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Monthly Talks in our Youth group, different speakers, and inspirations on how we can grow ourselves to be more like our heavenly and most gracious father

Houston Chinese Church - Unity noreply@blogger.com (evilandroid24)

    • 종교 및 영성

Monthly Talks in our Youth group, different speakers, and inspirations on how we can grow ourselves to be more like our heavenly and most gracious father

    7/1/2012 Entitlement

    7/1/2012 Entitlement

    Andrew Au talks about feeling "entitled." He focuses on how to understand what it is and how Jesus is needed to understand humility.

    6/3/2012 The Gospel

    6/3/2012 The Gospel

    David starts the summer by going over the Gospel.

    5/6/2012 Senior Sunday Part 2

    5/6/2012 Senior Sunday Part 2

    We continue our  series by celebrating our seniors with Michelle, Joel, and Christine share their experiences.

    4/1/2012 Senior Sunday Part 1

    4/1/2012 Senior Sunday Part 1

    Senior Sunday Part 1, Kathleen and Rachel share their experiences as we celebrate the seniors as they plan to graduation

    1/1/12 Loving Your Friends

    1/1/12 Loving Your Friends

    David Carter starts the new year by continuing the theme of Love. Loving our friends. Do we show the love that we ought to give to our friends?

    12/4/2011 Loving Your Parents

    12/4/2011 Loving Your Parents

    Andrew Au goes into depth of his own parents story to help bring to light how we should love our parents.What and how should we love our parents?

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베이직교회 Sermon
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Desiring God