
*第五季*【EP. 235】#627 經濟學人導讀 feat. 國際時事 feat. 新聞評論【哈瓦那症候群 > 另類外交戰;魷魚游戲;歐盟之於能源價格;歐盟和波蘭 > 難分難捨‪】‬ 每日一經濟學人 LEON x The Economist

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👍Andre 老師 - 英文檢定考班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/dGMrDV
👍Chester 老師 - 英文文法與寫作班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Gmaxod
👍Danny 老師 - 國際時事評論分析班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Q6dQ7O
👍Leon 老師 - 英文閱讀與會話班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Lbk1A4

🔴Thursday October 14th 2021

🌏Espresso - The world in brief
每日濃縮 - 世界概況

1️⃣Havana syndrome: behind the diplomatic curtain…

At least five American families connected to the US embassy in Colombia reported symptoms of “Havana syndrome”, the mysterious neurological illness that has afflicted over 200 American diplomats worldwide. The ambassador promised to investigate…

至少有五個與美國駐哥倫比亞大使館有關聯的美國家庭報告出了“哈瓦那症候群”的症狀,而這種神秘的神經類系統 (相關) 疾病已經折磨了全球兩百多名美國外交官們。(美國駐哥倫比亞) 大使允諾調查 (此案)…

2️⃣Squid Game: whirlwind across the globe

Netflix said that “Squid Game”, a violent South Korean thriller released in mid-September, is its biggest original series launch ever. The show follows a group of debt-ridden losers playing deadly versions of traditional children’s games for big prizes…

Netflix (網飛) 表示 (今年) 九月中旬上映的南韓暴力驚悚片《魷魚游戲 (Squid Game)》是其發行以來 (迴響) 最大的原創影集。該影集講述了一群負債累累的失敗者們為了大獎而參與賭命版本的傳統兒童遊戲…

3️⃣The EU on energy prices

The European Commission proposed the joint-purchase of fuel by EU members and tax cuts to alleviate the steep rise in energy prices. Kadri Simson, the energy commissioner, also outlined a “toolbox” of measures that member states could take without breaching EU law…

歐盟執委會 (European Commission) 提議歐盟會員國們聯合採購燃料和減稅以緩解能源價格的急劇上漲。能源執委 Kadri Simson 還概述了會員國們可以在不違反歐盟法的情況下採取之“措施工具箱 (即眾多不同類型的政策)”…

🔱Espresso - Today’s agenda
每日濃縮 - 今日頭條

🇪🇺🤜🤛🇵🇱Flirting with Polexit: the EU and Poland
與 Polexit 調情:歐盟和波蘭

This week the tension between Poland and the European Union ratcheted up even further. The trigger was a ruling last week from the country’s Constitutional Tribunal that parts of EU law are incompatible with the Polish constitution. The ruling stoked fears of “Polexit”, although Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the ruling Law and Justice Party, has called accusations that he wants to leave the EU “propaganda”. Nearly 90% of Poles want to stay in the EU, according to polls. But the country is on a collision course with EU institutions, nonetheless…

本週波蘭與歐盟間的緊張關係進一步延燒。事發主因為波蘭憲法法庭上週作出部分歐盟法律內容與波蘭憲法不符之判決。儘管 (波蘭) 執政的法律與正義黨 (Law and Justice Party) 黨魁 Jaroslaw Kaczynski 抨擊有關他想離開歐盟 (即帶領波蘭脫歐) 的指控是「政治宣傳」,但這項裁決 (確實) 引發了對「波蘭脫歐」之擔憂。民調顯示近九成的波蘭人希望留在歐盟,但儘管如此,該國仍將與歐盟機構發生衝突…

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❗⁠您的一杯咖啡錢 = 我們遠大的目標!捐款支持我們:https://pse.is/3jknpx

👍Andre 老師 - 英文檢定考班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/dGMrDV
👍Chester 老師 - 英文文法與寫作班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Gmaxod
👍Danny 老師 - 國際時事評論分析班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Q6dQ7O
👍Leon 老師 - 英文閱讀與會話班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Lbk1A4

🔴Thursday October 14th 2021

🌏Espresso - The world in brief
每日濃縮 - 世界概況

1️⃣Havana syndrome: behind the diplomatic curtain…

At least five American families connected to the US embassy in Colombia reported symptoms of “Havana syndrome”, the mysterious neurological illness that has afflicted over 200 American diplomats worldwide. The ambassador promised to investigate…

至少有五個與美國駐哥倫比亞大使館有關聯的美國家庭報告出了“哈瓦那症候群”的症狀,而這種神秘的神經類系統 (相關) 疾病已經折磨了全球兩百多名美國外交官們。(美國駐哥倫比亞) 大使允諾調查 (此案)…

2️⃣Squid Game: whirlwind across the globe

Netflix said that “Squid Game”, a violent South Korean thriller released in mid-September, is its biggest original series launch ever. The show follows a group of debt-ridden losers playing deadly versions of traditional children’s games for big prizes…

Netflix (網飛) 表示 (今年) 九月中旬上映的南韓暴力驚悚片《魷魚游戲 (Squid Game)》是其發行以來 (迴響) 最大的原創影集。該影集講述了一群負債累累的失敗者們為了大獎而參與賭命版本的傳統兒童遊戲…

3️⃣The EU on energy prices

The European Commission proposed the joint-purchase of fuel by EU members and tax cuts to alleviate the steep rise in energy prices. Kadri Simson, the energy commissioner, also outlined a “toolbox” of measures that member states could take without breaching EU law…

歐盟執委會 (European Commission) 提議歐盟會員國們聯合採購燃料和減稅以緩解能源價格的急劇上漲。能源執委 Kadri Simson 還概述了會員國們可以在不違反歐盟法的情況下採取之“措施工具箱 (即眾多不同類型的政策)”…

🔱Espresso - Today’s agenda
每日濃縮 - 今日頭條

🇪🇺🤜🤛🇵🇱Flirting with Polexit: the EU and Poland
與 Polexit 調情:歐盟和波蘭

This week the tension between Poland and the European Union ratcheted up even further. The trigger was a ruling last week from the country’s Constitutional Tribunal that parts of EU law are incompatible with the Polish constitution. The ruling stoked fears of “Polexit”, although Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the ruling Law and Justice Party, has called accusations that he wants to leave the EU “propaganda”. Nearly 90% of Poles want to stay in the EU, according to polls. But the country is on a collision course with EU institutions, nonetheless…

本週波蘭與歐盟間的緊張關係進一步延燒。事發主因為波蘭憲法法庭上週作出部分歐盟法律內容與波蘭憲法不符之判決。儘管 (波蘭) 執政的法律與正義黨 (Law and Justice Party) 黨魁 Jaroslaw Kaczynski 抨擊有關他想離開歐盟 (即帶領波蘭脫歐) 的指控是「政治宣傳」,但這項裁決 (確實) 引發了對「波蘭脫歐」之擔憂。民調顯示近九成的波蘭人希望留在歐盟,但儘管如此,該國仍將與歐盟機構發生衝突…

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