S1E4 - Langley Dewitt

Degrees of Freedom 팟캐스트

This episode features Dr. Langley Dewitt. Langley is an atmospheric chemist and the director of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC) and lives in Boulder, Colorado. Langley's had an interesting, varied career that has touched multiple sectors. She's done atmospheric chemistry fieldwork on a mountainside in Rwanda, worked on a research vessel in the Indian Ocean, she’s been a consultant in the private sector, and now she’s running a science non-profit. She's also balanced her cool science work inside and outside of academia along with a cool life outside of work. And in our conversation, you’ll hear her give some solid advice on this – and also on how having a life outside of her job has actually, in turn, helped her career grow.

Resources, references, and organizations mentioned during the episode:

IGAC Project, Rwanda Climate Change Observatory, the University of Colorado, connect with Langley on Twitter.

Music credit: "Free Spirit" from https://www.purple-planet.com, Photo provided by Langley Dewitt.

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