154 episodes

Homeschool encouragement and podcast

Life Skills 101 Lisa Nehring

    • Education

Homeschool encouragement and podcast

    Embrace the Magic of Seasons in Your Homeschool

    Embrace the Magic of Seasons in Your Homeschool

    Podcast Title: LifeSkills101: Final Farewell

    Episode Title: Seasons in Homeschooling

    Host: Lisa Nehring

    Duration: 23 minutes

    Episode Summary:

    In this heartfelt final episode of LifeSkills101, Lisa Nehring takes listeners on a reflective journey through the different seasons of homeschooling and life. Using the changing seasons as an analogy, Lisa beautifully illustrates the ebb and flow of homeschooling experiences and personal growth.

    Key Points:

    * Introduction: Seasons in Homeschooling

    * Lisa opens the episode with a warm welcome and introduces the theme of seasons in homeschooling.

    * She explains how each season—spring, summer, fall, and winter—mirrors the stages and transitions in the homeschooling journey.

    * Spring: New Beginnings

    * Discussion about the excitement and freshness of starting a new homeschooling journey.

    * Tips for embracing new beginnings and fostering a love for learning.

    * Summer: Growth and Exploration

    * Highlights the importance of taking time to explore and grow during the homeschooling journey.

    * Encouragement to pursue interests, hobbies, and deeper learning during the summer months.

    * Fall: Harvest and Reflection

    * Lisa reflects on the rewards and achievements gathered over time.

    * The significance of evaluating progress, celebrating milestones, and preparing for the next steps.

    * Winter: Rest and Renewal

    * The necessity of taking breaks and allowing time for rest and rejuvenation.

    * How to use the winter season to plan and set goals for the future.

    * New Beginnings at True North Homeschool Academy

    * Lisa shares exciting news about the new developments and programs at True North Homeschool Academy (TNHA).

    * Details on how these new commitments are taking more of her time and focus, but how fulfilling it is to serve TNHA families.

    * Saying Farewell to LifeSkills101

    * A heartfelt goodbye to the LifeSkills101 podcast and its listeners.

    * Lisa's reflections on the journey and the decision to end the podcast to focus on TNHA.

    * Encouragement and Resources

    * Encourages listeners to make the most of the available LifeSkills101 podcast episodes.

    * Recommendations for other great podcasts on the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network:

    * Homeschooling High School

    * Vintage Homeschool Moms

    * Homeschool Sanity

    * Final Thoughts and Gratitude

    * Lisa expresses her gratitude to the listeners, guests, and everyone who has supported the LifeSkills101 podcast.

    * Encouragement to embrace each season of homeschooling with grace and adaptability.

    Resources Mentioned:

    * True North Homeschool Academy 

    * Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network

    * Homeschool High School Podcast

    * Vintage Homeschool Moms

    * Homeschool Sanity Show

    Connect with Lisa Nehring:

    * True North Homeschool Academy Website

    • 23 min
    Develop your Student’s Standout Factor

    Develop your Student’s Standout Factor

    Develop your Student's Standout Factor

    And garner scholarship dollars and opportunities!

    What is a Stand-Out Factor?

    A Stand out factor can be many different things but they are most likely to include:

    * Initiative –student initiated, led and directed

    * Passion – student has personal investment

    * Individuality –has to do specifically with the students core values

    * Strategy –student has strategized to achieve

    I would also recommend that a Stand-Out Factor include:

    * Positive impact on others

    * Uniqueness

    * Broad Reach & Big Win

    How can you tell if you have developed your stand-out factor?

    It’s the difference between ordinary and extraordinary

    How to develop your Develop your Child's Standout Factor: 

    * Write, perform and publish a quality play,book, music or film

    * Develop art skills like throwingdrawing and painting, pottery, creating stained glass windows/ lamps, blacksmithing, etc and enter art contests

    * Hike a trail for a cause or a challenge

    * Raise money to travel abroad and serve on a mission

    * Breed and trademark a type of fruit or flower

    * Breed and sell a pet- iguana, dogs, miniature cows

    * Win money as a prize bowler, archer, skier, etc

    * Start a business, track your earnings and impact

    * Help run a state ornational political campaign, work as a legislative Paige,

    * Study and PerformShakespeare

    * Learn multiple languages, particularlyCritical Languages

    * Travel internationally; create guidebook or blog about travels, do international community service or charity work

    * Do hundreds of hours ofCommunity Service

    * Build a functioning web-site

    * Build something impressive- like a Robot, Drone or Plane, or replicate all of the Enterprises’ ships as models

    * Earn a license or Certification– pilot’s, drone, PADI

    * Learn tech- 3-D Printing, Robotics, Photoshop, Photography and it's many digital uses!

    * Earn Awards such as the National Latin Exam, German National Exam,

    * Participate in and win National Competitions- Geography, History,a href="https://truenorthhomeschoolacademy.

