THE BAER TRUTH: Bible study subjects and messages by Daniel Baer

Bible studies, messages, and discussions on biblical, typological, prophetic, and cultural issues with Daniel Baer, pastor of the Gospel Assembly Church in Green, Ohio. The name "Baer Truth" is not intended to infer that this is truth that is relative to one teacher (Daniel Baer), that is just one man's version of the "truth" versus other men's version of the "truth" since real truth cannot be relative, it is absolute. Nor was the name "Baer Truth" chosen to infer that the things taught on this podcast by Daniel Baer (and others involved in discussions) are inerrant truth without any potential need for any clearer or greater truth to be revealed or mined out on some subjects. Rather, the title of this podcast is a play on words intended to communicate that the desire of the teacher (Daniel Baer) is to get to the BARE truth in these teachings and discussions; a truth that is not colored or covered over by tradition or manmade interpretations, and which is what the Bible states clearly and/or infers obviously. Daniel Baer's teaching not only seeks to reveal the BARE truth but to remove all the manmade traditions that have tainted its original meaning and message. More materials, online classes, and audio of sermons, Bible studies, and music can be found
- 제작진Daniel Baer
- 방송 연도2022년 - 2025년
- 에피소드952
- 등급전체 연령 사용가
- 저작권© 2025 THE BAER TRUTH: Bible study subjects and messages by Daniel Baer
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