Pivot Into Your Purpose

Pivot Into Your Purpose Podcast

Are you looking for a career or business that fulfills and excites you? Are you wanting to get clear on what your purpose is, and what you're meant to do, plus the confidence to go for it? Each week, host Melissa Hoffmann will share inspiration, actionable tips, and conversations with inspiring women who are living in their purpose to help you get clear on your own journey to discover your purpose and the work you are meant to do. Follow Melissa @melissamhoffmann on IG to feel more inspired and empowered. Subscribe to Pivot Into Your Purpose and share it with someone who needs to hear it.

  1. 11/05/2022

    How To Start Taking Action Once You Have Your Business Idea

    On Episode 16 of the Pivot Into Your Purpose Podcast, I'm sharing the last part of my 3 part series, Clarity In Your Calling: Discover Your Purpose and the Business You're Meant to Create. This episode focuses on how once you know what you want to do for your work, and you’ve discovered how you can build your confidence in yourself now, the next thing to do is to start taking action so you can start building your new business and working towards your dreams. I share 3 steps to get started taking action so you can create momentum and start building your dream business. KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THE EPISODE: What claiming what you desire is and why it's so important to getting started. Why you should tell everyone you know about the business you are starting BEFORE you get started. Why deciding you will be successful is important to your success. How Your "Why" or North Star will keep you going even when you want to quit. Why it's important to surrender knowing the how or when to your success. Why I believe it's so crucial to have a mentor or coach in the beginning of building your business. What you can do to find a mentor if you can't afford a one on one coach or mentor. This is the last episode of Season 1! I am so grateful to you for being here on this podcast journey and listening each week. I've loved sharing my journey with you of finding clarity on what I was meant to do so I could leave my corporate job, and sharing the stories of my amazing guests who have pivoted into careers that have been so meaningful and fulfilling for them. Season 2 starts September 7. 2022, so mark your calendars and get ready for more inspirational and educational episodes, as well as some amazing guests I have lined up to share their stories. Thank you for being here! And if you haven't listened to all 16 episodes on the podcast, you have plenty of time to catch up! ****** LISTEN to my free masterclass, Clarity In Your Calling: Get Clear On Your Purpose and The Work You're Meant To Do : Clarity Workshop FOLLOW me on IG: @melissamhoffmann WORK WITH ME 1:1: my website SUBSCRIBE & LEAVE A REVIEW Are you subscribed to the show? I add new shows each week to inspire you and give you tips on how to get clear on pivoting into your purpose! Click here to subscribe on iTunes!If you’re really loving the show, leave me your review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other women find the show who are looking to pivot into their purpose, and I love hearing about how the show has inspired you! Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”, and let me know what you are loving and feeling inspired by. Thank you!

    16 min
  2. 04/05/2022

    How To Tap Into Your Confidence Now So You Can Start Your Dream Business

    In Part 2 of my series on Clarity In Your Calling, I'm sharing the 3 ways you can tap into your confidence now to start your dream business, before you've started or even know how to get started. I share my own journey of finding my confidence to leave my corporate job and start a business as a makeup artist, even though I had no formal training or knew how to build a business as a makeup artist. KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: We're not just born with confidence, we have to build it. We can borrow confidence for starting something new from our past experiences. How to redefine what confidence means for you, and how it will help you feel confident now. Why just making the decision to start your business will make you seem really confident to other people. Why you don't have to be the best at what you do to have confidence in your skills in your new business. Why your passion for your new business can give you confidence. How understanding who you are and who you want to work with will give you confidence. How to be your most confident self. ****** LISTEN to my free masterclass, Clarity In Your Calling: Get Clear On Your Purpose and The Work You're Meant To Do : Clarity Workshop FOLLOW me on IG: @melissamhoffmann WORK WITH ME 1:1: my website SUBSCRIBE & LEAVE A REVIEW Are you subscribed to the show? I add new shows each week to inspire you and give you tips on how to get clear on pivoting into your purpose! Click here to subscribe on iTunes!If you’re really loving the show, leave me your review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other women find the show who are looking to pivot into their purpose, and I love hearing about how the show has inspired you! Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”, and let me know what you are loving and feeling inspired by. Thank you!

