5 min

June 12, 2024 Day 4 of Week 11 Daily Dose of Hope

    • Self-Improvement

Daily Dose of Hope - Wednesday June 12.
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 1-3; Psalm 36 and Luke 5
Today's readings from Deuteronomy 1-3, Psalm 36, and Luke 5 offer us rich insights into God's faithfulness, the depth of His love, and the transformative power of Jesus' call. Let's explore these passages together and see how they can inspire and guide us in our daily walk with God. 
In Deuteronomy 1-3, Moses recounts the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the brink of the Promised Land. He reminds them of their past failures, God’s judgments, and His unwavering faithfulness.
Moses emphasizes the importance of remembering God's faithfulness and learning from past mistakes. As we reflect on our own lives, it's crucial to remember how God has guided and sustained us. How about if we take some time to recall moments where we experienced God's faithfulness. How can these memories strengthen our faith today?
The Israelites had some big enemies, yet God assured them the victory. Similarly, we encounter "giants" in our lives—challenges that seem impossible. We most trust that God is with us, fighting on our behalf. What "giants" are we facing today? Let us pray for courage to trust in God's power and promises. 
Psalm 36 contrasts the wickedness of humanity with the steadfast love and righteousness of God.
David describes God's love as precious and all-encompassing. In times of uncertainty, we can find comfort in the boundless love of God. What if we stop and reflect on the ways we experience God's love daily. How can we share this love with others around us today?
The psalmist declares, "For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light." God's Presence brings life and clarity. We should seek His light in our decisions and actions today. How can we bring the light of God into our workplace, family, or community?
In Luke 5, we see Jesus calling His first disciples, performing miracles, and teaching about the Kingdom of God. 
When Jesus tells Simon Peter to cast his nets after a fruitless night of fishing, Peter obeys despite his doubts, resulting in an overwhelming catch. Obedience to God's Word brings about blessings, even when it doesn't make sense. Is there an area in our lives where God is calling us to trust and obey? We should take a step of faith and watch Him work.
Jesus' calling transforms ordinary people into brave and bold followers who will change the world for His glory. His calling is powerful and life-changing. How is Jesus inviting us to follow Him more closely and impact those around us?
Jesus heals a man with leprosy and a paralyzed man, demonstrating His authority to heal and forgive sins. These miracles remind us of Jesus' power to restore and renew. Do you or someone you know need healing, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual? Bring these needs to Jesus in prayer today, believing in His power to heal.
Let us…
·      Remember God's Faithfulness. What if we keep a journal of His faithfulness in our lives and revisit it when we need encouragement?
·      Trust in God's Love. Embrace His love and let Him guide our actions. Share His love through acts of kindness and compassion.
·      Obey God's Calling. Listen for His direction in our lives and respond with faith. Trust that His plans are bigger and better than ours.
·      Seek Healing and Forgiveness. Bring our needs to Jesus, trusting in His power to heal and forgive. Pray for those in our lives who need His touch.
I am pastor Roberto, and this is your Daily Dose of Hope.
Dios te bendiga.
The Daily Dose of Hope is a devotional intended to provide context and reflection to the New Hope Church Bible Reading Plan.  It’s our goal  to read the Bible in a year together as a family of faith.  Five days a week we read.  Two days a week we either rest or catch up.  Reading the Bible is the number one way to grow in our walk with Jesus.  We have to know God’s Word to live God

Daily Dose of Hope - Wednesday June 12.
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 1-3; Psalm 36 and Luke 5
Today's readings from Deuteronomy 1-3, Psalm 36, and Luke 5 offer us rich insights into God's faithfulness, the depth of His love, and the transformative power of Jesus' call. Let's explore these passages together and see how they can inspire and guide us in our daily walk with God. 
In Deuteronomy 1-3, Moses recounts the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the brink of the Promised Land. He reminds them of their past failures, God’s judgments, and His unwavering faithfulness.
Moses emphasizes the importance of remembering God's faithfulness and learning from past mistakes. As we reflect on our own lives, it's crucial to remember how God has guided and sustained us. How about if we take some time to recall moments where we experienced God's faithfulness. How can these memories strengthen our faith today?
The Israelites had some big enemies, yet God assured them the victory. Similarly, we encounter "giants" in our lives—challenges that seem impossible. We most trust that God is with us, fighting on our behalf. What "giants" are we facing today? Let us pray for courage to trust in God's power and promises. 
Psalm 36 contrasts the wickedness of humanity with the steadfast love and righteousness of God.
David describes God's love as precious and all-encompassing. In times of uncertainty, we can find comfort in the boundless love of God. What if we stop and reflect on the ways we experience God's love daily. How can we share this love with others around us today?
The psalmist declares, "For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light." God's Presence brings life and clarity. We should seek His light in our decisions and actions today. How can we bring the light of God into our workplace, family, or community?
In Luke 5, we see Jesus calling His first disciples, performing miracles, and teaching about the Kingdom of God. 
When Jesus tells Simon Peter to cast his nets after a fruitless night of fishing, Peter obeys despite his doubts, resulting in an overwhelming catch. Obedience to God's Word brings about blessings, even when it doesn't make sense. Is there an area in our lives where God is calling us to trust and obey? We should take a step of faith and watch Him work.
Jesus' calling transforms ordinary people into brave and bold followers who will change the world for His glory. His calling is powerful and life-changing. How is Jesus inviting us to follow Him more closely and impact those around us?
Jesus heals a man with leprosy and a paralyzed man, demonstrating His authority to heal and forgive sins. These miracles remind us of Jesus' power to restore and renew. Do you or someone you know need healing, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual? Bring these needs to Jesus in prayer today, believing in His power to heal.
Let us…
·      Remember God's Faithfulness. What if we keep a journal of His faithfulness in our lives and revisit it when we need encouragement?
·      Trust in God's Love. Embrace His love and let Him guide our actions. Share His love through acts of kindness and compassion.
·      Obey God's Calling. Listen for His direction in our lives and respond with faith. Trust that His plans are bigger and better than ours.
·      Seek Healing and Forgiveness. Bring our needs to Jesus, trusting in His power to heal and forgive. Pray for those in our lives who need His touch.
I am pastor Roberto, and this is your Daily Dose of Hope.
Dios te bendiga.
The Daily Dose of Hope is a devotional intended to provide context and reflection to the New Hope Church Bible Reading Plan.  It’s our goal  to read the Bible in a year together as a family of faith.  Five days a week we read.  Two days a week we either rest or catch up.  Reading the Bible is the number one way to grow in our walk with Jesus.  We have to know God’s Word to live God

5 min