    • 26 min
    Boys with Pens, Special Host: Beth Purcell

    Boys with Pens, Special Host: Beth Purcell

    Show Notes: LifeSkills101 Podcast - "Boys with Pens" with Special Host, Beth Purcell

    In this special episode, we welcome Beth Purcell, a renowned writing coach from True North Homeschool Academy. Beth shares her expertise on teaching writing to boys, focusing on their unique linear thinking patterns.

    Beth starts by explaining linear thinking. It's a straightforward, logical process that many boys naturally adopt. This way of thinking influences how they approach writing tasks.

    Understanding this linear mindset is key to teaching boys effectively. It's not about changing how they think but leveraging it. Beth suggests strategies that align with their logical progression of ideas.

    First, use structured writing assignments.

    These provide a clear framework for boys to follow. Outlines and templates can guide their thoughts from start to finish.

    Introduce writing exercises that build on their interests.

    Topics like sports, science, or technology can motivate boys to write. Engagement increases when they're invested in the subject matter.

    Incorporate visual aids and graphic organizers.

    Tools like mind maps help boys plan their writing visually. This method complements their linear thinking style.

    Beth emphasizes the importance of short, achievable writing tasks. Breaking down assignments into manageable parts reduces overwhelm. It encourages boys to tackle writing with confidence.

    Feedback should be constructive and specific.

    Highlight what they're doing right and where they can improve. This approach fosters a growth mindset towards writing.

    Encourage revision as a natural part of the writing process.

    Beth suggests showing examples of revised works. This demonstrates that even good writing can be made better with effort.

    Beth shares success stories from her coaching experience. These anecdotes illustrate how boys can excel in writing with the right support.

    To wrap up, Beth offers encouragement to parents and educators. She assures them that with patience and tailored strategies, boys can become confident writers.

    "Boys with Pens" is more than an episode title. It's a call to recognize and nurture the writing talents of boys everywhere. With Beth Purcell's guidance, we can help them express their thoughts clearly and creatively.

    Join us next time on LifeSkills101 for more insights into educational strategies. Together, we can make a difference in the way our children learn and grow.

    Welcome to the Life Skills 101 Podcast, proudly presented by Blue Collar Homeschoolers and the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network. Whether you’re an experienced homeschooling family or just starting your homeschooling journey, this podcast is your go-to resource for equipping your family with the skills and knowledge needed for a successful future.

    Subscribe and Stay Informed

    Check out our other podcasts & subscribe.

    Don’t miss out on the opportunity to provide your family with the best possible homeschooling and career preparation resources. Subscribe to the Life Skills 101 Podcast and stay up-to-date with the latest episodes and valuable insights.


    • 8 min
    Strategies for Kids Who Don’t Like Reading or Writing

    Strategies for Kids Who Don’t Like Reading or Writing

    Show Notes: LifeSkills101 Podcast - "Teaching Strategies for Kids Who Don't Like to Read or Write"

    This episode addresses a common challenge: teaching kids who resist reading and writing. We explore strategies to engage these learners and foster a love for literacy.

    First, understand each child's interests.

    Use these topics to spark their curiosity in reading and writing. Tailored content can transform reluctance into eagerness.

    Introduce a variety of formats.

    Comics, graphic novels, and audiobooks offer alternative pathways to literacy. They make reading more accessible and enjoyable.

    Incorporate technology.

    Apps and interactive ebooks can make reading and writing more engaging. Technology bridges the gap for reluctant learners.

    Create a comfortable reading environment.

    A cozy corner with a selection of books invites exploration. Make this space inviting and stress-free.

    Encourage reading and writing in daily activities.

    Grocery lists, menus, and simple letters incorporate literacy into everyday life. These practical experiences show the value of reading and writing.

    Use games to teach literacy skills.

    Board games, word games, and online games can improve vocabulary and spelling. Learning through play is effective and fun.

    Set aside dedicated time for reading and writing.

    Regular practice helps improve skills and confidence. Make this time flexible and pressure-free.

    Celebrate progress, no matter how small. Recognition boosts motivation and self-esteem. Celebrate every step forward in their literacy journey.

    Incorporate storytelling into your teaching. Encourage kids to create their own stories. This activity builds writing skills and unleashes creativity.

    Lastly, be patient and persistent.

    Progress may be slow, but with consistent support, kids can develop a love for literacy.

    To conclude, teaching kids who don't like to read or write requires creativity and patience. By making literacy relevant, engaging, and fun, we can open doors to a world of knowledge and imagination.

    Join us next time on LifeSkills101 for more educational insights and strategies. Together, we can overcome challenges and inspire a love for learning in all children.

    Welcome to the Life Skills 101 Podcast, proudly presented by Blue Collar Homeschoolers and the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network. Whether you’re an experienced homeschooling family or just starting your homeschooling journey, this podcast is your go-to resource for equipping your family with the skills and knowledge needed for a successful future.

    Subscribe and Stay Informed

    Check out our other podcasts & subscribe.

    Don’t miss out on the opportunity to provide your family with the best possible homeschooling and career preparation resources. Subscribe to the Life Skills 101 Podcast and stay up-to-date with the latest episodes and valuable insights.


    • 12 min
    Homeschool Science: Is this the most important subject?

    Homeschool Science: Is this the most important subject?