    18 min
  3. 26/04/2022

    3 Ways To Get Clear On What You Want To Do So You Can Create The Business You Dream Of

    Welcome to episode 14 of the Pivot Into Your Purpose Podcast! This solo episode is part 1 of a 3 part series I'm doing breaking down my signature method for getting clear on what you're meant to do, growing the confidence to go for it, and knowing the first steps to take to help you get into action and create the business you dream of creating. Episode 14 is the top 3 ways that I use to help my clients (and that I used myself) to get clear on what you want to do so you can create the business you were meant to create. In the episode I share how you can look to your past, present and future for different ways to discover what you are meant to do. I share lots of journaling prompts to help you dig deep so you can uncover what it is that you are deeply desiring to do, and I'm sharing these prompts below so you can come back to them and journal your thoughts out.  I'd love to hear what you discover about yourself and what you are dreaming of doing! Please share with me on IG, I love hearing from you! JOURNAL PROMPTS: LOOK TO YOUR PAST- What did you want to be when you grew up? What did you love to do as a child? What did you play or imagine you were? What did people always tell you that you were good at? LOOK AT YOUR PRESENT- What are you obsessed with? What do you spend all your time thinking about, doing or wanting to be doing? What are you jealous of someone else for doing or having? What are your values? What's important to you in a career? What would you want to have in your career? Who inspire you, and why? LOOK TO YOUR FUTURE- If you could do anything in the world and money were no object, what would you do? What would that look like? What would your perfect day look like? Create the vision for yourself: If it didn't matter what it cost to get started, how long it would take, and you were guaranteed to succeed, what would you be doing?  How would you spend your day?  How much would you be making? How would it feel to be doing this work? Share your thoughts and breakthroughs with me on IG! **** LISTEN to my free masterclass, Clarity In Your Calling: Get Clear On Your Purpose and The Work You're Meant To Do : Clarity Workshop FOLLOW me on IG: @melissamhoffmann  WORK WITH ME 1:1: my website SUBSCRIBE & LEAVE A REVIEW Are you subscribed to the show? I add new shows each week to inspire you and give you tips on how to get clear on pivoting into your purpose! Click here to subscribe on iTunes!If you’re really loving the show, leave me your review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other women find the show who are looking to pivot into their purpose, and I love hearing about how the show has inspired you! Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”, and let me know what you are loving and feeling inspired by. Thank you!

    12 min
  4. 20/04/2022

    Building A Soul Aligned Six Figure Business As A Mom Of Three With Meg O'Neill

    On today's episode of the Pivot Into Your Purpose Podcast, I'm chatting with Meg O'Neill, an intuitive business coach. Meg shares her story of how she went from working for different non-profits and helping them to raise $100K in capital and grow their businesses, to realizing that although she loved the work, it didn't match up with her values for what she wanted for herself and her family. This led her to start her coaching business, which she has grown to over six figures in less than a year, all while raising her three kids and showing that you can have a six figure business while doing it imperfectly, and have balance and time for yourself. We chat about how motherhood has impacted her journey and helped her to create the soul aligned business she has today, and how she is helping other women entrepreneurs to do the same. KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THE EPISODE: Why it's important to not put yourself in a box and do what other people are doing when it comes to building your business.  Why it doesn't always work to take someone else's playbook and get the same results they did. Why the value of coaching is so much more than having someone tell you what to do or give you their strategy. Why it's important to learn to tune into our intuition and calm our nervous system. How getting curious about how to monetize what people were coming to her for all the time led her to starting her coaching business.  How you can still love your job and want to pivot into something that is more aligned for you. Why knowing your values and what's important to you is a huge part of discovering the work or business you're meant to create. The #1 lesson she learned on her journey to creating a 6 figure coaching business. How asking yourself questions like, "What feels good about this?" will eat you in the right direction to success. Why it's important to be gentle with yourself, embrace messiness, and ask for support when you're a mom building a business. What her priorities are when it comes to balancing her business and family life. Why you should start your healing journey as soon as you can. **** LISTEN to my free masterclass, Clarity In Your Calling: Get Clear On Your Purpose and The Work You're Meant To Do : Clarity Workshop FOLLOW Meg on IG: @megoneill10 DOWNLOAD her free Higher Self Meditation: Guided Meditation SIGN UP for her new Masterclass: How To Have High Cash Months In Less Than 15 Hours Per Week SUBSCRIBE & LEAVE A REVIEW Are you subscribed to the show? I add new shows each week to inspire you and give you tips on how to get clear on pivoting into your purpose! Click here to subscribe on iTunes!If you’re really loving the show, leave me your review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other women find the show who are looking to pivot into their purpose, and I love hearing about how the show has inspired you! Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”, and let me know what you are loving and feeling inspired by. Thank you!

