54 episodes

Join Katie Utterback, CLC for conversations about what it's like and what it takes to heal from narcissistic abuse. We'll talk about the entirety of the journey from first discovering your loved one is toxic or narcissistic, to what it's like going no contact with your family of origin due to emotional abuse, and all of the emotions and experiences in-between. We'll also talk about astrology, inner-child healing, manifestation, spirituality, mental health, meditations, healing water, mermaids, and we'll do it all through the lens of one of our favorite medicines: laughter.

Healing Laughter Katie Utterback, CLC

    • Health & Fitness

Join Katie Utterback, CLC for conversations about what it's like and what it takes to heal from narcissistic abuse. We'll talk about the entirety of the journey from first discovering your loved one is toxic or narcissistic, to what it's like going no contact with your family of origin due to emotional abuse, and all of the emotions and experiences in-between. We'll also talk about astrology, inner-child healing, manifestation, spirituality, mental health, meditations, healing water, mermaids, and we'll do it all through the lens of one of our favorite medicines: laughter.

    #053: Breaking Generational Trauma & What I Want My Children to Know

    #053: Breaking Generational Trauma & What I Want My Children to Know

    Aloha, Namaste, and welcome back to the Healing Laughter podcast. This is the show where we talk about all things related to self-love, trauma recovery, manifestation, spirituality, the power of positive affirmations, healing water, astrology, and soul much more. 

    I’m your host Katie Utterback. I’m an ICF-certified spiritual life coach, a western tropical astrologer, breathwork practitioner, proud mama, and wannabe mermaid. 

    Today on the show I wanted to talk about motherhood. That’s the reason I’ve had to step away from this podcast for most of 2023. I’m recording this at the end of August and my husband and I are expecting our daughter to arrive Earth-side, really any day now. This little coconut is our first human baby, if you’ve been around for a while you know I have a fur baby, who is now four years old. And while everyone has been telling me that having a human baby is an experience, a love unlike anything else, in all honesty I felt myself step up into a more maternal role when we adopted our fur baby Jagger in 2019. So I'm really not sure what to expect or how I will feel.

    When I went no contact, I wasn’t just thinking about the wellness of my future human children - I was thinking about my fur babies too.

    So that’s the energy I’m kind of coming from when I say I don’t know how much deeper I can step into becoming the Mother archetype. I feel like I already am her, but then again, we’ll see what happens when my Baby Girl arrives in the next few weeks or so how I feel about the love I have for my fur baby compared to my human baby.

    So far the only thing that seems different is what I want to teach my daughter vs what I want to teach Jagger. But I’ve also noticed a lot of similarities - namely that i want both of them to know how much their Daddy and I love them, how important they are, how loved they are, how special they are, how smart they are, how perfect they are.

    It’s so different from how I was brought up and I’m proud of that.

    I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to say when I first meet her and I’m worried about what my face will look like. I hope I’m smiling, I hope she doesn’t think I’m criticizing her appearance the first time we look into each other's eyes. I hope I remember to say something loving to her when she hears my voice for the first time Earth-side. 

    And as I’ve been thinking about what I want to say to my Baby Girl, not just that first time we meet, but every day, my mind has been flooded with phrases I heard as a child that I never want her or any of my children - human or fur - to hear.

    Things like:

    I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it.

    Abuse?! You think that’s abuse?! I’ll show you child abuse.

    The people who love you the most will treat you the worst when they need your love the most

    If you eat that it will go straight from your lips to your hips.

    You need to have more confidence - you look like a turtle. This was said to me by the way when I was in middle school, right before I got on the bus to school.

    You’re embarrassing me. 

    I’m sorry you got your Dad’s farmer arms and thicker body type and your sister got my slender physique

    You have mental issues.

    Can you not be so obviously uncomfortable around the child predator? You’re making everyone else uncomfortable

    Blood is thicker than water

    If you’re open to sharing, let me know what kind of messages you tell your kids everyday - human or fur - and what the first thing you said to your newborn was, and what kind of messaging or parenting techniques you’re working to leave behind.

    • 11 min
    #052 Super New Moon in Aquarius

    #052 Super New Moon in Aquarius

    January 21, 2023: Aquarius New Moon | 12:53 PM Pacific | 1°, 32”

    This a Super New Moon - meaning it’s not just a new moon, but the new moon will occur when the moon is closer to Earth than normal, so the moon’s pull will be greater, the energy may be more intense.

    And when I started to look closer at the aspects, the energy at play here, I do think this will be a potent and powerful New Moon. Meaning those who take the time to use this energy to their advantage may be pleasantly surprised when the Aquarius Super Full Moon occurs this August.

