95 episodes

I've been on No PMO for 8 years. I share my No Fap experiences to help others on their journey

He Is Hero — Be version 2.0 of yourself Roman Mironov: Porn Detox Coach

    • Education

I've been on No PMO for 8 years. I share my No Fap experiences to help others on their journey

    How to Combat FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) on NoFap | Podcast Ep 88

    How to Combat FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) on NoFap | Podcast Ep 88

    Heal your brain from porn in 30 days with my Free Porn Detox Course: https://romanmironov.com/free
    I know how bad you feel after watching p**n. It makes you feel weak, depressed, lonely, and worthless.
    Most people try to cure it by playing video games or watching TV but it just makes you more bored and leads to watching more porn.
    Wake up❗STOP the vicious cycle now.
    Take my Free Porn Detox Course to heal from porn and feel motivated for success now.
    ►►► GET THE COURSE NOW: https://romanmironov.com/free
    FOMO, or the fear of missing out, can be a challenging emotion to deal with when you're practicing NoFap. However, there are several strategies you can employ to combat FOMO and stay committed to your NoFap journey. Here are some suggestions:
    Set clear goals: Establish clear goals and reasons for undertaking NoFap. Remind yourself of the benefits you hope to achieve, such as improved self-control, increased self-confidence, better relationships, and personal growth. Having a strong sense of purpose can help you stay focused and resist the temptation to give in to FOMO.
    Educate yourself: Learn about the harmful effects of excessive pornography consumption and the benefits of abstaining from it. Understand the science behind addiction and the positive changes that occur in your brain and body when you engage in NoFap. This knowledge can reinforce your commitment and make it easier to combat FOMO.
    Create a support system: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who are also practicing NoFap or have similar goals. Join online communities or support groups where you can share your experiences, seek advice, and receive encouragement. Having a support system can help you feel connected and less alone, reducing the impact of FOMO.
    Practice self-care: Engage in activities that promote your overall well-being and distract you from FOMO. Focus on hobbies, exercise regularly, meditate, read books, or pursue personal development. By nurturing yourself and filling your time with meaningful activities, you'll have less space for FOMO to creep in.
    Limit exposure to triggers: Identify the triggers that lead to feelings of FOMO and actively limit your exposure to them. This might include avoiding certain websites, social media platforms, or specific environments that make you vulnerable to relapse or feelings of missing out. Create a healthier digital and physical environment that supports your NoFap journey.
    Practice gratitude and mindfulness: Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the present moment and the progress you've made on your NoFap journey. Practice mindfulness to stay fully engaged in the present rather than constantly seeking external validation or stimulation. This can help reduce feelings of FOMO by fostering contentment and appreciation for what you have.
    Celebrate milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate your milestones along the NoFap journey. Whether it's a week, a month, or longer, take the time to acknowledge your progress and reward yourself appropriately. This positive reinforcement can boost your motivation and counteract any feelings of missing out.
    🧠How Long Does It Take for a Brain to Heal from Pornography: https://youtu.be/z2oepsyvE-s
    🤔No PMO Depression after Week One (And Easy-to-Use Tools for Coping with It): https://youtu.be/H-mLIQXRbpQ
    🏃How Long to Rewire Brain from Porn Addiction: https://youtu.be/yT1ECk8ZQIw
    I help people reclaim their life and actualize their potential by going porn-free. Sick of relapsing ❓Fight with me. Stop relapsing. 💀 Start living. 💪
    ✔Website: https://romanmironov.com/
    ✔Patreon: https://patreon.com/HeIsHe

    • 34 min
    My Secret Ways to Fight the Urge to Watch Pornography (Podcast #87)

    My Secret Ways to Fight the Urge to Watch Pornography (Podcast #87)

