
EP.20 Thomas Trautman Mammoth Training

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In this episode I interview a man whose done more in one career than ten mere mortals combined, and has incredible insight into the brain, why men and woman are so different, and what that has to do with sales when it comes to the flight or fight response in prospects. He explains how the number 1 rule in sales., Always Agree.... Helps us connect with our prospects and so much more. Don't miss his insight on the origins of AI in this intriguing episode.

In this episode I interview a man whose done more in one career than ten mere mortals combined, and has incredible insight into the brain, why men and woman are so different, and what that has to do with sales when it comes to the flight or fight response in prospects. He explains how the number 1 rule in sales., Always Agree.... Helps us connect with our prospects and so much more. Don't miss his insight on the origins of AI in this intriguing episode.
