14 min

Chapter 2 – E04 Scared To Meth

    • Books


We got on the road an hour later. It was late at night, about 11pm, but I didn't care, even if we had to stop and rest, we were finally on the road.

The ride was nice. We really got to listen to the fullest, each others music. We had YouTube and an unlimited data cell phone plan, as well as an auxiliary cord to plug into the radio in the rental car. We had fun and enjoyed each other's company and the ride.

The first sign of trouble came in the state of Pennsylvania. I was going about 80mph with a group of other drivers in a wide open area of road, me being in the passing lane, when all of a sudden, a state cop pops out of nowhere. He hit his blue lights and pulled me over. I was terrified because I was not supposed to be driving the rental. Luckily for me, he just gave me a speeding ticket and let me go on, but, I had a real problem from the event. I was on license probation from an earlier speeding ticket, and if I got any tickets while on this year long probation, I would get my license suspended. I had only 5 or so days left until that probation. I was really hoping that this ticket wouldn't show up in the state that I lived, but I was definitely wrong.

After 12 hours, we ran out of money for gas, and after figuring out how long it would take to get where we were going, we called gran to get some more money. That only took 2 hours or so, and then we finally got back on the road. We really were not prepared for this trip at all. We went on a whim without any actual planning. The only part we that was planned was where we were going to stay. We took this trip with no money of our own.

We finally got to Long Island 18 hours later and after another hour, finally pulled up to her aunt's house. She invited us in and we ate dinner. We told her the plan while there, but things were quickly falling away from what I wanted.

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In order to get to Manhattan, I would have to drive an hour back, or take a train. Either way, we didn't have any money for gas or for the train, so I was very limited on what to do here.

We ended up getting $20 from her aunt, but when it was time to get on the train, Lucy wanted to sleep in, instead of going to Times Square with me. It really aggravated me, but I took the train there and tried to pass out cards.

I was really excited. There are LED boards 20 stories up in the air all over Times Square, and after talking to a bunch of vendors there, I finally found a place that would allow me my 30 seconds of fame, which was the opportunity to put a picture of my business card up on one of the LED's. The store liked the charity I was contributing to with my game, so they allowed me to put the card up for free.

I then went outside and waited. I asked a guy that walked by if he would like to check out my game and he said "Yo, where are you from guy?" I told him my state and he said "Yeah, well, why don't you go back there. I'm from Brooklyn and I will smack the stuff out of you" I said, "I'm sorry for bothering you", and went back to wait for my card to pop up on the LED.

I started to tell people walking by that my card was about to pop up on the screen and some started waiting with me, but it was taking too long, and just as I was about to go in and check with the store, all the LED's in the Square changed blue. Apparently Microsoft had bought out all of the space for this time of night to promote the launch of the Surfac...


We got on the road an hour later. It was late at night, about 11pm, but I didn't care, even if we had to stop and rest, we were finally on the road.

The ride was nice. We really got to listen to the fullest, each others music. We had YouTube and an unlimited data cell phone plan, as well as an auxiliary cord to plug into the radio in the rental car. We had fun and enjoyed each other's company and the ride.

The first sign of trouble came in the state of Pennsylvania. I was going about 80mph with a group of other drivers in a wide open area of road, me being in the passing lane, when all of a sudden, a state cop pops out of nowhere. He hit his blue lights and pulled me over. I was terrified because I was not supposed to be driving the rental. Luckily for me, he just gave me a speeding ticket and let me go on, but, I had a real problem from the event. I was on license probation from an earlier speeding ticket, and if I got any tickets while on this year long probation, I would get my license suspended. I had only 5 or so days left until that probation. I was really hoping that this ticket wouldn't show up in the state that I lived, but I was definitely wrong.

After 12 hours, we ran out of money for gas, and after figuring out how long it would take to get where we were going, we called gran to get some more money. That only took 2 hours or so, and then we finally got back on the road. We really were not prepared for this trip at all. We went on a whim without any actual planning. The only part we that was planned was where we were going to stay. We took this trip with no money of our own.

We finally got to Long Island 18 hours later and after another hour, finally pulled up to her aunt's house. She invited us in and we ate dinner. We told her the plan while there, but things were quickly falling away from what I wanted.

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In order to get to Manhattan, I would have to drive an hour back, or take a train. Either way, we didn't have any money for gas or for the train, so I was very limited on what to do here.

We ended up getting $20 from her aunt, but when it was time to get on the train, Lucy wanted to sleep in, instead of going to Times Square with me. It really aggravated me, but I took the train there and tried to pass out cards.

I was really excited. There are LED boards 20 stories up in the air all over Times Square, and after talking to a bunch of vendors there, I finally found a place that would allow me my 30 seconds of fame, which was the opportunity to put a picture of my business card up on one of the LED's. The store liked the charity I was contributing to with my game, so they allowed me to put the card up for free.

I then went outside and waited. I asked a guy that walked by if he would like to check out my game and he said "Yo, where are you from guy?" I told him my state and he said "Yeah, well, why don't you go back there. I'm from Brooklyn and I will smack the stuff out of you" I said, "I'm sorry for bothering you", and went back to wait for my card to pop up on the LED.

I started to tell people walking by that my card was about to pop up on the screen and some started waiting with me, but it was taking too long, and just as I was about to go in and check with the store, all the LED's in the Square changed blue. Apparently Microsoft had bought out all of the space for this time of night to promote the launch of the Surfac...

14 min