    My Secret Ways to Fight the Urge to Watch Pornography (Podcast #87)
    Heal your brain from porn in 30 days with my Free Porn Detox Course: https://romanmironov.com/free
    I know how bad you feel after watching p**n. It makes you feel weak, depressed, lonely, and worthless.
    Most people try to cure it by playing video games or watching TV but it just makes you more bored and leads to watching more porn.
    Wake up❗STOP the vicious cycle now.
    Take my Free Porn Detox Course to heal from porn and feel motivated for success now.
    ►►► GET THE COURSE NOW: https://romanmironov.com/free
    0:00 Quit PMO and Become a Beast
    3:50 Three Most Popular Ways to Fight Urges
    7:45 Drink Coffee to Resist a Strong Urge
    11:34 Take Glycine to Reduce Cravings
    15:16 Have a Meal to Fight Off Tough Urges
    21:30 Sleep to Make a PMO Urge Go Away
    25:40 Recap: Use These Methods to Avoid Relapsing
    28:20 Overcome Porn Addiction to Start Your Heroic Transformation
    Fighting the urge to watch pornography can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can employ to help overcome those urges. Here are some secret ways to help you in this process:
    Identify triggers: Pay attention to the triggers that lead you to want to watch pornography. Common triggers include stress, boredom, loneliness, or specific environmental cues. Once you identify these triggers, you can develop strategies to avoid or address them proactively.
    Replace the habit: Instead of giving in to the urge to watch pornography, find healthier alternatives to occupy your mind and time. Engage in activities that you enjoy, such as exercise, hobbies, reading, or spending time with friends. By redirecting your focus and energy, you can reduce the temptation to turn to pornography.
    Create a support network: Surround yourself with supportive individuals who understand and respect your goals. Join online communities or support groups dedicated to overcoming pornography addiction. Sharing your struggles, progress, and successes with others can provide motivation and accountability.
    Practice mindfulness and self-awareness: Develop mindfulness techniques to observe and acknowledge your thoughts and urges without judgment. Mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing, meditation, or journaling, can help you become more self-aware and better equipped to manage cravings and impulses.
    Change your environment: Make adjustments to your physical environment to minimize exposure to pornography. Block explicit content on your devices, install website blockers or content filters, and remove any triggers or reminders that could tempt you. Creating a porn-free environment can make it easier to resist the urge to watch.
    Seek professional help: If you find it challenging to overcome the urge to watch pornography on your own, consider reaching out to a therapist or counselor who specializes in addiction or sexual health. They can provide guidance, support, and specific strategies tailored to your situation.
    🧠How Long Does It Take for a Brain to Heal from Pornography: https://youtu.be/z2oepsyvE-s
    🤔No PMO Depression after Week One (And Easy-to-Use Tools for Coping with It): https://youtu.be/H-mLIQXRbpQ
    🏃How Long to Rewire Brain from Porn Addiction: https://youtu.be/yT1ECk8ZQIw
    I help people reclaim their life and actualize their potential by going porn-free. Sick of relapsing ❓Fight with me. Stop relapsing. 💀 Start living. 💪
    ✔Website: https://romanmironov.com/
    ✔Patreon: https://patreon.com/HeIsHero
    ✔Ask me a question directly by email: roman@romanmironov.com 
    ✔YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HeIsHero
    ✔Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/be20

    • 31 min
    Unlock the Benefits of No PMO: A Guide to Heroic Transformation (Podcast Ep 86)

    Unlock the Benefits of No PMO: A Guide to Heroic Transformation (Podcast Ep 86)