    Show Notes: LifeSkills101 Podcast - "Why Science is the Most Important Subject in Your Homeschool"

    In this episode, we delve into the pivotal role of science in homeschooling. Science stands as a cornerstone of education, driving curiosity and critical thinking.

    First, science cultivates a sense of wonder.

    It encourages questions about the natural world. This curiosity fuels lifelong learning. Children explore, experiment, and discover through science.

    Second, science develops critical thinking skills.

    It teaches kids to analyze information, solve problems, and make informed decisions. These skills are crucial in all areas of life.

    Moreover, science education fosters innovation. It inspires kids to invent, create, and find solutions to challenges. Today's science students are tomorrow's innovators.

    Science also promotes environmental awareness.

    It teaches the importance of sustainability and conservation. Understanding science helps kids appreciate and protect our planet.

    Furthermore, science has practical applications. It's not just theoretical knowledge. Science skills are essential in everyday life, from cooking to understanding technology.

    Science education prepares students for the future.

    Many future careers require a solid science foundation. Fields like medicine, engineering, and technology are growing rapidly.

    Integrating science into homeschooling can be fun and engaging. Experiments, outdoor activities, and science projects make learning interactive. Resources like online courses and science kits enhance the experience.

    Encourage curiosity and questions in homeschol science.

    Let your kids lead their science learning journey. Their interests can guide your curriculum choices.

    Don't shy away from difficult topics. Use them as opportunities to teach critical thinking and research skills. Every question is a chance to learn something new.

    To wrap up, science is not just another subject. It's a way to understand the world. It equips kids with the skills needed for success in life and future careers.

    Science in homeschooling is about more than facts and figures.

    It's about inspiring a lifelong journey of discovery. Let's make science a priority in our homeschools.

    Join us next time on LifeSkills101 for more tips on enhancing your homeschool experience. Together, we can ignite a passion for learning in our children.

    Welcome to the Life Skills 101 Podcast, proudly presented by Blue Collar Homeschoolers and the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network. Whether you’re an experienced homeschooling family or just starting your homeschooling journey, this podcast is your go-to resource for equipping your family with the skills and knowledge needed for a successful future.

    Subscribe and Stay Informed

    Check out our other podcasts & subscribe.

    Don’t miss out on the opportunity to provide your family with the best possible homeschooling and career preparation resources. Subscribe to the Life Skills 101 Podcast and stay up-to-date with the latest episodes and valuable insights.


    • 15 min
    Why Your Kids Must Study Geography

    Why Your Kids Must Study Geography

      Show Notes: LifeSkills101 Podcast with Lisa Nehring - "Why Your Kids Must Study Geography"

    In this insightful episode, Lisa Nehring explores the value of studying geography. Despite not being in the core four (English, math, science, history), geography shines. It's crucial for understanding history and social studies. Geography opens up the world, revealing how landscapes shape cultures and events.

    Firstly, the subject deepens historical context.

    It shows why certain events happened where they did. This understanding enriches students' grasp of global history. It connects dots between environment and human activity.

    Secondly, it fosters global awareness. Students learn about different cultures and lifestyles. This knowledge promotes empathy and global citizenship. They appreciate God's principle of individuality and diversity of our world.

    It also enhances critical thinking.

    Students analyze how geography influences political decisions and conflicts. They explore the impact of natural resources on economies and societies. This perspective is essential for informed citizens.

    Moreover, studying geography aids in environmental stewardship. It highlights the importance of sustainable living and conservation. Students understand their role in stewarding God's creation.

    Geography boosts spatial thinking too.

    Students interpret maps and visualize spatial data. These skills are valuable in many fields, from urban planning to logistics.

    Importantly, geography prepares students for the interconnected world. It supports careers in international relations, environmental science, and more. The knowledge of geography is a gateway to numerous opportunities.

    Incorporating geography into education is easier than you think. Encourage exploration of maps, countries, and cultures at home. Use technology and apps to make learning interactive and fun.

    Field trips and travel, when possible, offer hands-on learning. They bring geography to life. Even virtual tours can expand horizons and spark curiosity.

    To conclude, geography is more than just memorizing maps and capitals.

    It's about understanding our world and our place in it. It complements the core subjects, providing a well-rounded education.

    Lisa Nehring reminds us of geography's role in shaping informed, empathetic global Christian citizens. Let's not overlook this vital subject. It equips our kids for a better future, both for themselves and for our world.

    Join us next time on LifeSkills101 for more educational insights. Together, we can prepare our kids for a bright, informed future.

    Welcome to the Life Skills 101 Podcast, proudly presented by Blue Collar Homeschoolers and the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network. Whether you’re an experienced homeschooling family or just starting your homeschooling journey, this podcast is your go-to resource for equipping your family with the skills and knowledge needed for a successful future.

    Subscribe and Stay Informed

    Check out our other podcasts & subscribe.

    Don’t miss out on the opportunity to provide your family with the best possible homeschooling and career preparation resources. Subscribe to the Life Skills 101 Podcast and stay up-to-date with the latest episodes and valuable insights.


    • 10 min

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