    At the time of the Aquarius Super New Moon, both the sun and moon will be at 1°, 32 minutes of Aquarius. This is actually the fourth of five New Moons in a row all happening at 1 degree.

    What I find so poetic about New Moons at these early degrees like 1 degree is that Aries is the leader of the zodiac, Aries season represents the astrological new year; so although Aries has this tough reputation, this association with being a warrior, it’s also the energy of going out in the dark, of finding something new, taking a new path.

    And that actually really compliments the energy of Aquarius quite well because Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac. Being a rebel can sometimes have a bad connotation, so think of it this way - Aquarian energy tends to be more rebellious because Aquarians are usually thinking about the future, about communities, and when you’re thinking light years ahead, you can sometimes rub people the wrong way especially when you have a vision in mind and you’re not letting anyone get in your way of bringing this vision to fruition.

    Aquarians tend to be eccentric, spontaneous, and original. And this is not just in how an Aquarian thinks, they tend to dress more eccentrically, wear brighter colors, perhaps pair together patterns or materials that you wouldn’t normally think go together, so sometimes Aquarian energy appears more confident than it really is.

    Aquarius is a fixed, air sign, and the natural ruler of the 11th house of community and networking, so many Aquarians can sometimes come off as if they are very logical, scientific in thought, much more logical than they are emotional, but that’s just how they appear. Under the surface, Aquarians are really not that conservative because they are so involved and constantly thinking about others and how to build more communities that work for everyone. So in that sense they are very social justice minded they’re just a little quieter, more reserved sometimes than other signs, including fellow air sign Gemini.

    Aquarius is an air sign, not a water sign, which tricks some people because Aquarius is represented by the symbol of the water bearer, and even the zodiac symbol for Aquarius looks like waves, but alas it’s an air sign. So with an air sign, some people can take this energy as you’re not necessarily being emotionally aware or sensitive, perhaps they feel you rub them the wrong way because the energy of Aquarius can sometimes appear demanding, critical, much more logically based than emotionally intuitive, but again, it’s usually because they are working to bring some sort of social and humanitarian ideal into their reality; the harshness of Aquarian energy is sometimes confusing even for Aquarians themselves because the water bearer energy is an energy that absorbs and collects the energy, the desires, the limiting beliefs of those around them. Almost like an empath, there’s this innate ability to read the energy of the social community and determine what needs to be done, what needs to change, what needs to be released in order to bring more harmony, love, and peace to the planet.

    The Aquarius Super Full Moon will occur on Aug. 1, 2023, so think about the area of your life being illuminated by this Aquarius New Moon. What would you like to see happen in that area of your life by August 2023?

    Meditate, write it down and start working toward those goals

    • 21 min
    #051 Thank You, Harry & Meghan, for Highlighting Toxic Families

    #051 Thank You, Harry & Meghan, for Highlighting Toxic Families

    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are once again dominating the headlines. This time it’s because of the content Harry included in his new autobiography, “Spare.”

    Full Blog: https://elevatedaura.com/thank-you-harry-meghan-for-highlighting-toxic-families/

    I had no intention of commenting further than I already have on Harry and Meghan, but I started to hear things like “why is Harry revealing so many personal details about his family? Didn’t he ask for privacy?” followed by a bunch of chuckles and eyerolls. And it honestly pissed me off because so much of their story feels like my own story.

    Am I a royal or an actress, no. But it was my wedding where I realized how little my family of origin loved me for who I am as a person, an individual. Their love for me was really more based on what I could do for them, how I could pump them up and make them feel like Gods.

    You can listen to a little bit of my story in episodes 1 and 2 of the Healing Laughter podcast.

    What I found so refreshing about Harry and Meghan’s story is the level of honesty. That’s really all I wanted anyone to be when things got messy. But instead of telling the truth, I watched people bury their heads in the sand, spread harmful rumors, and sit silently while the world around me crumbled.

    I understand why Harry and Meghan want to speak up and share their version of events, because I have felt similarly. And like Harry and Meghan, I didn’t understand why my side of the story was viewed so harshly.

    If anything good comes out of Harry and Meghan sharing their story I hope it’s this: When there is a conflict or even a joyful occasion, it is so important to get the details from those who actually experienced what happened, and to not spread gossip or rumors.

    You never know – even in a family of origin – who truly has your back until things get messy. And those who stand behind you, who don’t believe the chatter mill, who come to you first to get the truth, those are the people you want to surround yourself with.

    Full blog available elevated aura & Little Miss Generational Trauma Ends With Me print available on Redbubble

    • 6 min
    #050 Cancer Full Moon | January 2023

    #050 Cancer Full Moon | January 2023

    The First Full Moon of 2023, the Cancer Full Moon, will be happening on January 6, 2023 at 3:07 PM Pacific Time.