    33 min
  5. 05/04/2022

    Leaving Your Corporate Job Before You're Ready With Jamie Riene

    In this episode of the Pivot Into Your Purpose Podcast, I chat with Jamie Riene, host of the Breaking Up With Corporate Podcast. Jamie shares her story of leaving corporate twice to figure out what she wanted to do, and her journey to discovering she wanted to start a podcast and be a coach. Jamie shares how her mental and physical health were being impacted by her job so much, that she quit before she had a solid plan in action, and how working on her mindset and journaling has helped her to gain clarity around what she wants to create. KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THE EPISODE: The most powerful question you could ask yourself if you're thinking of leaving your job. How tying your self worth to your job is unhealthy. How what you're passionate about doesn't always mean it's the right career for you. Why it's important that your work feels sustainable, and not draining or exhausting to you. Why having the alignment and the right energy for it is so important when figuring out what you want to do for your work. How not being in alignment makes it harder to reach your goals. How listening to a podcast filled her with inspiration and inspired her next steps and her a-ha moment of what she wanted to create. The power of journaling and how morning pages can clear your thoughts. How your thoughts from your past might be the medicine and clarity you need now. why we need to stop comparing our beginning to someone else's success in their journey. How your excitement in the process of figuring out what you're meant to do is so important for helping things flow rather than feel forced. The most important thing you can do at the beginning of your journey discovering your purpose. **** LISTEN to my free masterclass, Clarity In Your Calling: Get Clear On Your Purpose and The Work You're Meant To Do : Clarity Workshop FOLLOW Jamie on IG: @jamieriene LISTEN to the podcast: Breaking Up With Corporate JOIN the Facebook group: Breaking Up With Corporate SUBSCRIBE & LEAVE A REVIEW Are you subscribed to the show? I add new shows each week to inspire you and give you tips on how to get clear on pivoting into your purpose! Click here to subscribe on iTunes!If you’re really loving the show, leave me your review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other women find the show who are looking to pivot into their purpose, and I love hearing about how the show has inspired you! Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”, and let me know what you are loving and feeling inspired by. Thank you!

    34 min
  6. 22/03/2022

    How Being Burnt Out And In Pain Led Her To Find Her Purpose As A Coach And Healer With Gina Newton

