89 episodes

Tune in and get real-world tactics for building your online business today. This podcast focuses on affiliate SEO, building and selling content sites, authority sites, niche sites, dropship sites and even lead generation websites. If you're interested in the laptop lifestyle then you are in the right place because that's exactly what we've built ourselves!

Brought to you by the Human Proof Designs (HPD) team, this podcast walks you through the lessons we've learned monetizing sites, increasing their revenue and operations, dealing with new algorithm updates, and the mindset necessary to build a successful online business. Our lessons have helped hundreds of others just like yourself, so tune in today and start building your online empire today!

Building Online Empires Podcast HumanProofDesigns.com

    • Business

Tune in and get real-world tactics for building your online business today. This podcast focuses on affiliate SEO, building and selling content sites, authority sites, niche sites, dropship sites and even lead generation websites. If you're interested in the laptop lifestyle then you are in the right place because that's exactly what we've built ourselves!

Brought to you by the Human Proof Designs (HPD) team, this podcast walks you through the lessons we've learned monetizing sites, increasing their revenue and operations, dealing with new algorithm updates, and the mindset necessary to build a successful online business. Our lessons have helped hundreds of others just like yourself, so tune in today and start building your online empire today!

    7 Easy and Cheap SEO Tricks to Better Rankings

    7 Easy and Cheap SEO Tricks to Better Rankings

    Frustrated with good articles that aren't ranking well? 

    It could be simple changes or techniques to deploy to get huge improvements in your rankings!  In this episode, we discuss 7 SEO tips you can employ today that are easy, cheap, and have big impact.

    Links and Resources Mentioned

    Lumen5Videos – Human Proof Designs


    Bryon Brewer: Hello everyone! And welcome to another edition of Building Online Empires podcast. So today we're going to be covering a topic of seven easy and cheap SEO tricks you can do to get your site rankings improving. We get a lot of customers who ask us, do I need to add more content? Maybe I already have 100,000 words, 200,000 words or more do I need to do back link building yet?

    But there's a lot of things you can do. That are relatively quick and can have a huge impact on the rankings of your site. So let's get started and talk about those.

    [00:00:44] Use Emoticons in Page Titles

    Bryon Brewer: So the first one maybe not as common, but is definitely something that Google supports is using emojis in your page titles.

    These page titles are what appear in the Google search, right? And Google does support these they will be displayed in the search results. Only if they're relevant though. Google doesn't always show the emojicons or the emoticons. Sometimes they do get filtered out, especially if they're not really relevant to your content, if they look spammy or out of place. But in some articles that may make sense to, to really catch someone's attention and increase your click-through rates. I'll give you an example here. Let me share my screen. And show you. This is from one of the sites I run, you can see I'm ranked number two for discover the best multi Chrome nail Polish of 2020.

    And I have the heart emoji icon right there on the search results. So you can see that actually grabs people at attention. This article is ranking number two and only has 400 words within this article. And part of it is because it does have a very good click through rate. And part of that, I attribute to using the emoji within the title.

    So this could be a good strategy used for some of your articles. The way you do this, let me just share. A couple of ways to handle this. Number one is if you go to the, and I'll put this in the show notes, the URL DubDubDub www.amp-what.com at that website, you can find all the different icons that are available, and then there is an HTML code for each emoticon that you want to use.

    And you'll just paste that into your title. So let me show you. How I do that on my site. So we'll go back over here to one of my posts. Now, this site I'm using rank math. So if you're using rank math or Yoast you do have a separate section where you can put an optimized SEO title.

    • 22 min
    Recovering a Neglected Site with Charles Joyner

    Recovering a Neglected Site with Charles Joyner

    Have a site you were going to grow, but haven't done anything with it in months — or maybe years? It can be recovered!  

    Charles Joyner joins us this week with a great case study on recovering a neglected site his brother purchased for $27,000 — and then it sat for many months without attention until all the revenues and traffic were gone.  Charles has recovered this site and is now earning $4,000+ per month with over 60,000 pageviews monthly!

    A neglected site can be a goldmine — Google likes to rank content and URLs that have history — it can be easier to rank an aged site than starting from scratch.

    Learn how he did it — and what you can do to recover a neglected site you have.

