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    A team of Chinese scientists has made a groundbreaking discovery: molecular water locked within a mineral in lunar soil samples collected by the Chang'e 5 mission.
    Remote sensing data had indicated signs of water molecules on the lunar surface in recent years, particularly in the polar regions, known as the permanently shadowed region. However, molecular water has not been found in returned lunar samples.
    "Due to the high temperatures and vacuum environment on the moon, the existence of liquid water is not possible, so it was previously unclear how water molecules could exist on the moon," said Jin Shifeng, a member of the research team and an associate researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Physics.
    The research utilized lunar soil samples collected by the Chang'e 5 lunar probe in 2020.
    China's first unmanned lunar sample return mission saw the Chang'e 5 probe collect basalt lunar soil samples from a high-latitude region of the moon, providing new opportunities for the study of lunar water.
    Experts from the institute's Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Tianjin University, CAS' Qinghai Salt Lake Institute and Zhengzhou University conducted the study. They determined that lunar water exists in a hydrated mineral known as ULM-1.
    The research findings were published online in the academic journal Nature Astronomy on July 16.
    According to the molecular formula, the mineral contains six crystalline water molecules, with the water molecules accounting for as much as 41 percent of the sample's mass.
    About five years ago, a similar mineral was discovered in a volcano in Russia, providing new clues to the source of water on the moon.
    "In other words, this mineral may have been formed by volcanic eruptions on the moon," Jin said.
    "This indicates that lunar volcanic gases contain a significant amount of water. Thermodynamic calculations have revealed that the water content in lunar volcanoes is comparable to the driest volcanoes on Earth."
    Jin said the crystalline water discovered in the lunar soil is relatively stable in the moon's vacuum environment.
    The presence of water on the moon is crucial for lunar evolution studies and resource development. Around 1970, the absence of water on the moon became a basic assumption because no water-containing minerals were found in the Apollo lunar soil samples.
    "This may be due to differences in sampling latitude," Jin said. "At the Chang'e 5 sampling site, the lunar surface temperature does not exceed 80 C.
    "This also indicates that the distribution of molecular water on the lunar surface is uneven. However, because this crystal is relatively stable, it could potentially exist in vast regions of the moon."
    Reporter: Yan Dongjie

    • 3분


    With the curtain yet to be raised on the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Chinese culture has captivated Paris with the launch of the China House, which highlights for the world the country's rich history and modern achievements.
    Visitors to the China House can try some of the Olympic sports' earliest forms, such as pitch-pot, which tests participants' accuracy as much as modern archery by requiring them to throw arrows into a distant pot, and cuju, the ancient ball-kicking game that some consider to be a prototype of soccer.
    The China House, a pavilion set up at the Hotel Salomon de Rothschild in Paris, opened to visitors on Wednesday and has captured the attention of Parisians and others with plenty of galleries, exhibits, demonstration events and social-networking activities on the sidelines of the Summer Games.
    China's profound history, tradition and culture in sports participation, dating back thousands of years, as well as sports exchanges between China and the Games' host, France, are among highlights of this year's pavilion.
    The launch of the house, a routine effort by the Chinese Olympic Committee since the first "China hut" was set up during the 2004 Athens Olympics, will take advantage of Olympics exposure to promote Chinese culture and friendship with the rest of the world, according to the COC.
    "The China House has opened a window to our country's rich history, traditional sports culture, modern achievements and friendly exchanges with the whole world over the past 20 years," Yu Jianyong, a deputy secretary-general of the COC, said on Wednesday.
    "This year in particular, we put a series of recent exchanges between China and France in the areas of sports and cultural development on display at the facility, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries and to hail the joint efforts between China and France to promote the Olympic Movement," said Yu.
    Visitors to the China House can watch a giant background screen featuring animated films that vividly depict activities by ancient Chinese such as boat diving, archery and wrestling.
    Exhibitions featuring artifacts, scroll painting and sculptures document the Chinese people's sports participation through the dynasties, while the country's prowess at modern Olympic Games is demonstrated with m

    • 3분


    Renmin University of China has fired a professor who allegedly sexually harassed a doctoral student, the university announced on Monday night after concluding an investigation into allegations made public over the weekend.
    On Sunday, a video surfaced online showing a doctoral candidate in literature publicly accusing her mentor of sexual harassment and coercive molestation.
    The student, who identified herself as Wang Di, alleged that her mentor, a professor at the university's School of Liberal Arts, and the former Party chief and vice-dean of the school, demanded a sexual relationship.
    When she refused, he allegedly harassed her for the next two years and threatened to prevent her from graduating.
    Wang said she had audio recordings and chat logs to substantiate her allegations and was seeking legal punishment for the professor.
    In a 59-minute video posted on the Sina Weibo micro blog platform, Wang wore a mask as she detailed the allegations of abuse and shared screenshots of messages and original audio clips as evidence.
    The post has garnered more than 2 million likes, with many netizens calling for rectification of the academic environment.
    The Beijing-based university said on Monday morning it established a working group on Sunday evening and conducted an overnight investigation, emphasizing its zero-tolerance policy toward any teacher's unethical misconduct.
    On Monday night, the university said the investigation had confirmed the allegations were true.
    The professor was found to have severely betrayed the fundamental mission of teaching and nurturing students, and gravely violated university regulations and professional ethics, the university said in a post on Weibo.
    The university decided to revoke his professorship, cancel his qualification as a doctoral supervisor and terminate his teaching position.
    The professor has also been expelled from the Communist Party of China. The university said it will ask the higher education administrative department to revoke his teaching credentials and will report the case to relevant authorities, according to the law.
    On Monday, the Haidian District Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Beijing also announced it had initiated an investigation of the case.
    Renmin University o

