98 episodes

Welcome to the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your host Karen Yankovich, LinkedIn expert and CEO of UpLevel Media. This podcast is all about embracing how good you are. Stop being the best kept secret in town and learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies to make the big bucks.

Good Girls Get Rich Podcast Karen Yankovich

    • Business

Welcome to the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your host Karen Yankovich, LinkedIn expert and CEO of UpLevel Media. This podcast is all about embracing how good you are. Stop being the best kept secret in town and learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies to make the big bucks.

    Projector Power: Candy Barone talks Leveraging Your Human Design for Business Success

    Projector Power: Candy Barone talks Leveraging Your Human Design for Business Success

    In this week's episode of the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast, Karen Yankovich sits down with the dynamic Candy Barone, CEO of You Empowered Strong, to explore the transformative power of human design in leadership and business.
    With a rich background in corporate leadership, mechanical engineering, and Six Sigma, Candy brings a unique blend of practical expertise and intuitive insight to the table.
    Together, they delve into the nuances of human design, particularly for projectors, and discuss how understanding and leveraging one's energetic blueprint can lead to more authentic and effective leadership.
    From magnetic marketing strategies to navigating the global energy shifts, this episode is packed with wisdom and actionable advice for anyone looking to elevate their professional journey.
    Tune in to discover how you can harness the energy of visibility and step into your true potential.
    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.
    Episode Highlights:
    Meet Candy Barone We kick things off with Candy’s impressive background. With nearly two decades in corporate, a Mechanical Engineering degree, a Six Sigma Black Belt, and an MBA, she’s a true powerhouse! Candy’s journey from corporate to empowering leaders and using human design is super inspiring. She’s all about aligning personal and professional growth and bringing a heart-centered approach to leadership.
    What is Human Design? So, what exactly is human design? It’s this fascinating system that combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the Chakras to map out our unique energy types. There are five main types – Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. Each one of us fits into one of these categories. I dive into my own journey with human design. I’ve always loved astrology and the mystical stuff, but human design felt especially validating and just clicked with my experiences.
    Challenges for Projectors in Business Projectors, like me, are supposed to wait for invitations, which can be tricky in a business world where you’re expected to go-get-go! Candy shares how projectors can become so magnetic and visible that invitations naturally come their way. It’s about creating a strong personal brand and showcasing your expertise. I chat about the challenge of balancing lead generation with waiting for invitations. Candy’s insights on how projectors can attract the right opportunities without the traditional hustle are game-changing.
    Magnetic Marketing and the Energy of Visibility We talk about how marketing has changed. Techniques like webinars and Facebook ads just don’t cut it anymore. I share my take on using LinkedIn and PR to create a magnetic profile that draws clients in naturally. And guess what? I’ve started a new initiative called the Energy of Visibility to help professionals harness their energy to attract opportunities effortlessly.
    Navigating the Changing Energies Candy talks about the massive global energy shifts happening as we move from the Cross of Planning to the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix. This new cycle emphasizes divine feminine qualities like intuition and individualized success, requiring a fresh approach to leadership.
    Practical Steps for Projectors Candy advises projectors to figure out where they’re feeling depleted and find ways to refill their tanks. It’s all about self-care, setting boundaries, and prioritizing well-being. Projectors, it’s time to get visible and share your truth! Don’t wait for an invite – let your voice be heard on social platforms. Stay aligned and resourceful so you’re ready to grab the right opportunities when they come your way.
    The Future of Leadership and Business Candy emphasizes the need to adapt to these new energies with leadership styles that prioritize well-being and alignment. We discuss how crucial it is for lightworkers and healers t

    • 56 min
    Joanne Bolt on the Power of Podcasting for Female Entrepreneurs

    Joanne Bolt on the Power of Podcasting for Female Entrepreneurs

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Joanne Bolt discuss podcasting for women thought leaders.
    CEO+Founder of Podcast(H)er and host of The B-Word Podcast

    Your slightly snarky, southern girl who ran a $56 million dollar producing Real Estate team, then took that knowledge and started amplifying women's voices and their businesses via podcasts.

