
LTR!035 - Natalia Fadejeva Retoucher Podcast – Boutique Retouching

    • 시각 예술

Overview Acheivements of Natalia Fadejeva of NATLYF RETOUCHING

Daniel Hager 

But Speaking of retouching, it's nice to have a friend on the podcast who's actually working in the industry, doing her thing, and being kind of a rock star even though you're not posting much on social media these days. 

Natalia Fadejeva 

I really want to though. 

Daniel Hager 

But then again, you're doing great work and let's just go over some of the work that you're doing because I know you've been doing a lot of stuff in the commercial field and in fashion. 

And you have work published in Glamour, Cosmopolitan? What else? One magazine, Schön Magazine, L’Officiel. I don't know how this list goes on and on and on; and doing work for Anastasia Beverly Hills and other makeup companies. 

You have such an extensive long list of clients; how does someone get there? 

How did it all start? Let's go to the beginning. What people don't know about you is that you have a formal education in photography. So how was that? How did Retouching become of interest to you? 

How Natalia's retouching career began

Early interest in technology

Natalia Fadejeva 

So, I'm gonna go slightly earlier. 

My interest in photography and retouching started around when I was actually 12, so I was really young. My parents had a friend that we used to sometimes visit. You know, adults would just be in a kitchen or living room chatting and the dude was really into the computers and he had a point-and-shoot camera that he let us borrow sometimes. 

So, I would take pictures by myself at home or with my friends. 

You know, just taking pictures like pulling a bed sheet over your head or dressing up with music and creating like little photo shoots. The images were cringey as hell, but you know, they are still fun to look at. 

So, he gave us the camera to borrow, so I used to play with it, and I remember once my parents took me to his place. While the adults were cooking and just socializing, I was sitting on his computer and he had an editing software open, which was Corel Draw. 

You know when you start up the program and they have similar stuff in games they show you how to navigate through the program and show the tools. And there was one for like skin tone to make someone more tanned and one was like a neon brush and it was so mesmerized. 

But it was like Oh my God. 

I can paint this new stuff and end up importing some of my images while I was there and because it was near the end, drawing myself  like Little devil horns and trying to make myself look cool. 

And I thought that was so amazing. 

First flush of using Photoshop

But we didn't have a computer at home, so I couldn't do anything. But then we could say my dad's parents made the biggest mistake. They bought him a computer on his birthday. It was told it was a Windows XP and I tried to find a software again.

Overview Acheivements of Natalia Fadejeva of NATLYF RETOUCHING

Daniel Hager 

But Speaking of retouching, it's nice to have a friend on the podcast who's actually working in the industry, doing her thing, and being kind of a rock star even though you're not posting much on social media these days. 

Natalia Fadejeva 

I really want to though. 

Daniel Hager 

But then again, you're doing great work and let's just go over some of the work that you're doing because I know you've been doing a lot of stuff in the commercial field and in fashion. 

And you have work published in Glamour, Cosmopolitan? What else? One magazine, Schön Magazine, L’Officiel. I don't know how this list goes on and on and on; and doing work for Anastasia Beverly Hills and other makeup companies. 

You have such an extensive long list of clients; how does someone get there? 

How did it all start? Let's go to the beginning. What people don't know about you is that you have a formal education in photography. So how was that? How did Retouching become of interest to you? 

How Natalia's retouching career began

Early interest in technology

Natalia Fadejeva 

So, I'm gonna go slightly earlier. 

My interest in photography and retouching started around when I was actually 12, so I was really young. My parents had a friend that we used to sometimes visit. You know, adults would just be in a kitchen or living room chatting and the dude was really into the computers and he had a point-and-shoot camera that he let us borrow sometimes. 

So, I would take pictures by myself at home or with my friends. 

You know, just taking pictures like pulling a bed sheet over your head or dressing up with music and creating like little photo shoots. The images were cringey as hell, but you know, they are still fun to look at. 

So, he gave us the camera to borrow, so I used to play with it, and I remember once my parents took me to his place. While the adults were cooking and just socializing, I was sitting on his computer and he had an editing software open, which was Corel Draw. 

You know when you start up the program and they have similar stuff in games they show you how to navigate through the program and show the tools. And there was one for like skin tone to make someone more tanned and one was like a neon brush and it was so mesmerized. 

But it was like Oh my God. 

I can paint this new stuff and end up importing some of my images while I was there and because it was near the end, drawing myself  like Little devil horns and trying to make myself look cool. 

And I thought that was so amazing. 

First flush of using Photoshop

But we didn't have a computer at home, so I couldn't do anything. But then we could say my dad's parents made the biggest mistake. They bought him a computer on his birthday. It was told it was a Windows XP and I tried to find a software again.
