에피소드 14개

From the frontlines, families apply timeless faith in Parent Compassthe Telly Award-winning Christian television series.

Across episodes, with differing issues and a variety of backgrounds, in Parent Compass mothers and fathers talk about their own upbringings and pasts, marriage and life management, child rearingand faith . . . all with undaunted candor.

Families featured in Parent Compass range from the Pitts, whose four daughters include Alena, the child star of the hit movie, WAR ROOM . . . to Mark and Shanell Rusk, raising a blended family of 11 in a Habitat for Humanity home they helped build. Audiences will meet the Kos, teaching fine art and raising kids out of one suburban home, and single mom Cindy, who initially three times scheduled an abortion for her now seven-year-old daughter.

Parent Compass Radio on Oneplace.com Real Christian Families

    • 종교 및 영성

From the frontlines, families apply timeless faith in Parent Compassthe Telly Award-winning Christian television series.

Across episodes, with differing issues and a variety of backgrounds, in Parent Compass mothers and fathers talk about their own upbringings and pasts, marriage and life management, child rearingand faith . . . all with undaunted candor.

Families featured in Parent Compass range from the Pitts, whose four daughters include Alena, the child star of the hit movie, WAR ROOM . . . to Mark and Shanell Rusk, raising a blended family of 11 in a Habitat for Humanity home they helped build. Audiences will meet the Kos, teaching fine art and raising kids out of one suburban home, and single mom Cindy, who initially three times scheduled an abortion for her now seven-year-old daughter.

    Red Heifer – Sign of the End Times?

    Red Heifer – Sign of the End Times?

    Hear God’s miracle story of finding an unblemished red heifer after searching through hundreds of cattle. What does a red heifer have to do with the end times and with us today? Could it be a miracle of Biblical proportions?
    Bryan Davenport, a gem dealer; his brother, Ty Davenport, a rancher and veterinarian; join with Dr. Robert Mawire, Author, Speaker, Teacher, Advisor to World Leaders and WRNO global Shortwave broadcaster. Hear how God has woven together the lives of these three men, who have dedicated their lives to God, and caused a startling sequence of events.
    For shows and more subscribe at parentcompass.tv/subscribe or download the Parent Compass App.

    To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/1493/29

    • 49분
    Divine Surprises ALL PARTS

    Divine Surprises ALL PARTS

    Fleeing the deadly racial war in Rhodesia, Africa, Robert felt the strong call of God on his life. That call would take him to Australia, a marriage of racial reconciliation (Janet), and then to the U.S., leading a global radio ministry. Now, they watch son, Stephen, and daughter-in-law, Annaly, honor God with their gifts and raising the next generation of believers, Harmony and Elijah.
    There is going to be a riot here and someone is going to be beat up. Robert
    I lived in fear. I did not want to leave the house. Annaly
    For our momentary, passing trouble, is producing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure! 2 Corinthians 4:17
    I told her, You are going to marry me. Robert; I don’t think so. Janet
    The dentist yanked them out. He was so mad. Robert
    In his country Zimbabwe, they had a war between the blacks and the whites. Janet
    Black people don’t marry white people. Robert
    Son, have you been writing your promises? Stephen
    He told me the vision he had had of me, but I did not think that was me. Janet
    Shocked. She was paralyzed. Black guy, never meet before, going to marry me? How would you handle that? Robert
    I rejected it. I said, No, no, no. Janet
    God, if this is you, you will take care of it. Robert
    You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Robert
    God kept working on me that He was in it. Janet
    I lost a State Championship. I let my kids down. Stephen
    David in the Bible. It was a dysfunctional family. Robert
    There were times where they did want to rebel, when they got older, and they did. Janet
    That was the greatest test in my life. People that love you the most, hurt you the most. Robert
    The more we’d pray, the worse it got. Robert
    What did I do wrong? Robert
    You wanted everything to be perfect and it wasn’t always perfect. Janet
    My flesh side, my stinking thinking I thought do this, then I thought no that wouldn’t be right. If there is a God, He has to change them and turn them around. Robert
    We had to pray them back into the fold. Janet; We prayed a lot, I mean, a lot that God would speak to them, change them. Robert
    Sometimes we try to do more than what humans can do. Only God can change the heart. Only God can fix a family. Robert
    We allowed God to work in their life by praying and loving and accepting them at the point they were at and ministering to them as we could. For them to understand, we still love them. Janet
    After I came to the end of my anxiety, my wanting to fix them. After I failed at that, it was like okay God, I leave it in your hand. The moment I let go. God did it. So sometimes we are in the way of God, hindering Him from doing it. Robert
    One thing He showed us is don’t try to force them, because it just makes them more determined to do the opposite. Robert
    Pray the seed sowed would transform them and bring them back, which is what happened. Robert
    I made a decision that I was not going to be flying around the world doing big things and abandon my family. Robert
    Because I have learned the difference between a religion and a relationship. I have really focused on that with our kids. Annaly
    Like trying to translate God’s word into how it relates right now in their life and encouraging them to pray, when they are worried about something or when they want something or whatever it is they are dealing with, just to pray about it. Stephen
    I think the greatest thing a parent can do is plant seeds. Stephen
    If you stay faithful to giving them a foundation, they will go back to what they were raised on. Stephen
    People have a mental understanding of the Lord, but if you haven’t experienced Him yet you don’t know Him in His full power. Annaly
    In my mid-twenties I got to a point where I was very fearful. I lived in fear. I didn’t want to leave the house. Annaly
    God said, Begin to believe my Word. And I said, God, what does that mean I’ve believed your Word my whole life. And He said, Begin to believe my Word. The following days He revealed His promises