    Host of The B-Word Podcast, a top 1.5% globablly ranked business podcast.  Joanne has interviewed entrepreneur goddesses like Lindsaey Schwartz, Allie Casaza, and Natalie Ellis
    Graduated from The University of Georgia with a 4.0 in both marketing and Management of Information Systems. Number nerd at heart
    Founder of Podcast(H)er, the place for ambitious women to grow a podcast from a part of their business, to being the business.
    Founder of the Podcast(H)er Network-where micropodcasters grow and monetize.
    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

    About the Episode: Welcome to another exciting episode of the Good Girls Get Rich podcast. I'm your host, Karen Yankovich, and today, we've got a powerhouse guest with us – Joanne Bolt, the CEO and founder of Podcast Her and the host of The B Word podcast. Joanne is here to spill all the juicy details about her journey from real estate agent to top podcaster and how she's amplifying women's voices through podcasting. Trust me; you don't want to miss this one!
    Episode Highlights: Meet Joanne Bolt Joanne Bolt is not just a podcaster; she's a trailblazer! From running a $56 million real estate team to founding Podcast Her, Joanne's journey is a testament to the power of pivoting and finding your true passion. She started in real estate, moved into coaching, and finally found her calling in podcasting. Joanne's story is an inspiration for anyone looking to transition and find their voice in a new field.
    The Power of Podcasting Joanne and I dive deep into why podcasting is such a powerful tool for building a thought leader brand. Joanne shares her insights on how podcasting helped her transition from real estate to becoming a top-ranked podcaster. We discuss the importance of creating content that resonates with your audience and how podcasting can build genuine connections with potential clients.
    Starting Your Podcast Journey Are you thinking about starting a podcast? Joanne's got some golden nuggets for you! She emphasizes that your first few episodes might not be perfect, and that's okay. The key is to start and be consistent. Joanne shares her 'embrace the suck' mantra, encouraging new podcasters to get their content out there and refine it over time.
    Monetizing Your Podcast Joanne breaks down her unique 'affiliate non-affiliate strategy' for monetizing podcasts. Instead of waiting for sponsors, Joanne suggests leveraging affiliate links for products you love and use. This approach not only brings in revenue but also keeps your content genuine and valuable to your listeners.
    Building a Community Joanne's mission with Podcast Her is to create a network where female podcasters can thrive. She talks about the importance of visibility and strategy in growing your podcast and business. Joanne's upcoming launch of the Podcast Her Network and The Studio is designed to support podcasters at every stage, helping them build and monetize their shows.
    Consistency is Key One of the biggest takeaways from our chat is the importance of consistency. Whether it's podcasting or any other content creation, showing up regularly helps build trust and authority. Joanne shares her tips on integrating your podcast into your overall business strategy, ensuring your content aligns with your brand and goals.
    Joanne's Vision for 2024 and Beyond Joanne's plans for 2024 are nothing short of ambitious! From launching a network to rolling out

    • 38 min
    Navigating 2024 Market Changes: The Power of a Strong Personal Brand

