
Golden Rubbish 2024 Day 16 WeInspirePodcast

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Let's delve into my journey through 2023, highlighting the good, the bad, and the lessons learned. It was undeniably a year of growth and stretching my limits, as I took on various projects to leverage my 25+ years of experience in finance and entrepreneurship to give back to the community.

Lessons from Selling My Insurance Company:
Early in 2023, I made the decision to sell my property and casualty insurance company. The experience taught me valuable lessons. Firstly, building an empire requires the right team. I realized I wasn't the best leader for that company, emphasizing the importance of being a transformational leader who inspires action beyond meetings.

The Importance of Team and Leadership:
Reflecting on the sale, I understood the significance of having the right people in the right positions. Burnout and stress were signs that my leadership and team were not aligned. Taking care of my health emerged as a crucial lesson, emphasizing the need to balance work and well-being.

Highlights of 2023:
Despite the challenges, 2023 had its highlights. I explored real estate investing in the Dominican Republic, wrote and published my first book, "Empower Your Money," and successfully hosted my first solo in-person event in Miami. The event featured incredible women speakers, and launching the Empower Her Money podcast became another milestone.

The Power of Asking for Help:
Acknowledging my limitations, I sought help from experienced podcasters, contributing to the podcast's remarkable success within six months. Surrounding myself with a supportive team, especially in areas like marketing and sales, became a crucial strategy.

Looking Ahead to 2024:
As I step into 2024, my focus is on health, podcast growth, and potential ventures in real estate or a new business. I aim to reach the top 1% globally as a podcast host, driven by a passion to impact lives and change generations by teaching financial control.

Acknowledging Impact and Overcoming Challenges:
While entrepreneurship has its share of challenges and moments of self-doubt, knowing that I've positively impacted someone's life reinforces my purpose. Sharing both successes and roadblocks on social media aims to connect with others facing similar struggles.

Continuing the Journey:
The entrepreneurial journey is ongoing, filled with both highs and lows. Transparency about struggles aims to inspire others. As 2024 unfolds, I invite feedback and suggestions for future podcast topics, ensuring that I continue to share knowledge about money, business, and personal development.

Here's to a remarkable 2024, filled with growth, resilience, and continued impact. Thank you for being part of this journey.


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/weinspirepodcast/message

Let's delve into my journey through 2023, highlighting the good, the bad, and the lessons learned. It was undeniably a year of growth and stretching my limits, as I took on various projects to leverage my 25+ years of experience in finance and entrepreneurship to give back to the community.

Lessons from Selling My Insurance Company:
Early in 2023, I made the decision to sell my property and casualty insurance company. The experience taught me valuable lessons. Firstly, building an empire requires the right team. I realized I wasn't the best leader for that company, emphasizing the importance of being a transformational leader who inspires action beyond meetings.

The Importance of Team and Leadership:
Reflecting on the sale, I understood the significance of having the right people in the right positions. Burnout and stress were signs that my leadership and team were not aligned. Taking care of my health emerged as a crucial lesson, emphasizing the need to balance work and well-being.

Highlights of 2023:
Despite the challenges, 2023 had its highlights. I explored real estate investing in the Dominican Republic, wrote and published my first book, "Empower Your Money," and successfully hosted my first solo in-person event in Miami. The event featured incredible women speakers, and launching the Empower Her Money podcast became another milestone.

The Power of Asking for Help:
Acknowledging my limitations, I sought help from experienced podcasters, contributing to the podcast's remarkable success within six months. Surrounding myself with a supportive team, especially in areas like marketing and sales, became a crucial strategy.

Looking Ahead to 2024:
As I step into 2024, my focus is on health, podcast growth, and potential ventures in real estate or a new business. I aim to reach the top 1% globally as a podcast host, driven by a passion to impact lives and change generations by teaching financial control.

Acknowledging Impact and Overcoming Challenges:
While entrepreneurship has its share of challenges and moments of self-doubt, knowing that I've positively impacted someone's life reinforces my purpose. Sharing both successes and roadblocks on social media aims to connect with others facing similar struggles.

Continuing the Journey:
The entrepreneurial journey is ongoing, filled with both highs and lows. Transparency about struggles aims to inspire others. As 2024 unfolds, I invite feedback and suggestions for future podcast topics, ensuring that I continue to share knowledge about money, business, and personal development.

Here's to a remarkable 2024, filled with growth, resilience, and continued impact. Thank you for being part of this journey.


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/weinspirepodcast/message
