
The 2 fold secret of SaaS headlines SaaS Marketing Bites from Powered By Search

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Spotted this on a SaaS homepage headline recently:
"Supercharged software that delivers results"
If this sounds confusing to you, it's because it is. 
"Hyperliquid water. That gets you wet" 
Great! Now why should I buy it? 
Here's the 2 part secret to writing great headlines for SaaS landing pages: 
Be opinionated. Be specific.
1. Be opinionated
So much of B2B SaaS is vanilla. There are so many exciting flavors out there but we so frequently choose the one that's most palatable for the most people
The end result is that it's not particularly attractive to anyone in particular
Wonder why Basecamp have done so well all these years? 
It's not just because they have a good product and were around before a lot of the other players
It's because they've consistently shared their opinions and attracted people who strongly believe the same things that they do
This comes through in everything they do including their homepage headlines
2. Be specific 
The key problem with the headline that I shared at the top of this email is that it doesn't really say anything about what the result is going to be for me if I use the product
The indiscriminate use of 'results' leaves me thinking: OK. But. Like what?!
Why does this matter? 
Because no-one in B2B buying looks at just one product. They're considering multiple products at any one time
If you fail to be specific about the benefits of your product over the other products they're considering, you're leaving yourself open to interpretation
And who's going to do that interpretation? Either your buyer will piece together the narrative themselves or your competitor will do it for them
Neither way is particularly helpful

SaaS Marketing Bites is produced by B2B SaaS marketing agency Powered by Search. It's hosted by Head of Growth Marc Thomas. You can follow @iammarcthomas or Powered By Search CEO Dev Basu @devbasu on Twitter for more updates and marketing insights. 

If you enjoyed this episode, you can do the following things right away: 
1 Claim your Free SaaS Scale Session. If you’d like to work with us to turn your website into your best demo and trial acquisition platform, claim your FREE SaaS Scale Session. One of our growth experts will understand your current demand generation situation, and then suggest practical digital marketing strategies to double your demo and trial traffic and conversion fast.
2 If you’d like to learn the exact demand strategies we use for free, go to our blog or visit our resources section, where you can download guides, calculators, and templates we use for our most successful clients.
3 If you’d like to work with other experts on our team or learn why we have off the charts team member satisfaction score, then see our Careers page.
4 If you know another marketer who’d enjoy reading this page, share it with them via email, Linkedin, Twitter, or Facebook.

Spotted this on a SaaS homepage headline recently:
"Supercharged software that delivers results"
If this sounds confusing to you, it's because it is. 
"Hyperliquid water. That gets you wet" 
Great! Now why should I buy it? 
Here's the 2 part secret to writing great headlines for SaaS landing pages: 
Be opinionated. Be specific.
1. Be opinionated
So much of B2B SaaS is vanilla. There are so many exciting flavors out there but we so frequently choose the one that's most palatable for the most people
The end result is that it's not particularly attractive to anyone in particular
Wonder why Basecamp have done so well all these years? 
It's not just because they have a good product and were around before a lot of the other players
It's because they've consistently shared their opinions and attracted people who strongly believe the same things that they do
This comes through in everything they do including their homepage headlines
2. Be specific 
The key problem with the headline that I shared at the top of this email is that it doesn't really say anything about what the result is going to be for me if I use the product
The indiscriminate use of 'results' leaves me thinking: OK. But. Like what?!
Why does this matter? 
Because no-one in B2B buying looks at just one product. They're considering multiple products at any one time
If you fail to be specific about the benefits of your product over the other products they're considering, you're leaving yourself open to interpretation
And who's going to do that interpretation? Either your buyer will piece together the narrative themselves or your competitor will do it for them
Neither way is particularly helpful

SaaS Marketing Bites is produced by B2B SaaS marketing agency Powered by Search. It's hosted by Head of Growth Marc Thomas. You can follow @iammarcthomas or Powered By Search CEO Dev Basu @devbasu on Twitter for more updates and marketing insights. 

If you enjoyed this episode, you can do the following things right away: 
1 Claim your Free SaaS Scale Session. If you’d like to work with us to turn your website into your best demo and trial acquisition platform, claim your FREE SaaS Scale Session. One of our growth experts will understand your current demand generation situation, and then suggest practical digital marketing strategies to double your demo and trial traffic and conversion fast.
2 If you’d like to learn the exact demand strategies we use for free, go to our blog or visit our resources section, where you can download guides, calculators, and templates we use for our most successful clients.
3 If you’d like to work with other experts on our team or learn why we have off the charts team member satisfaction score, then see our Careers page.
4 If you know another marketer who’d enjoy reading this page, share it with them via email, Linkedin, Twitter, or Facebook.