    During the Full Moon, the Moon will be at 16 degrees, 21 minutes of Cancer.

    Overall looking at the astrological chart for the Cancer Full Moon, I’m feeling very optimistic and hopeful about what the First Full Moon of 2023 has in store for us. Any bumps or challenges happening around the Cancer Full Moon seem more like inspirational moments that help you understand yourself and those around you more; these are transits that can help you get clear on what is important to you from a home life perspective, and what kind of emotional needs do you have that are not being met?

    Cancer is the nurturer of the zodiac. It’s an energy that is all about family, family roots, feeling nurtured, supported, taken care of, but also taking care of others. It’s that maternal energy that is empathetic, sensitive, wanting to protect those we love. Cancerian topics also include housing, property, food, nurturing, children, things having to do with caring or hospitality industries, such as social work and nursing.

    Cancer is the sign of the Mother, representing motherhood, pregnancy, children, and rules parts of our body including our breastbone, stomach, and womb; so there may be pregnancy or relationship-related news like engagements happening around the Cancer Full Moon. Or perhaps you find a reason to love and care for yourself more around this time because you start to understand that when I am kind, patient, and nurturing to myself, there is a ripple effect on my external world.

    The reason I bring up self love and filling up your own cup is because Cancerian energy has a tendency to come off as emotional or moody because it’s a water sign. But unlike the other water signs like Pisces who is openly emotional or Scorpio whose emotions almost appear to be frozen over, the emotional energy of Cancer is hard to pinpoint because it’s constantly changing. Like the crab symbol that represents Cancer astrologically, the soft heart of Cancer is protected by a hard shell.

    So Cancer, like the crab, is an energy that has a tough outer shell, it puts on a tough appearance, tough upper lip, but under the surface, there’s a waterfall of emotions flowing, and that is Cancerian energy. The crab has a tough outer shell, but a soft heart.

    Cancerian energy is all about our home life, which makes sense given that Cancer is the natural ruler of the fourth house, which is all about our home life, the mother, family, our emotional well-being, ancestral roots, and feelings. The big emphasis on home and emotional security is why those with strong Cancerian placements tend to be more security-conscious and highly value their home life compared to other signs.

    What to expect with this Cancer Full Moon on a personal level?
    Think back, look back, what was going on in your life on June 28, 2022, three days before and after, that was when we had the New Moon in Cancer.

    So take a look back at social media posts, your journal, your calendar, what was going on in your life, what were you paying attention to, what were you working toward, that will give you the best indication of what to expect with this Cancer Full Moon.

    Also look and see which house does Cancer rule for you? If you are not an Aries rising, Cancer will rule a different house than the fourth house, so take a look at the house Cancer rules specifically for you as that will give you the best indication of which area of your life is most likely to experience some kind of change. It may not be a huge change, you may see the sprouts of something you’ve been calling in or manifesting.

    If you have personal planets or angles around 16 degrees of cardinal signs Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and Libra, you will likely feel the effects of this Full Moon the most.
    Learn more: https://elevatedaura.com/

    • 22 min
    #049 Capricorn Super New Moon Dec. 2022

    #049 Capricorn Super New Moon Dec. 2022

    Hi it’s Katie from elevated aura with a quick energetic update for you regarding the upcoming Capricorn Super New Moon.

    One quick note before we begin: I’m a western tropical astrologer using the whole house sign system and all my updates, forecasts and 1-1 consultations follow this style of astrology.

    Back to the astrology. Following the winter solstice on Dec. 21, we will have the final new moon of the year on December 23, 2022 with the Super New Moon in Capricorn at 2:16 AM Pacific. The sun and the moon will both be at 1 degree, 32 minutes of Capricorn.

    It’s also in Capricorn we find Venus, Mercury, and Pluto, indicating there is a lot of Cardinal Earth energy - Capricorn energy at play during this New Moon.

    Capricorn is The Boss of the Zodiac and the natural ruler of the 10th house of career which includes your work, career, public image, leadership, and self employment.

    Capricorn people are ambitious and practical, and they tend to have an excellent sense of social responsibility. They also tend to be conscious of social mores, perhaps to the point of over-concern. Capricorn people tend to naturally be cautious, which allows them to advance slowly and steadily to the top. You’ve heard of the Tortoise and the Hare story? The tortoise epitomizes Capricorn energy - slow and steady wins the race, learning, adapting, adjusting as you go along.

    During the Capricorn New Moon, four of the 6 personal planets will be in Capricorn- sun, moon, mercury, venus, and Puto is there as well.

