53 min

Cancer Survivor Shows How Kindness Heals Kindness Moves

    • Documentary

Cancer Survivor Shows How Kindness Heals

Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman: It's always better to look forward to better things than to dwell on what you can't control. Right? You just have to keep trying to get to the next level and push through it, pray about it. What we're going through right now, it's not easy. Before the pandemic, whatever we were going through, it's not easy. It's not easy. One rule of thumb that one of my nurses told me is you can stay in bed one day, if you don't feel like getting out of bed one day, but that's it. After that, you have to keep getting out of bed.

LP Riturban: Whether you're hoping to heal the world or heal yourself, this podcast is here for you to highlight how kindness moves.

Nan Zapanta: Moves you to take action yourself or just makes you feel something so good, it's contagious. You might have been touched by a simple act of kindness, you might want tips on how you connect now in your community or you just love the feeling of doing good.

LP Riturban: Welcome back everyone to Kindness Moves, a new podcast brought to you by the INC Giving Project. We're your hosts LP and Nan.

Nan Zapanta: So today we want to bring into our conversation how to keep positive and in turn exude positivity in our daily life. You know, when circumstances around you are maybe really tough and it's pushing you in that other direction to be negative or, or just not see things in a positive light, how we can really turn towards positivity.

LP Riturban:  So yes Nan, what we're going to do to start off our conversation actually today is just ask our listeners, wherever you are to pause, ok. And think about the last time you were faced with a tough situation. It could be, you know, with your family, individually, maybe even in a really dire situation where you could barely see what tomorrow looked like. Now imagine that moment, the way you felt. Now replay your reaction to the things around you, the things people said, the things that happened the next day or that week, you know, did you still act with love? Do you still show compassion to those around you? Or did your reactions dictate otherwise? Did your reactions to what was happening still shine a light of positivity? That's what we're going to discuss today.

Nan Zapanta: Right, and those are really great points to reflect on right? The moments of adversity, and that's what we’ll reflect on today. How we can really keep a perspective of positivity no matter what life throws at us.

LP Riturban: Yes, and to talk with us about it today, we introduce our guest from New Jersey. She is a professional in the legal services industry. She's also a host and correspondent and a producer of INC Radio programming. Most of all, she's also had her own share of life-changing experiences that she's turned into motivation to do good every chance she gets and you know, just be that light. So let's welcome Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman also known as Cat. Hello. 

Nan Zapanta: Hi Cat.

Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman: Hi, everyone. Hi, Nan and LP. So excited to be here with you guys. 

Nan Zapanta: So are we. 

Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman: What an introduction like, is that, is that my entire resume?

Nan Zapanta: What is that my LinkedIn? Is that my LinkedIn?

Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman: Right? Wait, I really need to add some stuff. 

LP Riturban: It’s like our drum roll. So here we have today.

Nan Zapanta:  Well, we're so excited to have you here with us. It's been a conversation that we've been looking forward to, especially with that introduction, right? And we've, we'd really love to give our listeners a chance to hear you and give you a chance to introduce yourself.

Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman: Hi. As LP said, I am Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman.

Cancer Survivor Shows How Kindness Heals

Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman: It's always better to look forward to better things than to dwell on what you can't control. Right? You just have to keep trying to get to the next level and push through it, pray about it. What we're going through right now, it's not easy. Before the pandemic, whatever we were going through, it's not easy. It's not easy. One rule of thumb that one of my nurses told me is you can stay in bed one day, if you don't feel like getting out of bed one day, but that's it. After that, you have to keep getting out of bed.

LP Riturban: Whether you're hoping to heal the world or heal yourself, this podcast is here for you to highlight how kindness moves.

Nan Zapanta: Moves you to take action yourself or just makes you feel something so good, it's contagious. You might have been touched by a simple act of kindness, you might want tips on how you connect now in your community or you just love the feeling of doing good.

LP Riturban: Welcome back everyone to Kindness Moves, a new podcast brought to you by the INC Giving Project. We're your hosts LP and Nan.

Nan Zapanta: So today we want to bring into our conversation how to keep positive and in turn exude positivity in our daily life. You know, when circumstances around you are maybe really tough and it's pushing you in that other direction to be negative or, or just not see things in a positive light, how we can really turn towards positivity.

LP Riturban:  So yes Nan, what we're going to do to start off our conversation actually today is just ask our listeners, wherever you are to pause, ok. And think about the last time you were faced with a tough situation. It could be, you know, with your family, individually, maybe even in a really dire situation where you could barely see what tomorrow looked like. Now imagine that moment, the way you felt. Now replay your reaction to the things around you, the things people said, the things that happened the next day or that week, you know, did you still act with love? Do you still show compassion to those around you? Or did your reactions dictate otherwise? Did your reactions to what was happening still shine a light of positivity? That's what we're going to discuss today.

Nan Zapanta: Right, and those are really great points to reflect on right? The moments of adversity, and that's what we’ll reflect on today. How we can really keep a perspective of positivity no matter what life throws at us.

LP Riturban: Yes, and to talk with us about it today, we introduce our guest from New Jersey. She is a professional in the legal services industry. She's also a host and correspondent and a producer of INC Radio programming. Most of all, she's also had her own share of life-changing experiences that she's turned into motivation to do good every chance she gets and you know, just be that light. So let's welcome Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman also known as Cat. Hello. 

Nan Zapanta: Hi Cat.

Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman: Hi, everyone. Hi, Nan and LP. So excited to be here with you guys. 

Nan Zapanta: So are we. 

Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman: What an introduction like, is that, is that my entire resume?

Nan Zapanta: What is that my LinkedIn? Is that my LinkedIn?

Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman: Right? Wait, I really need to add some stuff. 

LP Riturban: It’s like our drum roll. So here we have today.

Nan Zapanta:  Well, we're so excited to have you here with us. It's been a conversation that we've been looking forward to, especially with that introduction, right? And we've, we'd really love to give our listeners a chance to hear you and give you a chance to introduce yourself.

Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman: Hi. As LP said, I am Cathleya Fajardo- Deguzman.

53 min