    • 46분
    Divine Surprises, Part 3

    Divine Surprises, Part 3

    Fleeing the deadly racial war in Rhodesia Africa, Robert felt the strong call of God on his life. That call would take him to Australia, a marriage of racial reconciliation (Janet), and then to the U.S., leading a global radio ministry. Now, they watch son, Stephen, and daughter-in-law, Annaly, honor God with their gifts and raising the next generation of believers, Harmony and Elijah.
    For our momentary, passing trouble, is producing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure! 2 Corinthians 4:17
    He told me the vision he had had of me, but I did not think that was me. Janet
    Shocked. She was paralyzed. Black guy, never meet before, going to marry me? How would you handle that? Robert
    I rejected it. I said, No, no, no. Janet
    God, if this is you, you will take care of it. Robert
    You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Robert
    God kept working on me that He was in it. Janet
    I lost a State Championship. I let my kids down. Stephen
    David in the Bible. It was a dysfunctional family. Robert
    There were times where they did want to rebel, when they got older, and they did. Janet
    That was the greatest test in my life. People that love you the most, hurt you the most. Robert
    The more we’d pray, the worse it got. Robert
    What did I do wrong? Robert
    You wanted everything to be perfect and it wasn’t always perfect. Janet
    My flesh side, my stinking thinking I thought do this, then I thought no that wouldn’t be right. If there is a God, He has to change them and turn them around. Robert
    We had to pray them back into the fold. Janet
    We prayed a lot, I mean, a lot that God would speak to them, change them. Robert
    Sometimes we try to do more than what humans can do. Only God can change the heart. Only God can fix a family. Robert
    We allowed God to work in their life by praying and loving and accepting them at the point they were at and ministering to them as we could. For them to understand, we still love them. Janet
    After I came to the end of my anxiety, my wanting to fix them. After I failed at that, it was like okay God, I leave it in your hand. The moment I let go. God did it. So sometimes we are in the way of God, hindering Him from doing it. Robert
    One thing He showed us is don’t try to force them, because it just makes them more determined to do the opposite. Robert
    Pray the seed sowed would transform them and bring them back, which is what happened. Robert
    I made a decision that I was not going to be flying around the world doing big things and abandon my family. Robert
    Because I have learned the difference between a religion and a relationship. I have really focused on that with our kids. Annaly
    Like trying to translate God’s word into how it relates right now in their life and encouraging them to pray, when they are worried about something or when they want something or whatever it is they are dealing with, just to pray about it. Stephen
    I think the greatest thing a parent can do is plant seeds. Stephen
    If you stay faithful to giving them a foundation, they will go back to what they were raised on. Stephen
    People have a mental understanding of the Lord, but if you haven’t experienced Him yet you don’t know Him in His full power. Annaly
    In my mid-twenties I got to a point where I was very fearful. I lived in fear. I didn’t want to leave the house. Annaly
    God said, Begin to believe my Word. And I said, God, what does that mean I’ve believed your Word my whole life. And He said, Begin to believe my Word. The following days He revealed His promises to me. Scriptures were no longer something I mentally heard and understood at church, but it was something I said this is for me, I have the peace of God. I learned through that about the living active power of the Word of God and how it transforms you. Annaly
    Destiny is not by chance. You choose to obey. You choose to follow God. Destiny is my choice. Robert
    What God says He will do. He does it. And I have seen it over and over and over how