    Heal your brain from porn addiction in 30 days with my Free Porn Detox Course: https://romanmironov.com/free
    I know how bad you feel after watching p**n. It makes you feel weak, depressed, lonely, and worthless.
    Most people try to cure it by playing video games or watching TV but it just makes you more bored and leads to watching more porn.
    Wake up❗STOP the vicious cycle now.
    Take my Free Porn Detox Course to heal from porn and feel motivated for success now.
    ►►► GET THE COURSE NOW: https://romanmironov.com/free
    I am Porn Detox Coach Roman Mironov. This is my weekly live podcast.
    1️⃣Ask any questions in the chat for immediate answers:
    How do you find no fapping motivation❔
    Is NoFap worth trying❓
    Can I jerk off without porn ❔
    How do I quit masturbation for good❓
    Where do I get No PMO help ❔
    How do I stop consuming Internet porn compulsively ❔
    How do I fight strong urges in the morning or at night ❓
    Why do I feel depressed after quitting porn or excessive fapping ❔
    How can I cope a NoFap flatline ❔
    How do I start a porn detox ❓
    What's your favorite No PMO motivation ❔
    What are some benefits of no fapping ❔
    What kind of a no fapping challenge can I do❓
    Will I get more confident by quitting fapping ❔
    How to cure erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation ❔
    I keep relapsing. Any advice ❔
    2️⃣I will answer PMO questions followers asked this week.
    3️⃣I will go deep into the topic of healing your brain.
    4️⃣Please like to help others learn about it and join.
    5️⃣Please tell us what your current no fapping streak is.
    ✔Begins Sunday 1 p.m. Eastern Time
    ✔YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/@HeIsHero
    ✔Check out also the recorded podcast episode I release during the week.
    🧠How Long Does It Take for a Brain to Heal from Pornography: https://youtu.be/z2oepsyvE-s
    🤔No PMO Depression after Week One (And Easy-to-Use Tools for Coping with It): https://youtu.be/H-mLIQXRbpQ
    🏃How Long to Rewire Brain from Porn Addiction: https://youtu.be/yT1ECk8ZQIw
    I help people reclaim their life and actualize their potential by going porn-free. Sick of relapsing ❓Fight with me. Stop relapsing. 💀 Start living. 💪
    ✔Website: https://romanmironov.com/
    ✔Patreon: https://patreon.com/HeIsHero
    ✔Ask me a question directly by email: roman@romanmironov.com 
    ✔YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HeIsHero
    ✔Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/be20ofyourself/
    ✔TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@be20ofyourself
    ✔Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/heishero/
    ✔Telegram: https://t./me/HeIsHeroNow
    ✔Discord: https://discord.gg/vxsF4yvPSV
    ✔WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BNgIJpKvKPWKQ6jNd8ooUD
    ✔Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HeIsHeroNow/
    ✔Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/he-is-hero-be-version-2-0-of-yourself/id1471890536
    #noejaculation #nonut #nopmo

    • 1 hr 3 min
    Porn Killed Love in My Marriage: How Could I Be So Naive ❔(Podcast #85)

    Porn Killed Love in My Marriage: How Could I Be So Naive ❔(Podcast #85)

