and "a shining example of the talent the philanthropic community needs to attract," Decker left a prolific career in Hollywood to dedicate his professional life to conscious activism where he is passionate about peace, social justice, and reading rare books on ancient wisdom, spirituality, politics, and comparative religion.
    In this Episode We Talk About:
    Where Ben first learned to value learning & to look for role models, What it was really like growing up in a Mormon home, How he readied himself for when his teachers would come, The right (and wrong ways) to find (and keep) a mentor, What to do if your work, life, or relationships don't feel resonant, How Ben left a prolific career in celebrity PR and pivoted his career, When an unexpected tragedy hit & how he processed his grief, The reasons you want to practice "Giving Consciousness" right now, Why the most successful, most creative, most athletic folks meditate, When you want a "Wisd

    • 1 hr 1 min

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