    Navigating 2024 Market Changes: The Power of a Strong Personal Brand

    Hello, hello, and welcome to the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast! I’m Karen Yankovich, your host, and today we’re diving into a topic I’m incredibly passionate about: the transformative power of investing in your personal brand, especially in a market that’s changing faster than ever.
    Embracing the Shift in Marketing Trends Let’s face it, the marketing world has flipped on its head! What used to work like a charm is now old news. Those low-ticket funnels? They’re just not cutting it anymore. But here’s the thing: while we may not always know what the market is changing to, there’s one thing we can always count on – the value of our personal brand.
    Your Personal Brand is Your Anchor Amidst all the chaos and uncertainty, your personal brand is your anchor. It’s the one constant you can rely on to navigate through these turbulent times. When you invest in your personal brand, you’re not just securing your present; you’re paving the way for future success, no matter what the market throws your way.
    Building Credibility Through Your Personal Brand Your personal brand is your most valuable asset. It’s not just about what you do, but who you are and what you stand for. By enhancing your LinkedIn profile and showcasing your journey, achievements, and values, you can significantly boost your credibility. This makes you more attractive to potential clients and employers who are looking for authenticity and reliability.
    Aligning Your Brand with Your Values In today’s world, visibility comes with responsibility. It’s crucial to align your brand with your core values and be transparent about them. People want to know who they’re doing business with, and sharing your values builds trust and deepens your connection with your audience.
    Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Let’s talk about imposter syndrome. It’s real, and it’s something we all face, no matter how successful we are. But here’s the deal: recognize it, manage it, and don’t let it hold you back. Push through those feelings of doubt and step into your power. Your personal brand will only get stronger as you do.
    Networking and PR: Elevating Your Personal Brand Networking and public relations are key to elevating your personal brand. Building meaningful connections and leveraging PR opportunities can propel your visibility and credibility to new heights. It’s about creating deeper, more personal connections that resonate with your audience.
    Actionable Steps to Strengthen Your Personal Brand Invest in Your Personal Brand: Start by enhancing your LinkedIn profile to reflect your journey, achievements, and values. Create and Share Content: Regularly share content that showcases your expertise and resonates with your audience. Build Meaningful Connections: Focus on developing deep, authentic relationships rather than just expanding your network. Leverage PR Opportunities: Use media appearances to boost your credibility and increase your visibility. Face and Manage Imposter Syndrome: Acknowledge it but don’t let it hold you back. Use it as a motivator to push your limits. Connect with Me LinkedIn: Karen Yankovich Website: KarenYankovich.com Book a Call: KarenYankovich.com/call Let’s Engage! I’d love for you to share this episode on social media and tag me to get featured. Leave a review and let me know what you thought of this episode using the hashtag #GoodGirlsGetRich. And don’t forget to leave me a message on SpeakPipe – I love hearing from you!
    Quote of the Episode "The market is always changing, but what you can always count on is the investment you make in your personal brand."
    Next Steps Join my free training sessions and masterminds to dive deeper into building your personal brand. Connect with me on LinkedIn and join the conversation about personal branding and professional growth.
    Final Thoughts Thank you so much for tuning in to my Jersey rant today. Remember, now is the time to invest in yourself. Show up in a b

    • 30 min
    Summer McStravick - Unlocking Your Inner Energy for Success

    Summer McStravick - Unlocking Your Inner Energy for Success

    Welcome to the Latest Episode of "Good Girls Get Rich": Unleashing Your Inner Power with Summer McStravick

    Episode Description
    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this show, Karen Yankovich shares how to overcome imposter syndrome, shatter the limits, and increase your revenue.
    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.

    Meet Summer McStravick: Innovator of Flow Dreaming
    In today's podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with Summer McStravick, the mind behind the transformative technique known as Flow Dreaming. Summer brings a fresh perspective on how aligning your energy with your career ambitions can lead to profound transformations in both your personal and professional life.
    What’s Flow Dreaming All About?
    Flow Dreaming isn’t just a practice—it’s a way of life. Summer describes it as using guided daydreams to manifest your true desires, not just in your career but in every facet of your life. It’s about harnessing the positive energy that flows through you to achieve your goals effortlessly.
    Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
    A significant portion of our conversation revolved around a common adversary many women face: imposter syndrome. Summer introduced us to a brilliant exercise called the "hot brag," which is designed to bolster self-confidence and help women own their professional narratives confidently.
    Key Moments You Can’t Miss:
    The Role of Energy in Success
    Summer dives deep into how subtle shifts in your energy can open doors you never realized were there. It’s not just about what you do but how you feel about what you’re doing that counts. Mindset Matters
    Changing your mindset is pivotal when aiming for higher professional achievements. Summer shared insights on aligning your ambition with your energy, ensuring your mindset isn't holding you back. Practical Tips for Real-World Success
    From LinkedIn strategies to personal branding, we discussed practical steps you can take today to elevate your influence and step confidently into your next chapter. Why This Episode Is a Must-Listen:
    If you’ve ever felt stuck or found yourself wondering why your hard work isn’t paying off as expected, this episode is for you. Summer’s approach to Flow Dreaming offers a new toolkit for those ready to transform their approach to personal and professional success.
    Where to Find More About Summer McStravick:
    Check out her website for resources on Flow Dreaming, and don’t forget to look into her latest book, "Stuff Nobody Taught You," which delves deeper into these life-changing techniques.
    Final Thoughts:
    Today’s discussion with Summer McStravick reminds us that the path to success is as much about the energy we project as the actions we take. As we explore new ways to align our intentions with our goals, remember that the journey is as significant as the destination.