    In this episode of the Pivot Into Your Purpose Podcast, Spiritual Coach and Healer Gina Newton shares her journey of going from being a Type A, highly anxious researcher in the pharmaceutical industry and being in extreme physical pain, to learning to listen to her body, slow down, and find her purpose as a spiritual coach and healer.  We talk about how motherhood has impacted her life and her choice to leave the pharmaceutical industry, and the gift of teaching and healing that her daughters brings to her. KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THE EPISODE: How the stress of her job, being the breadwinner of the household, and mom of 2, and the passing of her father started to show up in her body as physical pain. Why living out of alignment started the further decline of her health. How our bodies will. manifest physical symptoms and pain we are unhappy and not living in alignment with what we want. Your body will not lie to you so always pay attention to what it's telling you. How she's no longer in pain because she chose to listen and make choices that were aligned with what she desired. Why it's important to focus on healing your body after having a baby, especially as our society doesn't focus on the mother's health post-partum. How healing from our past traumas can be a life long commitment. How we as highly anxious, over-achieving, perfectionists create rules for ourselves that make us feel safe but aren't always true or healthy for ourselves. Why taking care of everyone else but ourselves can feel safe even though it's not what's best for us. Why it's so hard for us to sit and be with our stillness. How what her coworkers would come to her for advice on led her to finding her purpose in her work. How the practice of showing gratitude for our bodies helps you love yourself more. How taking care of your mind is just as important as taking care of your body. How our kids re our biggest teachers and not only show us our wounds but help us heal them. The importance of being open to receiving what you want and trusting you will get it. **** LISTEN to my free masterclass, Clarity In Your Calling: Get Clear On Your Purpose and The Work You're Meant To Do : Clarity Workshop FOLLOW Gina on IG: @gina.m.newton WORK WITH Gina: Sign Up SUBSCRIBE & LEAVE A REVIEW Are you subscribed to the show? I add new shows each week to inspire you and give you tips on how to get clear on pivoting into your purpose! Click here to subscribe on iTunes!If you’re really loving the show, leave me your review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other women find the show who are looking to pivot into their purpose, and I love hearing about how the show has inspired you! Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”, and let me know what you are loving and feeling inspired by. Thank you!

    45 min
  7. 15/03/2022

    Balancing Your Day Job With Growing Your Business with Zeina Marrush

    In this episode of the Pivot Into Your Purpose Podcast, I chat with Love and Relationship Coach Zeina Marrush. Zeina talks about building her coaching business alongside her day job, and how she balances it all with ease and pleasure. She shares her story of how her devastating break up led her to figure out heal and get over her ex, and how that led her to finding her purpose teaching other women who've had heart break to do the same, and find healthy and loving relationships after.  KEY TAKEAWAYS:  How knowing she was meant for more led her on her quest to discover how she could make money and work for herself doing something she loved. How hiring her own coach led her to what she was meant to coach women through. How her traumatic break up and healing from it helped her create her signature methodology that now helps her clients heal and find love again. Why what seemed like the worst thing to happen to you has so many gifts in it. Why it's important to have support to help you go through something traumatic and that you don't have to do it alone. Why we stay stuck in relationships that aren't serving us. How giving yourself permission to fully show up in your side hustle or new business will help things shift really fast. How to balance your day job with your business to have growth without burnout. Why having the right mindset is so important for your success. Why getting uncomfortable is the best thing you can do for your business growth. Why you might not be getting the results you want from a new program or coach and how to shift that. How to look at an experience or investment that felt bad at the time and find the good from it. **** LISTEN to my free masterclass, Clarity In Your Calling: Get Clear On Your Purpose and The Work You're Meant To Do : Clarity Workshop FOLLOW Zeina on IG- @zeina.marrush DOWNLOAD 3 Shifts To Make Your Dating Profile Stand Out- Free Gift SUBSCRIBE & LEAVE A REVIEW Are you subscribed to the show? I add new shows each week to inspire you and give you tips on how to get clear on pivoting into your purpose! Click here to subscribe on iTunes!If you’re really loving the show, leave me your review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other women find the show who are looking to pivot into their purpose, and I love hearing about how the show has inspired you! Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”, and let me know what you are loving and feeling inspired by. Thank you!

    34 min


Are you looking for a career or business that fulfills and excites you? Are you wanting to get clear on what your purpose is, and what you're meant to do, plus the confidence to go for it? Each week, host Melissa Hoffmann will share inspiration, actionable tips, and conversations with inspiring women who are living in their purpose to help you get clear on your own journey to discover your purpose and the work you are meant to do. Follow Melissa @melissamhoffmann on IG to feel more inspired and empowered. Subscribe to Pivot Into Your Purpose and share it with someone who needs to hear it.

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