
Flaky Automated Test Drama, DevOps Bootcamp, and more TGNS120 TestGuild News Show

    • IT 뉴스

What is all the drama around the cause of Flaky Automated Tests?
Have you seen the latest free DevOps Bootcamp course?
And what webinar should you attend to learn more about the future of functional testing with AI?
Find out in this episode of the Test Guild News Show for the week of May 12. So grab our favorite cup of coffee or tea and lets do it!
Time News Title Rocket Link 0:00 Register for LinkedIn NewsLetter https://links.testguild.com/wwA8x 0:19 Guiid Goodies Survey https://testguild.me/freestuff 0:34 AI Infused Test Automation https://testguild.me/aiuft 1:38 Flakiness isn't from your test framework https://testguild.me/n9zaax 3:03 Playwright Dashboard https://testguild.me/244jbq 4:10 Benchmarking Multimodal Agents https://testguild.me/sfovqt 5:24 Devops Bootcamp Course https://testguild.me/devops 6:26 Playwright 1.44 https://testguild.me/94t1d1 7:50 Datadog AIOps https://testguild.me/sqwt9b 8:45 Oracle AI Code  https://testguild.me/lzq6v0 9:20 Free Mobile App Security Testing  https://testguild.me/ck89nx

What is all the drama around the cause of Flaky Automated Tests?
Have you seen the latest free DevOps Bootcamp course?
And what webinar should you attend to learn more about the future of functional testing with AI?
Find out in this episode of the Test Guild News Show for the week of May 12. So grab our favorite cup of coffee or tea and lets do it!
Time News Title Rocket Link 0:00 Register for LinkedIn NewsLetter https://links.testguild.com/wwA8x 0:19 Guiid Goodies Survey https://testguild.me/freestuff 0:34 AI Infused Test Automation https://testguild.me/aiuft 1:38 Flakiness isn't from your test framework https://testguild.me/n9zaax 3:03 Playwright Dashboard https://testguild.me/244jbq 4:10 Benchmarking Multimodal Agents https://testguild.me/sfovqt 5:24 Devops Bootcamp Course https://testguild.me/devops 6:26 Playwright 1.44 https://testguild.me/94t1d1 7:50 Datadog AIOps https://testguild.me/sqwt9b 8:45 Oracle AI Code  https://testguild.me/lzq6v0 9:20 Free Mobile App Security Testing  https://testguild.me/ck89nx
