
Yoga Podcast Ep. 50 :: Theo Wildcroft || Post Lineage Yoga Ashtanga Dispatch Podcast

    • 종교 및 영성

"Hierarchies are easy. That’s why we set them up. But the hierarchies have such a lack of resilience in response to rapid social change. And we're in a situation of rapid social change - in a profession that is seeing rapid changes." - Theo Wildcroft

In today's episode, Dr. Theo Wildcroft talks about the identities and labels we attach to ourselves and our yoga practice and how we all benefit from moving from traditional linear models and towards more inclusive and horizontally organized networks.

The Ashtanga Dispatch podcast is hosted, produced, and edited by me, Peg Mulqueen - along with Meghan Powell. Music is by Marc Pilley

Visit www.ashtangadispatch.com for more about Theo including notes and links from today's show. And thanks for listening!

"Hierarchies are easy. That’s why we set them up. But the hierarchies have such a lack of resilience in response to rapid social change. And we're in a situation of rapid social change - in a profession that is seeing rapid changes." - Theo Wildcroft

In today's episode, Dr. Theo Wildcroft talks about the identities and labels we attach to ourselves and our yoga practice and how we all benefit from moving from traditional linear models and towards more inclusive and horizontally organized networks.

The Ashtanga Dispatch podcast is hosted, produced, and edited by me, Peg Mulqueen - along with Meghan Powell. Music is by Marc Pilley

Visit www.ashtangadispatch.com for more about Theo including notes and links from today's show. And thanks for listening!


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