
#3: Marketing & The Machine - Amazon trains future machine learning experts, What the heck is GPT-3?, and How conversion modeling will save our cookie-less world Marketing & The Machine

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Marketing & The Machine helps marketing professions make sense of how artificial intelligence and machine learning impacts their craft. I aim to cut through the noise in a fun and thoughtful way, distilling the latest industry news and giving you actionable insights so you can make sound marketing decisions with a clear perspective.

Story 1
Amazon's Machine Learning University is making its online courses available to the public

Amazon is making its internal machine learning training classes available to the public. Papa Bezos has started to realize that it’s gonna take a lot more big brains to complete his death star. You get some computer vision skills! You get some natural language processing expertise!

See Amazon’s Machine Learning University on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC12LqyqTQYbXatYS9AA7Nuw/featured

Story 2
GPT-3 Explained

You down with GPT-3? Yeah, you know me! Have you heard of this? It-just-might-be-the-closest-we’ve-come-to-real- human-intelligence-from-a-machine. I’ll break down what it is, how it works, and how marketers might use it in the future.

Find more GPT-3 explainers in these links:


See how GPT-3 is being used in marketing


Story 3
Why conversion modeling will be crucial in a world without cookies

The storied cookie is on a slow death march, and marketers are freaking out. Take some breaths and let me show you how machine modeling can help you get an accurate, privacy-centric view of your customer while still showing marketing's impact.

Read The Marketers Playbook for Navigating Today’s Privacy Environment at https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/marketing-resources/experience-design/marketing-privacy-playbook/

Subscribe to Marketing & The Machine in your favorite podcast app. Find out more about the host, Bob Hazlett, at https://www.bobhazlett.com/

Marketing & The Machine helps marketing professions make sense of how artificial intelligence and machine learning impacts their craft. I aim to cut through the noise in a fun and thoughtful way, distilling the latest industry news and giving you actionable insights so you can make sound marketing decisions with a clear perspective.

Story 1
Amazon's Machine Learning University is making its online courses available to the public

Amazon is making its internal machine learning training classes available to the public. Papa Bezos has started to realize that it’s gonna take a lot more big brains to complete his death star. You get some computer vision skills! You get some natural language processing expertise!

See Amazon’s Machine Learning University on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC12LqyqTQYbXatYS9AA7Nuw/featured

Story 2
GPT-3 Explained

You down with GPT-3? Yeah, you know me! Have you heard of this? It-just-might-be-the-closest-we’ve-come-to-real- human-intelligence-from-a-machine. I’ll break down what it is, how it works, and how marketers might use it in the future.

Find more GPT-3 explainers in these links:


See how GPT-3 is being used in marketing


Story 3
Why conversion modeling will be crucial in a world without cookies

The storied cookie is on a slow death march, and marketers are freaking out. Take some breaths and let me show you how machine modeling can help you get an accurate, privacy-centric view of your customer while still showing marketing's impact.

Read The Marketers Playbook for Navigating Today’s Privacy Environment at https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/marketing-resources/experience-design/marketing-privacy-playbook/

Subscribe to Marketing & The Machine in your favorite podcast app. Find out more about the host, Bob Hazlett, at https://www.bobhazlett.com/
