E128 Guiding Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) with Generative Leadership, Guest Luke Hohmann KnolShare with Dr. Dave

    • Entrepreneurship

Dr. Dave and Luke Hohmann discuss the benefits of Lean Portfolio Management with generative Adaptive Practices, emphasizing the importance of creating a culture of continuous learning and improvement. They highlight the challenges of implementing LPM in existing organizations and present an alternative approach by focusing on solutions rather than value streams. Dr. Dave and Luke Hohmann emphasize the importance of positive energy in systems, aligning stakeholders to prioritize initiatives, and adopting an abundance mindset towards organizational change. They also discuss the importance of decentralization and participatory budgeting in LPM, highlighting the benefits of involving a large number of people in decision-making and considering the opinions of others in the team.


Action Items

* [ ] Luke to share his Tequila Lime marinade steak recipe with Dr. Dave [0:42:24]

* [ ] Dr. Dave to include Luke's recipe in the show notes for listeners [0:42:24]

* [ ] Luke to plug his book "Profit Streams" in the show notes [0:44:56]



Generative Adaptive Practice for Lean Portfolio Management.

* Dr. Dave discusses Lean portfolio management and generative Adaptive Practice.

* Dr. Dave and Luke Hohmann discuss the eight tenets of Adaptive Practice, including trusting team members to achieve goals and embracing failure as an opportunity to learn.

* Dr. Dave encourages listeners to share inspiring songs or spoken word pieces, with some providing a few words of inspiration while others have a few songs and bars to share.


Leadership, agile methodology, and civic engagement.

* Luke Hohmann shares their extensive experience in Agile and software development, highlighting their contributions to the field and their nonprofit focused on civic engagement and tech for good.

* Luke Hohmann defines personal brand as providing positive energy to systems in need.

* Dr. Dave aligns with Luke Hohmann's work on generative leadership and positive statements in the workplace.


Aligning priorities and investments in a large organization.

* Dr. Dave highlights the importance of an abundance mindset in LPM, as it helps organizations paint a compelling picture of a thriving portfolio.

* Luke Hohmann emphasizes the need for alignment in LPM, as it ensures that investments are made against the organization's abundance of great ideas.

* Luke Hohmann emphasizes the importance of alignment among business leaders to achieve strategic objectives.

* Luke Hohmann and Dr. Dave discuss the need for alignment on initiatives and work to achieve a common goal.


Adopting lean portfolio management in an organization.

* Luke Hohmann suggests investing 40% of the portfolio budget in Latin America, with 15% for new product development for specific North American clients.

* Luke Hohmann explains that people's fitness habits change over time and require one week of training for every month of unfitness.

* Luke Hohmann explains the importance of mapping out the current portfolio process to identify practices aligned with lean, agile ways of working.

* Dr. Dave acknowledges that successful companies were successful before introducing lean-agile ways of working and emphasizes the importance of keeping the cadence of existing processes.


Decentralization of decision-making authority in organizations.

* Luke Hohmann explains how organizations already have decentralized control, and lpm is not a radical change.

* Luke Hohmann argues that organizations should decentralize decision-making authority based on individual experienc...

Dr. Dave and Luke Hohmann discuss the benefits of Lean Portfolio Management with generative Adaptive Practices, emphasizing the importance of creating a culture of continuous learning and improvement. They highlight the challenges of implementing LPM in existing organizations and present an alternative approach by focusing on solutions rather than value streams. Dr. Dave and Luke Hohmann emphasize the importance of positive energy in systems, aligning stakeholders to prioritize initiatives, and adopting an abundance mindset towards organizational change. They also discuss the importance of decentralization and participatory budgeting in LPM, highlighting the benefits of involving a large number of people in decision-making and considering the opinions of others in the team.


Action Items

* [ ] Luke to share his Tequila Lime marinade steak recipe with Dr. Dave [0:42:24]

* [ ] Dr. Dave to include Luke's recipe in the show notes for listeners [0:42:24]

* [ ] Luke to plug his book "Profit Streams" in the show notes [0:44:56]



Generative Adaptive Practice for Lean Portfolio Management.

* Dr. Dave discusses Lean portfolio management and generative Adaptive Practice.

* Dr. Dave and Luke Hohmann discuss the eight tenets of Adaptive Practice, including trusting team members to achieve goals and embracing failure as an opportunity to learn.

* Dr. Dave encourages listeners to share inspiring songs or spoken word pieces, with some providing a few words of inspiration while others have a few songs and bars to share.


Leadership, agile methodology, and civic engagement.

* Luke Hohmann shares their extensive experience in Agile and software development, highlighting their contributions to the field and their nonprofit focused on civic engagement and tech for good.

* Luke Hohmann defines personal brand as providing positive energy to systems in need.

* Dr. Dave aligns with Luke Hohmann's work on generative leadership and positive statements in the workplace.


Aligning priorities and investments in a large organization.

* Dr. Dave highlights the importance of an abundance mindset in LPM, as it helps organizations paint a compelling picture of a thriving portfolio.

* Luke Hohmann emphasizes the need for alignment in LPM, as it ensures that investments are made against the organization's abundance of great ideas.

* Luke Hohmann emphasizes the importance of alignment among business leaders to achieve strategic objectives.

* Luke Hohmann and Dr. Dave discuss the need for alignment on initiatives and work to achieve a common goal.


Adopting lean portfolio management in an organization.

* Luke Hohmann suggests investing 40% of the portfolio budget in Latin America, with 15% for new product development for specific North American clients.

* Luke Hohmann explains that people's fitness habits change over time and require one week of training for every month of unfitness.

* Luke Hohmann explains the importance of mapping out the current portfolio process to identify practices aligned with lean, agile ways of working.

* Dr. Dave acknowledges that successful companies were successful before introducing lean-agile ways of working and emphasizes the importance of keeping the cadence of existing processes.


Decentralization of decision-making authority in organizations.

* Luke Hohmann explains how organizations already have decentralized control, and lpm is not a radical change.

* Luke Hohmann argues that organizations should decentralize decision-making authority based on individual experienc...