40 min

Did God Really Say...- "God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle" w/Clint Dupin, 5.12.2024 Eastown Church

    • Christianity

As we continue our series, "Did God Say...", we're tackling one of those phrases that often finds its way into our conversations during challenging seasons, "God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle."This saying may be well-intentioned, but oftentimes it proves to be more harmful than helpful. It can dismiss the real pain and problems we are facing, suggesting that if things become too overwhelming, it's somehow a failure on our part. It can also imply that each of us should be able to han...

As we continue our series, "Did God Say...", we're tackling one of those phrases that often finds its way into our conversations during challenging seasons, "God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle."This saying may be well-intentioned, but oftentimes it proves to be more harmful than helpful. It can dismiss the real pain and problems we are facing, suggesting that if things become too overwhelming, it's somehow a failure on our part. It can also imply that each of us should be able to han...

40 min