    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    Summer McStravick on Manifesting and Setting Goals: "The biggest problem of manifesting is that most people manifest way too little; they manifest to the next step, or they shoot so high."​
    Discussing Emotional and Energetic Realignments: "It's like making a promise, a commitment, a handshake with my future."​
    On Energy and Ambitions: "Your energy doesn't always match your ambitions. I can teach you strategy all day long, but if we don't address that, it's so much harder and more work for you."​​
    Summer on Personal Growth and Energy: "Everything around me is a perfect mirror of what I'm making inside me. If I want a ton of money to flood in, that's happening here first."​​
    On Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: "The toughest exercise you could possibly do is making them go to the front of the room and brag about themselves for five minutes."​

    • 53 min
    Amber McCue Talks How to Clone Yourself and Multiply Your Business Results

    Amber McCue Talks How to Clone Yourself and Multiply Your Business Results

    Episode Description
    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich shares how to overcome imposter syndrome, shatter the limits, and increase your revenue.
    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.
    About the Episode:

    Hi everyone! Karen here with your shownotes from my recent conversation with Amber McCue on the Good Girls Get Rich podcast.
    Key Takeaways:
    Amber has run multiple businesses while living all over the world, from Ethiopia to Chicago to Cote d'Ivoire to California, thanks to her husband's job in the Foreign Service. She's an expert at designing businesses to run from anywhere. The landscape of online business and marketing is rapidly changing. We have to carve out time to re-evaluate how we're connecting with customers and adapt. What worked before may not work now. As CEOs and business owners, we need to focus less on high-volume productivity and more on vision, strategy and creativity. Having systems, team and structure in place gives you that space. Amber teaches the "how to clone yourself" methodology - finding someone to offset your strengths/weaknesses and multiply your efforts so you're not doing everything yourself. It's about streamlining your engine. There's been a shift in online education from long pre-recorded video courses to more interactive, consultative experiences that give real-time support. People need customized help fast when issues come up. As an entrepreneur, surround yourself with advisors so you have people to turn to when you make mistakes. Learn from it, pivot and find a new strategy. Failure is just a stepping stone. Amber has some exciting events coming up - a free Modern CEO training and her annual Plan-a-thon strategic planning event in the fall. Check the shownotes for details! My top insight was how important it is to be adaptable right now. Be willing to let go of old ways of doing things and stay tapped into how your market is evolving. Get support and keep that bigger picture in mind as a leader.
    Let me know your biggest aha moment! And be sure to connect with Amber at ambermccue.com. Talk to you next week!