    • 20분
    Divine Surprises, Part 2

    Divine Surprises, Part 2

    Fleeing the deadly racial war in Rhodesia Africa, Robert felt the strong call of God on his life. That call would take him to Australia, a marriage of racial reconciliation (Janet), and then to the U.S., leading a global radio ministry. Now, they watch son, Stephen, and daughter-in-law, Annaly, honor God with their gifts and raising the next generation of believers, Harmony and Elijah.
    I told her, You are going to marry me. Robert I don’t think so. Janet
    The dentist yanked them out. He was so mad. Robert
    In his country Zimbabwe, they had a war between the blacks and the whites. Janet
    Black people don’t marry white people. Robert
    Son, have you been writing your promises? Stephen
    Listen my son to your father’s instruction, do not ignore your mother’s teaching. Proverbs 1:8
    The fatherly advice in this phase of life changed my relationship with the Lord so much. Stephen
    He said, Son, I am going to give you the steps that have transformed my life and belief in God. Stephen
    Dad, can you just pray for something good to happen to me, can I use that card? He said, No, son, this is you and your walk with the Lord. Stephen
    He gave me the guidance to find my walk with the Lord. He gave me the guidance to rely on God through a point in my life that I wasn’t ready for, I wasn’t prepared for, but he was patient. He was kind. He was loving just like our loving Heavenly father and in it I found God’s love. Stephen
    I don’t know how my dad could go about his life without my mom. It’s a crazy story, but it’s a match made in heaven. Stephen
    For shows and more subscribe at parentcompass.tv/subscribe or download the Parent Compass App.

    To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/1493/29

    • 14분
    Divine Surprises, Part 1

    Divine Surprises, Part 1

    Fleeing the deadly racial war in Rhodesia Africa, Robert felt the strong call of God on his life. That call would take him to Australia, a marriage of racial reconciliation (Janet), and then to the U.S., leading a global radio ministry. Now, they watch son, Stephen, and daughter-in-law, Annaly, honor God with their gifts and raising the next generation of believers, Harmony and Elijah.
    We go to the hospital. Dad, what am I going to do? Stephen
    They had a war between the blacks and the whites. Janet
    There is going to be a riot here and someone is going to be beat up. Robert
    God doesn’t want black people to marry white people. Robert
    I lived in fear. I did not want to leave the house. Annaly
    I let my kids down. Stephen
    What about us? Annaly
    As busy as my dad was, he did such a good job at making sure he was visible, he was there. Stephen
    He was just my dad. He does go in his closet and prays a lot, but other than that he was just my dad. Stephen
    I was born in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). I come from the royal family that the British took the kingdom from. I was prophesied over in my mother’s womb. These 10 American missionaries from Azusa street laid hands on her and said you are going to have a boy, name him Robert, because he is going to take the message of the Jesus Christ to the nations. Robert
    I am from Australia. When I was 23, I felt like God was leading me to go to Bible school to be an instrument that God could use on the mission field. Janet
    I wrote a letter to God, if these missionaries were sent by you, send me another person, not from this country, to confirm what the missionaries said was from you. Robert
    God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things, if they just take God at his word. Robert
    Truly, truly I say to you, the one who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; John 14:12a
    For shows and more subscribe at parentcompass.tv/subscribe or download the Parent Compass App.

    To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/1493/29

    • 15분
    Are You Ready? Signs of the End Times - Dr. Rev. Robert Mawire, Advisor to World Leaders

    Are You Ready? Signs of the End Times - Dr. Rev. Robert Mawire, Advisor to World Leaders

    The Bible tells us we are to be ready for Christ to come again; for example in Matthew 24:44, So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. and in Matthew 25:1-13 with The Parable of the Ten Virgins and more.
    Jesus also tells us we will see the signs of his coming and the end of the age like the fig tree tells the season.
    The disciples asked Jesus, what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? Jesus said, learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. Matthew 24:32-33
    Advisor to World Leaders, President of WRNO worldwide shortwave radio, Dr. Rev. Robert Mawire has, also, received a lifetime achievement award from the Knesset and the world Jewish congress for his dedication and work for the Jewish people. He is a celebrated author and international speaker. Robert is married to Janet, has three sons, and six grandchildren.
    For shows and more subscribe at parentcompass.tv/subscribe or download the Parent Compass app.

    To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/1493/29

    • 28분

인기 종교 및 영성 팟캐스트

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