    Heal your brain from porn in 30 days with my Free Porn Detox Course: https://romanmironov.com/free
    I know how bad you feel after watching p**n. It makes you feel weak, depressed, lonely, and worthless.
    Most people try to cure it by playing video games or watching TV but it just makes you more bored and leads to watching more porn.
    Wake up❗STOP the vicious cycle now.
    Take my Free Porn Detox Course to heal from porn and feel motivated for success now.
    ►►► GET THE COURSE NOW: https://romanmironov.com/free
    Here are some ways in which pornography may potentially influence a marriage:
    Unrealistic expectations: Pornography often portrays exaggerated and unrealistic scenarios, body types, and sexual acts. This can create unrealistic expectations about sex and intimacy within a marriage. If one or both partners rely heavily on porn for sexual gratification, it may lead to dissatisfaction or disappointment in real-life sexual experiences with their spouse.
    Communication and trust: Pornography use can affect communication and trust within a marriage. If one partner feels uncomfortable or threatened by their spouse's porn use, it may lead to a breakdown in trust or difficulties in open and honest communication about sexual needs, desires, and boundaries.
    Emotional connection: Pornography primarily focuses on sexual arousal and physical pleasure, which can potentially divert attention away from emotional intimacy and connection within a marriage. If pornography use becomes a substitute for emotional connection or if one partner is emotionally detached due to excessive porn consumption, it can strain the emotional bond between spouses.
    Comparison and insecurity: Frequent exposure to idealized and unrealistic images in pornography can lead to feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and body image issues. Comparing oneself or one's partner to the performers in porn can create negative self-perception and may contribute to relationship dissatisfaction or reduced self-esteem.
    Addiction and compulsive behavior: In some cases, individuals may develop an addiction or compulsive behavior related to pornography. This can lead to neglect of marital responsibilities, decreased sexual desire or performance, and overall relationship distress.
    🧠How Long Does It Take for a Brain to Heal from Pornography: https://youtu.be/z2oepsyvE-s
    🤔No PMO Depression after Week One (And Easy-to-Use Tools for Coping with It): https://youtu.be/H-mLIQXRbpQ
    🏃How Long to Rewire Brain from Porn Addiction: https://youtu.be/yT1ECk8ZQIw
    I help people reclaim their life and actualize their potential by going porn-free. Sick of relapsing ❓Fight with me. Stop relapsing. 💀 Start living. 💪
    ✔Website: https://romanmironov.com/
    ✔Patreon: https://patreon.com/HeIsHero
    ✔Ask me a question directly by email: roman@romanmironov.com 
    ✔YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HeIsHero
    ✔Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/be20ofyourself/
    ✔TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@be20ofyourself
    ✔Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/heishero/
    ✔Telegram: https://t./me/HeIsHeroNow
    ✔Discord: https://discord.gg/vxsF4yvPSV
    ✔WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BNgIJpKvKPWKQ6jNd8ooUD
    ✔Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HeIsHero/
    ✔Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/he-is-hero-be-version-2-0-of-yourself/id1471890536
    #nofapsuccess #conserveyourseed #noedging

    • 36 min
    Chances Are You Are Fighting PMO Urges Ineffectively (Podcast Ep 84)

    Chances Are You Are Fighting PMO Urges Ineffectively (Podcast Ep 84)

    Heal your brain from porn addiction in 30 days with my Free Porn Detox Course: https://romanmironov.com/free
    I know how bad you feel after watching p**n. It makes you feel weak, depressed, lonely, and worthless.
    Most people try to cure it by playing video games or watching TV but it just makes you more bored and leads to watching more porn.
    Wake up❗STOP the vicious cycle now.
    Take my Free Porn Detox Course to heal from porn and feel motivated for success now.
    ►►► GET THE COURSE NOW: https://romanmironov.com/free
    I am Porn Detox Coach Roman Mironov. This is my weekly live podcast.
    1️⃣Ask any questions in the chat for immediate answers:
    How do you find no fapping motivation❔
    Is NoFap worth trying❓
    Can I jerk off without porn ❔
    How do I quit masturbation for good❓
    Where do I get No PMO help ❔
    How do I stop consuming Internet porn compulsively ❔
    How do I fight strong urges in the morning or at night ❓
    Why do I feel depressed after quitting porn or excessive fapping ❔
    How can I cope a NoFap flatline ❔
    How do I start a porn detox ❓
    What's your favorite No PMO motivation ❔
    What are some benefits of no fapping ❔
    What kind of a no fapping challenge can I do❓
    Will I get more confident by quitting fapping ❔
    How to cure erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation ❔
    I keep relapsing. Any advice ❔
    2️⃣I will answer PMO questions followers asked this week.
    3️⃣I will go deep into the topic of healing your brain.
    4️⃣Please like to help others learn about it and join.
    5️⃣Please tell us what your current no fapping streak is.
    ✔Begins Sunday 1 p.m. Eastern Time
    ✔YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/@HeIsHero
    ✔Check out also the recorded podcast episode I release during the week.
    🧠How Long Does It Take for a Brain to Heal from Pornography: https://youtu.be/z2oepsyvE-s
    🤔No PMO Depression after Week One (And Easy-to-Use Tools for Coping with It): https://youtu.be/H-mLIQXRbpQ
    🏃How Long to Rewire Brain from Porn Addiction: https://youtu.be/yT1ECk8ZQIw
    I help people reclaim their life and actualize their potential by going porn-free. Sick of relapsing ❓Fight with me. Stop relapsing. 💀 Start living. 💪
    ✔Website: https://romanmironov.com/
    ✔Patreon: https://patreon.com/HeIsHero
    ✔Ask me a question directly by email: roman@romanmironov.com 
    ✔YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HeIsHero
    ✔Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/be20ofyourself/
    ✔TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@be20ofyourself
    ✔Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/heishero/
    ✔Telegram: https://t./me/HeIsHeroNow
    ✔Discord: https://discord.gg/vxsF4yvPSV
    ✔WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BNgIJpKvKPWKQ6jNd8ooUD
    ✔Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HeIsHeroNow/
    ✔Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/he-is-hero-be-version-2-0-of-yourself/id1471890536
    #nomasturbation #nonut #nopmo #pornaddictionrecovery