    Show Notes and Video:
    View the show notes Watch the episode  
    Magical Quotes from the Episode:
    "If you don't have time, if you're just producing all the time, on an old way of connecting with clients, on an old way of doing things, man, we're gonna get left behind." - Amber McCue "You've got to be able to connect with your clients where they are showing up, right?" - Amber McCue "I would rather pay for help than pay for mistakes." - Karen Yankovich "Referrals are happening on LinkedIn. So that's one of the reasons why. And really, I work really hard to help tailor what we do to make it as timeless marketing as possible." - Karen Yankovich "As we change, you know, there's we can pivot and I'm here for that, Amber's here for that. So reach out to either of us. We got you." - Karen Yankovich "We are taught to be great employees, right? We'll crank it out, productivity. I'm gonna have a mindset of like me coming up early in my career and like, I can get a lot done... So we're taught to produce, but when we step into that CEO level, role and owner role and to really get the freedom, you got to stop the high levels of productivity, and you've got to shift how you get productivity and think about the future." "The idea of cloning yourself is so fun. It's that feeling that man, I wish I had a clone, I wish there was someone who could help with this, I wish I can multiply my efforts, multiply my results."  
    Resources Mentioned In This Episode: Where you can find Amber McCue: Website LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Sign up for the She’s LinkedUp Masterclass Join my free Facebook Group if you have any questions about today’s episode  

    • 39 min
    Goodbye Resume, Hello Thought Leadership: Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

    Goodbye Resume, Hello Thought Leadership: Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich discusses the mindset and strategy that you need on LinkedIn.
    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.
    About the Episode:
    Hey everybody, Karen Yankovich here with show notes for episode 278 of the Good Girls Get Rich podcast. Today, we're diving into how to use your LinkedIn profile to set yourself apart as a TRUE authority in your field. It's time to ditch the typical resume-focused energy and instead create a profile that positions you powerfully as the thought leader you're meant to be.
    Here's the deal - if you want to attract more influence, impact and income in your next chapter, you've got to own your expertise on LinkedIn. It starts with these key areas:
    Your Headline
    This is your billboard to the world! Tell us who you are, who you help, and the remarkable results you create. Infuse it with the keywords you want to be known for as an authority. Push past the discomfort and really claim your genius here. You're a leader, not a follower. Your "About" Section
    Forget the boring professional bio. You have a story that's made you the expert you are today - tell it here in an engaging way! Give us your unique perspective and hard-won wisdom. Paint the picture of how you're changing the game in your industry. Sprinkle in those power keywords that help the right people find you. cap it off with a clear call to take the next step with you - you're the authority, lead the way. Your Experience Section
    LinkedIn isn't just a resume repository. Use this section to highlight the experiences that have shaped you into the thought leader you are now. Get creative and selective - align past roles with the authority brand you're building today. Tell the stories that showcase how you've been honing your craft and carving out your Special place in your field. Keywords are your friend
    When people are searching for an expert like you on LinkedIn, what words are they using? Think like your ideal client. Work those words in naturally throughout your profile to boost your magnetism. Check out other authorities in your space for inspiration, but don't copy - use it to differentiate yourself. Use your Featured section strategically
    This is precious real estate to guide people deeper into your world as an authority. Choose 2-3 power-packed features, like a glowing client testimonial, signature talk, or your latest book. Think of it as your exclusive club - what will make people feel lucky to be invited in by an authority like you? Remember, an authority isn't built in a day, but it can start with optimizing your LinkedIn profile to fully own your expertise. And if you want to put your thought leadership on warp speed, I'm here to help - we write magnetic authority-building profiles FOR you in our She's Linked Up Accelerator program, plus hook you up with other done-for-you brand assets to get you out there in a bigger way. Reach out and let's explore what it looks like for you.
    You've got this, and I'm in your corner. Be sure to check the show notes for this episode at karenyankovich.com/278 for more goodies. And if you implement what we covered today, tag me on LinkedIn and let me know - I'd love to celebrate your authority-boosting moves!
    Here's to your next-level thought leader brand - the world is waiting for your genius.
    Magical Quotes from the Episode:
    "If you want to attract more influence, impact and income in your next chapter, you've got to own your expertise on LinkedIn." - Karen Yankovich "Push past the discomfort and really claim your genius here. You're a leader, not a follower." - Karen Yankovich "Forget the boring professional bio. You have a story that's made you the expert you are today - tell it here in an engaging way!" - Karen Yankovich "LinkedIn

    • 26 min

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