    The moon represents our emotions, our internal world, how we express ourselves. It’s our unconscious, how we feel about things. The moon is ruled by Cancer, and on the zodiac, Cancer and Capricorn are axis buddies. Where Cancer is the home life, nurturing, maternal energy, Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is more fatherly, disciplined energy that is all about taking responsibility and being a boss.

    So when the emotional motherly moon is in Capricorn? The moon doesn’t exactly feel all comfy cozy. This energy may manifest itself at this time in a way where we doubt ourselves and may feel the need to justify ourselves to the outside world or better yet, garner approval from the external world to ensure we are safe and that we are being useful. I know this is easier said than done, but at this time, really see if you can work on filling up your own self if you are feeling useless or unloved. Use this challenging energy to build up your skills of coping with adverse realities, and learn to trust your inner values. If we don’t take the time to rid ourselves of doubt and harmful thoughts, we may stumble amore when we encounter difficult periods in life.

    Even when it comes to business, have some confidence in yourself, trust your gut because there’s success and talent within you. And keep in mind that this Capricorn energy of working hard is not necessarily bad - are you missing out on some carefree fun? Possibly but remember the Tortoise and the Hare, that’s the energy we are swimming in. And Capricorn places all of its bets on the slow and steady Tortoise.

    Learn more: https://elevatedaura.com/

    #astrology #selfhealers #capricorn #supernewmoon 

    • 23 min
    #048 Gemini Full Moon Dec. 2022

    #048 Gemini Full Moon Dec. 2022

    Gemini Full Moon by elevated aura

    Dec. 7, 2022 at 8:07 PM Pacific Time | 16°, 1 minute Gemini

    Gemini is the Intellectual of the Zodiac. And the natural ruler of the third house of the zodiac which is all about the mind: online business, writing, speaking, teaching, mental energy, general business. But it also covers our local life, our siblings, relatives like cousins, friends who live nearby, and short distance travel.

    A mutable air sign, Gemini energy is curious, quick-witted, and perpetually pumped to connect with others on just about anything. Thanks to its ruler, Mercury, the planet of communication, Gemini’s energy is associated with a nonstop super-social vibe and eagerness to gather information. But it’s not always about other people with Gemini energy. Represented by the symbol of the twins, Gemini energy is also about mirroring back to us, reflecting back our true nature. That can be our shadow side, our higher self, reparenting, self love, healing our core wounds.

    Gemini is a yang energy, an air sign, meaning it’s more about logic, chatter, talking, communication. Gemini’s get a reputation for being quick minded, talkative, being in their head, thinking logically not with emotions as much as a water sign would.

    Air energy is very logical, ethereal but given Gemini is also a mutable sign, it means the energy can be unfocused, that’s a shadow side because Gemini is always learning, adapting, to a point where we become indecisive by all of the options presented and available before us.

    Gemini can adapt to its surroundings with ease, so it’s really common for those with strong Gemini placements to have a very active internal world, a very powerful and vivid imagination. These people tend to put more importance on being able to be intellectually stimulated by others because their internal world is so active and colorful they need to be around others who can keep up with that energy and engage in deep, intimate, conversations.

    At the time of the Gemini Full Moon, the moon will be at 16 degrees. 16 degrees is ruled by Cancer, one of the more emotional, feminine, water signs, so I think that’s a hint that this is going to be an emotionally charged if not emotionally challenging full moons.

    Adding to the challenges of the Full Moon, we have Mars at 16 degrees of Gemini conjunct the moon also at 16 degrees Gemini

    Keep in mind a retrograde is a time when we have an opportunity to review, redo, rethink, rewrite a specific energy. And with Mars retrograde in Gemini, we are being invited to rethink how we communicate, our word choices, how we share our thoughts and ideas.

    Look at what was going on in your life between August 20 and October 30, 2022. Where was your focus? Where focus goes, energy flows and Mars retrograde may be giving you a taste now of where your focus was when Mars was direct in Gemini.

    Look back at what was going on in your life 3 days before and after the Gemini New Moon on May 30, 2022, that will likely give you the best indication of what to expect to manifest in your life, or at least to see the sprouts of the seeds you planted.

    Also look at which house does Gemini rule for you? It may also give you a hint or insight at what kind of self reflection your soul is craving at this time, what kinds of self reflective lessons would benefit your greatest good?

    Freedom, truth, being the best version of yourself, connecting with spiritual realms, galactic energies. That’s what this full moon is all about.

    If you are a sun or rising Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces or Virgo, you are likely to feel the effects of this Full Moon the most, especially if you have any aspects or angles between 16-20 degrees of mutable signs, so Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces or Virgo.

    • 21 min

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