    • 1 hr 6 min
    Porn: How It Messes With Your Sleep (He Is Hero Podcast 83)

    Porn: How It Messes With Your Sleep (He Is Hero Podcast 83)

    Heal your brain from porn in 30 days with my Free Porn Detox Course: https://romanmironov.com/free
    I know how bad you feel after watching p**n. It makes you feel weak, depressed, lonely, and worthless.
    Most people try to cure it by playing video games or watching TV but it just makes you more bored and leads to watching more porn.
    Wake up❗STOP the vicious cycle now.
    Take my Free Porn Detox Course to heal from porn and feel motivated for success now.
    ►►► GET THE COURSE NOW: https://romanmironov.com/free

    Excessive consumption of pornography can potentially interfere with healthy sleep patterns in several ways:
    Increased arousal: Pornography often triggers sexual arousal and can lead to heightened physiological and psychological arousal. This heightened state can make it difficult to relax and fall asleep, especially if the sexual content is particularly stimulating or explicit.
    Disrupted sleep schedule: Engaging in pornography use late at night or into the early hours of the morning can disrupt your regular sleep schedule. Staying up late to consume pornography can lead to insufficient sleep, causing daytime fatigue and decreased cognitive functioning.
    Hyperarousal and insomnia: The intense and stimulating nature of pornography can activate the brain's reward system, leading to increased alertness and difficulty winding down for sleep. This hyperarousal state can contribute to insomnia or difficulties in falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night.
    Sleep quality and disturbances: Consuming pornography close to bedtime can negatively impact sleep quality. Sexual content can evoke emotional and psychological responses that may lead to vivid dreams, nightmares, or increased awakenings during the night, disrupting the overall quality of sleep.
    Addiction and compulsive behaviors: For individuals who struggle with pornography addiction or compulsive sexual behaviors, the preoccupation and cravings associated with these issues can interfere with sleep. The strong desire to consume pornography or engage in sexual activities can lead to late-night use, sacrificing sleep in the process.
    🧠How Long Does It Take for a Brain to Heal from Pornography: https://youtu.be/z2oepsyvE-s
    🤔No PMO Depression after Week One (And Easy-to-Use Tools for Coping with It): https://youtu.be/H-mLIQXRbpQ
    🏃How Long to Rewire Brain from Porn Addiction: https://youtu.be/yT1ECk8ZQIw
    I help people reclaim their life and actualize their potential by going porn-free. Sick of relapsing ❓Fight with me. Stop relapsing. 💀 Start living. 💪
    ✔Website: https://romanmironov.com/
    ✔Patreon: https://patreon.com/HeIsHero
    ✔Ask me a question directly by email: roman@romanmironov.com 
    ✔YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HeIsHero
    ✔Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/be20ofyourself/
    ✔TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@be20ofyourself
    ✔Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/heishero/
    ✔Telegram: https://t./me/HeIsHeroNow
    ✔Discord: https://discord.gg/vxsF4yvPSV
    ✔WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BNgIJpKvKPWKQ6jNd8ooUD
    ✔Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HeIsHero/
    ✔Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/he-is-hero-be-version-2-0-of-yourself/id1471890536
    #nofapwarrior #nofappers #nofapbenefits

    • 29 min

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