    Links and Resources Mentioned

    LinkMoneyKGR Keyword Packs – Human Proof Designs


    Bryon Brewer: All right. Welcome everyone to the Building Online Empires podcast. Today, we are joined by Charles Joyner, who Charles is actually just a few miles away from me here outside of Dallas, Texas. And so we're gonna go through a little bit of his background and understand what he's been doing and a little bit about a growth he's taken a site, basically from scratch to almost 60,000 page views a month in a period of a year. So it'll be interesting to hear a little bit about how he's done that and what he's learned on the way. So welcome Charles.

    Charles Joyner: Hello, Bryon.

    Bryon Brewer: Good to see you again. So before we get into kind of what you've been working on and, and how you've had this, this success, tell us a little bit about your background and in, in how you got started into online business.

    Charles Joyner: Yeah. So My background is in software and I've been doing it for years. And about 2018, my brother had bought a site and he was telling me, you know, Amazon affiliate marketing, Amazon really it's big. It's, it's huge. Right. And at the time I was working on different project I came from the video game background that I made apps and then I'm an application data and I'm focused on that. And he bought the site. I think it was generated about $800 a month. We paid about 27,000 for it. And so he got it and he tells me about it and then it just sat there. And so I just sat and sat and sat and pretty much lost all the traffic and all its revenue.

    And he would tell me he needs to do something with it. And I would listen, you know but I wasn't really that interested. And then about January, February, 2020, when COVID hit it my business has already started to slow down a little bit. Right. So not gets foresee, y'all know this is some dunes coming here.

    I looked at it again and I said, okay, you know what, maybe we can do that. So I would say At that point, I began to look at it and I didn't know anything about it.

    • 38 min
    The Squiggly Career – Podcast

    The Squiggly Career – Podcast

    Agility and non-linear career paths are key to success in today's world!  Hear some tips on navigating your way through your career — whether it be as an entrepreneur, corporate job, or a mixture of both of these at different times through your career.

    Overview – The Squiggly Career

    [00:00:00] The Squiggly Career [00:26:38] SEO Weekly Tip – KGR Keywords

    Links and Resources Mentioned

    Amazon Book – The Squiggly CareerKGR Keyword Packs – Human Proof Designs


    Bryon Brewer: Hello and welcome! I am Bryon Brewer in today's podcast we're going to be covering a topic I read a book about recently called The Squiggly Career and a very timely as most of you know nowadays careers aren't so linear. They are increasingly becoming squiggly. You know, the typical staying with just one organization, thru retirement, being rewarded with a gold watch and a generous pension just rarely exist anymore. So today that's what we're going to be talking about and learning a little bit about how to navigate your way through this environment really kind of solo entrepreneurs who jump around between different careers jobs either for companies or for themselves.

    The book is actually available on Amazon. I have the Kindle version here. You can see it is a $10 a book and it's from Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis. And lots of good tips here that we'll talk about. So a couple of stats here -throughout our lifetimes most of us are going to spend an average of 90,000 hours working.

    So what we do and how we spend that time is important. As mentioned, careers are not so linear anymore. They've become increasingly squiggly lots of different twists and turns as you go through that path of your career. One thing though, that this does give us is it gives us a lot of freedom to decide what we're going do and how we're going to spend that time.

    Used to careers would progress really through internal corporate structures and through various promotions you would get at your company. That's increasingly outdated. We see people are more dedicated to specific skills and roles within a company and not necessarily moving up or down and the average tenure at a company continues to drop.

    So compared to previous generations, we have a lot more freedom to decide how our careers play out and what we want to do. According to a study from the management consulting firm, McKinsey and company as many as 375 million people will have to change their careers in the next 10 years. You know,

    • 34 min
    Podcast: Persistence in Online Business — an Interview with Blair Quane of EmilyAndBlair.com

    Podcast: Persistence in Online Business — an Interview with Blair Quane of EmilyAndBlair.com

    From a failed investment with the Income Store, to successful online Amazon FBA and affiliates sites, we'll hear about the importance of persistence – especially when trying to have success with online business! Blair Quane has many years of experience in business — both failures and successes. We'll also cover this week's SEO tip — placement of keywords in your blog articles and pages.

