51 min

Deconstruction and toxic theology.(The process of reconciling with a freeing love of God.‪)‬ In The Waiting

    • Christianity

After my last conversation I started to ask whats next after you get to a point where you relent trying to save yourself from your own sin, when you stop, drop and roll and let go of the mentality of trying to fix yourself and appease God and accept that yes you're flawed and your human. And So I searched and I found by the grace of God and the internet my new friends, I'm featuring here called your favourite heretics and they helped me articulate, discuss and unpack not only why and where the mentality of appeasing God may have rooted from in my walk but also what happens and how most importantly how it affects your relationship with God, and how setting up a bar of expectation for yourself to live accordingly, can lead to a toxic pattern of perpertually disappointing yourself and self-resentement which in turn affects,Coherently your mental and spiritual health. God is God of love, of freedom and his burden is light His yoke is easy, His love is not to confine and punish, nor is it burdensome. And we unpack this through deconstruction and toxic theologies that have imparted the burden of expectation and appeasement.

After my last conversation I started to ask whats next after you get to a point where you relent trying to save yourself from your own sin, when you stop, drop and roll and let go of the mentality of trying to fix yourself and appease God and accept that yes you're flawed and your human. And So I searched and I found by the grace of God and the internet my new friends, I'm featuring here called your favourite heretics and they helped me articulate, discuss and unpack not only why and where the mentality of appeasing God may have rooted from in my walk but also what happens and how most importantly how it affects your relationship with God, and how setting up a bar of expectation for yourself to live accordingly, can lead to a toxic pattern of perpertually disappointing yourself and self-resentement which in turn affects,Coherently your mental and spiritual health. God is God of love, of freedom and his burden is light His yoke is easy, His love is not to confine and punish, nor is it burdensome. And we unpack this through deconstruction and toxic theologies that have imparted the burden of expectation and appeasement.

51 min