
16 - Superpowers Aren’t Hard Curious Universe

    • 영성

So often I witness my clients negating their magic, their unique superpowers because it's just something normal for them. Just who they are. “No big deal”.

Where did you decide that if it was a Superpower it would be hard? Isn’t it the opposite?

Superman has ease shooting lasers out of his eyes because that's his superpower. Wonder Woman has incredible strength because that’s her superpower. It’s simply abilities they have that seem super to us because we don’t have them.

But you see it’s their magic.

What magic do you have that you are negating because it’s just who you are?

It could be the way you are with kids or animals, the easy you have with story telling or making peple laugh. There is much more magic in you than you realize.


You may hear me talk about something awesome called Access Consciousness. Access offers you tools and questions to create everything you desire in a different and easier way!

One of the tools we sometimes use here is the Clearing Statement. If you are curious about the Clearing Statement (our magic wand) please check out www.theclearingstatement.com

And to discover more Access Consciousness™ go here: www.accessconsciousness.com

So often I witness my clients negating their magic, their unique superpowers because it's just something normal for them. Just who they are. “No big deal”.

Where did you decide that if it was a Superpower it would be hard? Isn’t it the opposite?

Superman has ease shooting lasers out of his eyes because that's his superpower. Wonder Woman has incredible strength because that’s her superpower. It’s simply abilities they have that seem super to us because we don’t have them.

But you see it’s their magic.

What magic do you have that you are negating because it’s just who you are?

It could be the way you are with kids or animals, the easy you have with story telling or making peple laugh. There is much more magic in you than you realize.


You may hear me talk about something awesome called Access Consciousness. Access offers you tools and questions to create everything you desire in a different and easier way!

One of the tools we sometimes use here is the Clearing Statement. If you are curious about the Clearing Statement (our magic wand) please check out www.theclearingstatement.com

And to discover more Access Consciousness™ go here: www.accessconsciousness.com