    Overview – Persistence in Online Business

    [00:00:00] Introduction [00:00:51] Interview with Blair Quane [00:29:43] SEO Weekly Tip – Keyword Placement

    Links and Resources Mentioned



    [00:00:00] Introduction

    Bryon Brewer: Welcome. I'm Bryon Brewer. Welcome to the Building Online Empires podcast. Today we have a guest joining us with many years of experience operating online businesses from Amazon FBA to affiliate sites. So Blair Quane from the site emilyAndBlair.com will be giving us some great tips. And what I think are some important lessons. Being persistent, even when every venture you take on isn't necessarily a successful. And then we'll be covering this week's SEO tip on keyword placement. So where should I be putting my targeted or primary keywords in my articles for the best SEO value. So let's get started.

    [00:00:51] Interview with Blair Quane

    Bryon Brewer: All right. I want to introduce everyone to a Blair Quane. Blair is a long time customer of Human Proof Designs and has many years of experience in online business. And so we thought we'd bring him on today. Kind of let him give us a little bit rundown of some of his background, his experience, what he's been doing.

    And then he does have a new venture emilyAndBlair.com that we want to talk about understand what it's about, what it does. So why, why is he's launched that venture? So welcome Blair.

    Blair Quane: Thanks, Bryon. Good to be on.

    Bryon Brewer: Good. So so yeah, so, you know, Blair, you've been working with human print designs for quite some time now.

    And one thing I've always been impressed with you is the different ideas you come up with online businesses. And so what can you give us a little background of when you got involved with online business and why you started that?

    Blair Quane: Yeah. Well I think my sort of the thing that I was doing before online was had a manufacturing business and you know, with staff, you know, we had 14, 15 staff and anyone that's done anything to do with manufacturing knows how stressful it can be trying to produce something physical.

    And so went through that for about three years. Went through a bit of illness and decided that, that, you know, needed some significant life changes. So I was looking around, I really liked doing stuff online.

    • 35 min
    Podcast: Aged Domains, Video Content, and More…

    Podcast: Aged Domains, Video Content, and More…

    Aged Domains can help you rank and grow niche websites faster than ever! However, you must do your research and avoid pitfalls that could harm your ability to rank. In this video, we'll help you understand what aged domains are, how to find them, and the important metrics to look at.


    [00:01:10] What is an Aged Domain [00:03:26] Why use an Aged Domain [00:06:45] How to use an Aged Domain [00:09:18] What to Watch Out For [00:12:33] Important Metrics When Buying an Aged Domain [00:20:25] Tools to Find an Aged Domain [00:21:56] Case Studies [00:33:26] Weekly SEO Tip – Video Content

    Links and Resources Mentioned

    Fast Website Growth with Aged Domains – Blog articleHuman Proof Designs Aged Domains Site Packages


    Bryon Brewer: I'm Bryon Brewer. And today we are going to be covering age domains, what they are, why they're important, why you think you should think about using one to grow your website fast. We'll also cover this week's SEO tip and featured service for helping to grow your website.

    You can find all the links and materials for this podcast on our website at humanproofdesigns.com. So let's go ahead and get started. So our agenda for today is really around what is an aged domain we'll discuss what they are, why you might want to use one, why other folks are using age domains.

    We'll look at how to use it , some possible uses. And then some of the most important aspects we're going to look at today is really around what to watch out for. And what are the important metrics you should be looking at when buying an aged domain? I will also look at some of the tools for helping you find aged domains to use with your sites.

    And then we'll also look at a couple of case studies.

    [00:01:10] What is an Aged Domain

    Bryon Brewer: So let's first get started with what an aged domain is. So anytime a domain owner fails to pay the renewal fee to their registrar, then the domains eventually going to expire. So that's what we mean by an aged domain or expire domain. Most of these have very little value, probably 150,000 or more domains expire every day.

    And most of these have no value at all. Some are going to have some significant SEO value though, and that's what we're looking for with an aged or expire domain. If you can find an aged domain with a good quality backlink profile.

    • 37 min
    Which Business Model Is RIGHT For Your Situation? [Episode #85]

    Which Business Model Is RIGHT For Your Situation? [Episode #85]

    We're going to go over 4 different online business models today that we know very well. The first is services, content sites, eCommerce and local lead generation. Let's figure out which one speaks to the life and business you want to build!

    • 28 min

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