    • 2분


    China on Monday refrained from commenting on US President Joe Biden's decision to exit the presidential race.
    "The US election is an internal affair of the US", said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning.
    "No comment," Mao replied when asked about China's reaction to Biden's exit.
    After nearly a month of mounting pressure from his own party, Biden dropped his reelection bid on Sunday and endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris to head the Democratic ticket in November.
    "It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president," he wrote in a letter posted to social media. "And while it has been my intention to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus entirely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term."
    Biden's endorsement for Harris came in a subsequent post on X.
    "Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year," Biden said in a post to X on Sunday. "Democrats — it's time to come together and beat Trump."
    "I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party — and our nation — to defeat Donald Trump," said Harris, adding that she was honored to have Biden's endorsement and wrote on X that "my intention is to earn and win this nomination".
    The Democratic candidate, who will be nominated at the Democratic National Convention, which starts on Aug 19 in Chicago, will face Trump, 78, the Republican nominee and former president.
    Biden, 81, whose term ends on Jan 20, 2025, said he will address the nation about his decision later this week. He is the first sitting US president to not seek reelection since Lyndon B. Johnson in March 1968.
    81岁的拜登将于2025年1月20日结束美国总统任期,他表示将在本周就他的决定向全美国发表讲话。美国历史上曾有多位在任总统放弃连任,上一位是1968年3月的的林登·约翰逊(Lyndon B. Johnson)。
    "Should she win the nomination, the nation will watch a multiracial woman compete in a presidential general election for the first time in history," Debbie Walsh, director at the Center for American Women & Politics, said of Harris, 59, who is of Jamaican and Asian Indian descent.
    哈里斯有着亚裔及非裔血统。美国妇女与政治中心主任黛比·沃尔什(Debbie Walsh)谈到59岁的哈里斯时说:“如果成功获得提名,她将成为美国历史上第一位融合血统的女性参加总统大选。”
    Harris previously served as a US senator from California and as California attorney general.

    • 6분
    英语新闻丨Economy to get greater financial policy support

    英语新闻丨Economy to get greater financial policy support

    Editor's note: The third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has unveiled a road map for further comprehensively deepening reform in various sectors to advance Chinese modernization in the new era. China Daily is running a series of stories focused on specific reform measures and the implementation of the measures in different sectors and localities.
    China cut key interest rate benchmarks on Monday, demonstrating policymakers' strong commitment to strengthening macroeconomic policy support and putting into effect the measures outlined last week at a key meeting of the central leadership of the Communist Party of China, economists and analysts said.
    With the top-level meeting having mapped out reforms to bolster financial support for the real economy, they said China will likely take more action soon to enhance the effectiveness of interest rate adjustments and strengthen the capital market's ability to serve innovative enterprises as well as investors.
    On Monday, the People's Bank of China, the nation's central bank, lowered the interest rate on seven-day reverse repurchase agreements or reverse repos — which serves as the short-term policy benchmark of interest rates — from 1.8 percent to 1.7 percent. The seven-day reverse repo is a central bank tool to inject liquidity.
    Loan prime rates, China's market-based lending rate benchmarks, also dropped on Monday. The one-year LPR came in at 3.35 percent, after staying at 3.45 percent for 11 months. The over-five-year LPR, on which lenders base their mortgage rates, was lowered by 10 basis points to 3.85 percent.
    Analysts said the move will help boost investment and consumption by easing financing costs, as basic calculations indicate that Monday's cut can save about 55 yuan ($7.55) in monthly payments for a new homebuyer taking out a 30-year, 1-million-yuan mortgage and thus help improve homebuying demand.
    The cut aligned with the call from the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, which concluded on Thursday, to remain firmly committed to accomplishing the goals for this year's economic and social development.
    To achieve this year's fiscal spending target, Zhang Bin, a senior researcher at China Finance 40 Forum, a top think tank, said that China needs to issue additional government bonds in the second half beyond its initial plan, either as central or local government bonds.
    This is because local governments' difficulties in generating adequate revenue have impeded the country's fiscal spen

    • 5분


    After a doctor in East China was stabbed to death at work on Friday, China's top health authority said on Saturday that it has joined public security efforts to strengthen a crackdown on medical-related crimes and has urged hospitals to implement security measures.
    Li Sheng, a cardiologist at the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, was attacked by a knife-wielding man around noon Friday when seeing patients and died that evening due to critical injuries.
    The man who carried out the attack jumped off the building, the hospital and police said. Police said late on Friday that the attacker was receiving treatment but have not provided any subsequent updates on his condition.
    The National Health Commission expressed deep condolences for Li's death and extended its sympathies to his family in a statement released on Saturday night.
    The commission said it strongly condemns violence against medical personnel and pledges a zero-tolerance policy toward any form of harm to them.
    It stressed that attacking medical personnel is a serious criminal act.
    "The commission has worked with the Ministry of Public Security to guide localities to improve hospital security and severely crack down on medical-related crimes to protect the safety of patients and medical staff," it said.
    The commission added that hospitals should strengthen security systems, fully implement security measures and deepen collaboration with police.
    The Chinese Medical Doctor Association said on Saturday afternoon that it was deeply shocked and saddened by the incident.
    The association reiterated its unwavering commitment to defending the dignity of healthcare workers and condemning violence against them.
    It urged authorities to take effective measures to ensure the safety of medical personnel and called on the whole of society to work together to create a harmonious and orderly healthcare environment.
    The association added that it has initiated a physician rights protection and assistance program and provided support to Li's family.
    The incident has drawn a wave of condolences and condemnation from the public and authorities. The National Healthcare Security Administration and the Chinese Hospital Association also released statements expressing outrage at the violence and appealing for better protection of medical workers and a harmonious healthcare environment.

    • 4분

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