The Brief: Breaking Down Canada's Immigration System with the Hon. Jason Kenney

AlbertaBETTER 팟캐스트

7 of 10 Canadians believe that Canada's immigration system needs to change, with only 28% of Canadians feeling like the current system is working. So where did we go wrong, and what can we do to get back to setting ourselves apart on the global stage?

You might know him as Former Premier of Alberta, or as the longest serving federal Minister of Immigration. But on this episode of The Brief, we speak with the Hon. Jason Kenney to breakdown Canada's immigration system, identify the opportunities and barriers present within, and outline the role of economic immigrants in Canadian society. 

We also discuss the ideal archetype for incoming Canadians, the connection between immigration, economic growth, and national productivity, and what we need to do to set ourselves apart on the global stage.


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